Critcal thinking - Grade: A PDF

Title Critcal thinking - Grade: A
Course Principles of Marketing
Institution Ryerson University
Pages 2
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critical thinking essay born to fly...


The first paragraph should explain your prescriptive premise. Your prescriptive paragraph should end with a sentence that looks like this “Therefore, to be ethical I will [insert appropriate ethical rule.” If you are doing utilitarianism your sentence will be “Therefore, to be ethical I will maximize happiness for all concerned.” If you are doing deontology your sentence will be “Therefore to be ethical I will always (or never) (take some broad action. e.g. lie, steal, harm another person, work to make my community better, etc) If you are doing virtue your last sentence will be “Therefore I will always do what (the name of the person who is your ethical role model) would do.” If you are doing rights-based ethics your last sentence will be “Therefore to be ethical I will recognize (some set of stakeholders) right to (a right that YOU can grant). If you are doing justice ethics your last sentence will be “Therefore to be ethical I will always act fairly.” Every sentence that proceeds your prescriptive conclusion should help to explain why the rule you have chosen is a path to an ethical decision. Why is maximizing happiness ethical? (Utilitarianism) Why is this rule ethical? (deontological) Why does this person deserve to be considered worthy of being an ethical role model? (virtue) Why is granting this person or people this right an ethical act? (Rights-based) Why is being fair ethical? And is fairness measured by distributive justice, procedural justice, or both (Justice) The next paragraph will explain your descriptive premise. This paragraph should end with your descriptive premise: “Therefore in order to (ethical rule established in your prescriptive premise) I will (take some specific action). Since the ethical question concerns the application of the Youth Venture Capital Loan program, it is very likely that the action that will be ethical in your essay will be to either apply and take the loan, if granted, or to not apply for the loan. I do not wish to create a false dilemma for you. If you can create a third option other than applying or not applying for the loan, you are free to employ that option. I do not see a third option, but that does not mean that a third option does not exist. If you have followed these instructions, your conclusion will be the easiest paragraph to write. It will have 3 sentences. The first sentence will be an exact duplicate of your prescriptive premise from the first paragraph. The second sentence will be an exact duplicate of your descriptive premise from the second paragraph. Then the third sentence will link the goal of being ethical to the specific action in the descriptive premise. “Therefore to be ethical, I will (specific action from the descriptive premise)” Please note that “Therefore” is a conclusion indicator word. It is appropriate to use it before your prescriptive and descriptive premises in the first and

second paragraph because in those paragraphs it is the conclusion of that thought. However in the final paragraph, you are using these as premises for your final conclusion, so prefacing the prescriptive premise and descriptive premise in the last paragraph with “Therefore” would be inappropriate. At your discretion, you can use premise indicator words to preface your prescriptive and descriptive premises in the last paragraphs. Finally, please remember that you are the person making and taking responsibility for this decision....

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