CRI exam 1 - notes PDF

Title CRI exam 1 - notes
Course Policing: Systems And Practice
Institution Swinburne Online
Pages 15
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Exam 1 Centralization Degree to which decision-making authority is restricted to higher levels of management in an organization.

Colonization The expansion of countries into other countries where they establish settlements and control the people

Indigenous Resistance The theories, methods, and actions of indigenous peoples against colonization and towards cultural revitalization, Native-minded justice, and decolonization •Indigenous existence is indigenous resistance• "Survivance" (Vizenor) Indigenous resistance, "indigeneity", and settler colonialism

police power the authority of each State to act to protect and promote the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of its people

Police Training Residential and non-residential academies, centralized and decentralized training Physical and academic instruction, as well as socialization into the police occupation Operational field training: Hands-on application of principles learned in the academy Mentorship from senior officer

Robert Peel was responsible for the?

modern conceptualisation of the police force, wrongful conviction of an innocent man,

or Federal Model of Australian Policing modern conceptualisation of the police force

The advantages afforded to police officers in the early twentieth century included all of the following; a pension scheme. strong occupational solidarity. good health provision.

The police officers in the early twentieth century didn't have a .................. style of discipline? a military style of discipline.

The Australian policing system reflects systems that emerged in Both the USA and Britian

The 'Big Five' factors of personality refer to: openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism.

The 'added value' of higher education to policing can be examined in terms of all of the following professionalism. accountability. legitimacy.

The 'added value' of higher education to policing will not include added: intelligence.

According to White and Escobar (2008), the biggest issue police recruiters are facing is difficulty attracting female and minority applicants, and few qualifies applicants

______________________ is nothing more than the complex set of learned and shared beliefs, customs, skills, habits, traditions and knowledge common to members of a police organisation.

Police culture

The police subculture contains the following characteristics self-differentiation, isolation and solidarity.

According to Prenzler, the typology of ______________________ includes workplace deviance, unbecoming conduct off duty, and excessive force. police corruption and misconduct

__________________________ have become a standard tool of integrity diagnositcs. These surveys ask about attitudes to ethical issues and willingness to report breaches. Ethical climate surveys

The Standard Model of Policing DOESN'T incorporate Proactive policing

The Standard Model of Policing incorporates all of the following principles: Increased police numbers Random patrol Rapid response to calls for service

Which of the policing strategies suggests that police effectiveness is heavily related to engaging in a number of structural and cultural organisational changes such as decentralisation, less assignment of officers, and a change from reactive to proactive policing? community policing

The following strategy broadens the scope of policing to a wider set of problems, shifting focus to the underlying causes of crime and disorder problems, and encouraging unique and innovative solutions to problems: Problem-oriented policing

______________ elicit extra cues in the narrative, whereas _______________ use a shallow memory process.

open questions; specific questions

The following reflects the sequence of steps in the Cognitive Interview. introduction; open-ended narrative; probing; review; closing

The ______________________ developed the structured protocol that guides interviewers through all phases of the investigative interview, illustrating free-recall prompts and techniques to maximise the amount of information elicited from free-recall memory. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

In Australia, people detained by police are most likely to present with a history of a(n): substance use disorder

The _______________ tactic refers to techniques that increase a suspect's anxiety in remaining deceptive whereas the ______________ tactic refers to techniques that decrease the costs of confessing. maximisation; minimisation

All of the following are examples of types of false confessions Coerced-internalised Coerced-compliant Voluntary

What is not an example of a types of false confession Coerced-honest

An analysis by the Innocence Project revealed that ________ of the first 225 DNA exoneration cases contained false confessions. nearly one-quarter

Culture is defined by the subdivisions .....

a) Physical and non-physical

b) native and non-native c) material and non-material d) none of the above c) material and non-material

The police subculture is shaped by a sense of Self-Differentiation. The parent culture is viewed in terms of us vs them (the hostile public). Thus, it's important for the police to remain:

a) secretive, supportive of each other and united b) supportive of each other, united and hostile c) secretive, supportive of each other and indifferent d) indifferent, secretive and hostile a) secretive, supportive of each other and united

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the police subculture?

