Nutrition Essay - Grade: A PDF

Title Nutrition Essay - Grade: A
Course Lifespan HC Del I
Institution Tarleton State University
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nutrition essay...




Nutrition Project Brooke E. Rogers Tarleton State University

[SHORTENED TITLE UP TO 50 CHARACTERS] 2 Nutrition Project Hypertension Hypertension is a condition known as chronic high blood pressure. This can be caused by factors such as smoking, diabetes, sedentary lifestyles, aging, poor diet, and more. The main focus of this paper, however, is the poor diet factor. With a poor diet, such as one high in fat or salt, this can cause plaque buildup in the arteries. This means that there is a smaller amount of room for the blood to flow through, and as a result, the body tries to compensate for the decreased space by increasing the blood pressure in attempt to pump the blood faster and more forcefully to continue perfusing the body tissues efficiently The more clogged the blood vessels become, the harder the body works to compensate and the higher the blood pressure becomes. Diet Hypertension can be managed and may even improve with adequate nutrition and diet regimen. A heart-healthy diet regarding hypertension should include one that is low in sodium and salts, and rich in nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. One diet in particular that is specific to this condition is known as the DASH diet. This acronym stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. This diet includes things such as grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, lean meats, poultry, fish, nuts and seeds, legumes, as well as limited fats, oils, sweets, and alcohol/caffeine intake. Below is a chart of foods that fit into the DASH diet that can help lower blood pressure and begin to get hypertension under control. (Mayo, 2019). GRAINS (whole)



DAIRY (low fat)

Bread Cereal Rice pasta

Tomatoes Carrots Broccoli Sweet potatoes greens

Apples Pears Sugar free canned fruits Fresh/frozen **citrus fruits and juices can interact with certain medications

milk yogurt cheese

MEAT/ POULTRY/ FISH Eggs Salmon Tuna Lean meats

NUTS/ SEEDS/ LEGUMES Almonds Sunflower seeds Kidney beans Peas lentils

FATS/OILS (limited) 1t soft margarine Mayonnaise Salad dressing

[SHORTENED TITLE UP TO 50 CHARACTERS] 3 Adherence Tips Following a strict, heart healthy diet can be difficult at times, because it’s common for the average person to gravitate towards foods that they want to eat instead of what they should eat, whether they be nutritional or not. Ways that can help a person stay on track with a healthy diet can include, but are not limited to, making a weekly meal calendar, meal-prepping, having a support system commit to eating the same foods and hold the person accountable, log their foods each day, etc. It’s important for a person to follow a heart-healthy diet, especially when they have problems that put them at risk for worsening diseases, such as hypertension, because it can progress to something much worse, even as bad as heart failure.


Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2019, May 8). How to make the DASH diet work for you. Mayo Clinic.

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