a) Isolation b) Solidarity c) Self-differentiation d) Hostility d) Hostility

The police subculture shares aspects with the parent culture (formal bureaucratic culture) in all of the following ways except...

a) Safety b) Mortality c) Competency d) Lawlessness e) Adventure / Machismo d) Lawlessness

According to Van Maanen (1973) the process of police socialization can be divided into four stages:

a) separation, introduction, encounter, metamorphosis. b) choice, introduction, encounter, and changes. c) choice, introduction, encounter, metamorphosis d) choice, change, encounter, metamorphosis c) choice, introduction, encounter, metamorphosis

Which of the following would someone with a conflict theorists view have on police subculture?

a) focus on the mechanisms that promote copycat learning b) interpret the governing rules and regulations c) focus on the negative aspects create a greater divide between 'us and them' d) none of the above c) focus on the negative aspects create a greater divide between 'us and them'

Which of the following would someone with the sociological functionalist view have on police subculture?

a) focus on the mechanisms that promote copycat learning b) interpret the governing rules and regulations c) focus on the negative aspects create a greater divide between 'us and them' d) none of the above b) interpret the governing rules and regulations

Which of the following would someone with the sociological Interactionist view have on police subculture?

a) focus on the mechanisms that promote copycat learning b) interpret the governing rules and regulations c) focus on the negative aspects create a greater divide between 'us and them' d) none of the above

a) focus on the mechanisms that promote copycat learning

Which of the following is NOT one of the 5 ways Michael Bachelard and Farrah Tomazin (2011) suggest to fix the Victorian Police force?

a) Upgrade the computer system b) Go back to basics to change the police culture c) Introduce more multicultural recruits d) De-politicize the rank of Chief Commissioner e) Set-up and appoint an anti-corruption inspector f) Establish an independent crime stats bureau c) Introduce more multicultural recruits

Which of the following is not listed on the Police Force Code of Ethics?

a) protect life and property b) preserve the peace c) prevent offences d) detect and apprehend offenders e) help those in need of assistance f) They are all included f) They are all included

Above all else Police officers should _________________

a) protect the welfare of the public b) protect each other c) do no harm d) seek out criminal activity c) do no harm

What are possible motives for police corruption

a) profit b) vigilante justice c) ability to exercise authority over others d) all of the above d) all of the above

the US has setup many commissions to investigate corruption. What did they conclude were the causes of police misconduct and brutality?

a) inadequate accountability system b) poor recruitment and training standards c) poor relationship between police & community d) All of the above d) All of the above

Many experts on policing agree that the single greatest obstacle to achieving accountability for police behavior is __________________________.

a) the police administration b) pending law suits c) the police subculture d) none of the above c) the police subculture

With regard to promoting accountability among police officers a possible solution is ___________________________

a) undercover subculture police b) civilian watch system c) higher education for recruits

d) transformation of the subculture from self-protective to self-policing d) transformation of the subculture from self-protective to self-policing

Which of the following is NOT an indicator symptomatic of a problem officer?

a) resistance to attend an incident b) performance problems c) inability to get along with other officers d) a high number of citizen complaints c) inability to get along with other officers

Adherence to a code of ethics and standards of conduct ___________________________________________ when officers are held accountable for their actions.

a) is enhanced b) is worse c) remains unchanged d) none of the above a) is enhanced

Regarding progressive disciplinary action if an officer has already received a written reprimand what is the next course of action?

a) Verbal warning documented b) Suspension c) Demotion d) Termination b) Suspension

Regarding progressive disciplinary action if an officer has already received a documented verbal warning what is the next course of action?

a) Suspension b) Demotion c) Written reprimand d) Termination c) Written reprimand

Regarding progressive disciplinary action if an officer has already received a demotion what is the next course of action?

a) Verbal warning b) Written reprimand c) Suspension d) Termination d) Termination

The purpose of the Police Officers Bill of Rights is

a) to ensure correct conduct from officers b) to enforce the code of ethics c) to protect police officers d) to enhance public relations c) to protect police officers

The police role is summarised as _______________________________

a) crime prevention, law enforcement, maintain order, help old ladies to cross the street b) crime prevention, sentence criminals, maintain order, provide emergency assistance. c) law enforcement, maintain order, provide emergency assistance, public relations d) crime prevention, law enforcement, maintain order, provide emergency assistance. e) All of the above

d) crime prevention, law enforcement, maintain order, provide emergency assistance.

Why are police referred to as "the gatekeepers of the criminal justice system"

a) because they collect gates b) because most prosecutions arise from their activities c) because they make discretionary decisions d) because they are first on the scene b) because most prosecutions arise from their activities

Which of the following is not a list of powers police may have that are above ordinary citizens?

a) the authority to install a listening device or conduct a search b) the capacity to hold people without charge for limited periods and "move-on" powers c) authority to arrest on suspicion and to demand a person's name and address d) authority to arrest on suspicion and to seize any item for any reason d) authority to arrest on suspicion and to seize any item for any reason

What role did the enlightenment philosophers play in the justification of a political force?

a) They were ensuring the word of God and thus sinners would be brought to justice b) They created the 'social contract theory" c) They were descendants of the Greek Gods d) The created the 'social peace treaty' b) They created the 'social contract theory"

What key principle of ethical policing are designed to stop politicization?

a) constabulary dependence & power separation b) constabulary independence & separation of powers c) division of labor & constabulary dependence

d) constabulary independence & division of labor b) constabulary independence & separation of powers

What is a division of labor designed to prevent one person or group from holding a monopoly of power in the criminal justice system?

a) constabulary independence b) evidence testing in court c) separation of powers d) constabulary independence c) separation of powers

The freedom of police to enforce the law as they feel is appropriate, without directions from authority is __________

a) evidence testing in court b) separation of powers c) constabulary independence d) constabulary dependence c) constabulary independence

Ethics is more likened to the __________________ rather than the _______________

a) Spirit of the law, letter of the law b) Letter of the law, spirit of the law c) code of the law, spirit of the law d) spirit of the law, code of the law a) Spirit of the law, letter of the law

Suggested core principles that should direct and constrain police decisions are known as

a) the Letter of the Law and the Spirit of the Law

b) the Law Enforcement Code of conduct and the United Nations Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials c) Both a & b d) None of the above b) the Law Enforcement Code of conduct and the United Nations Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials

The core principle codes should be more than a __________________ , it should reflect a ______________________

a) set of ideals / set of standards b) set of standards / a set of ideals c) disciplinary system / set of ideals d) set of ideals / disciplinary system a) set of ideals / set of standards

It is recommended the core principles should a) - be part of the day-to-day operations b) - be comprehensive c) - be enforceable d) - all of the above e) - none of the above d) - all of the above

It is recommended the core principles should include which of the following?

a) separation of powers, gratuities, the use of discretion b) management of demonstrations, hot pursuit policies c) All of the above d) None of the above c) All of the above

Which discretionary problems are suggested to reduce the legitimacy of police?

a) Bias b) Discrimination c) Favouritism d) all of the above e) none of the above d) all of the above

When police are tempted to use illegal or ethically questionable means to obtain justice, which is elaborated in the IACP code. Article 4, "Utilization of Proper Means to Gain Proper Ends," it is commonly known as?

a) Formalist Ethics b) Noble Cause Corruption c) The Dirty Harry Syndrome d) answers a & b e) answers b & c f) all the above e) answers b & c

One particularly valuable aspect of the UN code is that it explicitly directs all agencies involved in any sort of policing

a) to refrain from interrogating suspects b) to use torture to punish suspects d) to abstain from any interrogation of suspects d) to abstain from any torture ...

An Australian survey found that ____________ what percentage of Australian officers were willing to ignore a serious traffic violation in favor of persons who had provided gratuities?

a) 29% b) 62% c) 57% d) 75% c) 57%

What are 2 internationally recognised codes of ethical decision making relating to police misconduct and integrity and elaborate on key universal standards.

a) International Chief of Police Association (ICPA) b) UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials c) International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) d) Both a & b e) Both a & c f) Both b & c g) All of the above h) None of the above f) Both b & c

There is no foolproof way to guard against police misconduct however, there a number of measures in place that can help. Which of the following is not an accountability measure used to ensure integrity of the police system?

a) Defendant surveys b) Free press / Media c) Social Media d) Citizen complaints e) Police surveys f) Public surveys c) Social Media...

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