Critical Thinking Assignment13-3 PDF

Title Critical Thinking Assignment13-3
Author Dallas Rosenthal
Course Applications in Information Security
Institution State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota
Pages 2
File Size 46.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Critical Thinking Assignment...


Cr i t i c alThi nki ng133:Compar ePor tSc anne r s Us et heI nt e r ne tt ol oc a t et hr e epor ts c a nne ra ppl i c a t i onst ha ty ouc a ndo wn l oa dt oy ourc omput e r .I ns t a l la ndr une a c ha ppl i c a t i o na nde x a mi n et h er e s ul t s .Ba s e do ny ours t ud y ,wh a ta r et he s t r e n gt h sa ndwe a kne s s e so fe a c hs c a nne r ?Whi c hs c a nne rwo ul dy our e c omme nd?Wh y ? Wi t hAdvancedPor tScanner ,y oucanscanhundr edsofI Paddr es sessi mul t aneous l yathi ghspeed.Thes of t war escanspor t sofnet wor kc omput er sandfindsany openwel l knownTCPpor t s,aswel last hei rcomput ernamesandMACaddr es ses.Not onl yt hat ,i tal s oal l owsy out or emot es hut downorwak esupanyPCsf oundont henet wor k . Adv ancedPor tScanneri smygot ot oolwhenev erIneedt or unt ofindanyopenpor t s onapar t i cul arcomput er .I twor ksonWi ndowsf r om XPupt oWi ndows7and8. 1,bot h 32bi tand64bi t .Thedownl oadedsof t war epackagec omeswi t hbot hi nst al l at i onand por t abl ev er si ons .I fy ouwantj ustt or uni twi t houti ns t al l i ngi tony ourcomput er ,s i mpl y choos ePor t abl eaf t erl aunchi ngt het ool . Por t Scan&St uffi saf r eepor t abl enet wor kscanni ngt ool t hati dent i fiesal lact i v e devi cesony ournet wor k,showi ngal lopenpor t sandaddi t i onal i nf or mat i onl i k ehost name,MACaddr es s,HTTP,SMB,FTP,i SCSI ,SMTPandSNMPser vi ces.Foral ar ge net wor k,i tus esupt o100t hr eadst ospeedupt heper f or mance. Onet hi ngIfindi squi t eus ef ul i si t sFi l t erf eat ur et hatnar r owsdownt hescanni ngr esul t basedonmyowncr i t er i a.Forex ampl e,Icaneas i l yt ype3389i nt hefi l t erboxt ofindout al ldev i cest hathav eRemot eDeskt opPr ot ocolt ur nedont hatIcanr emot el yl ogi nwi t houtt hepr obl em. Asi t snamest at es,i tal s ocandoqui t eaf ewot hers t ufft oo,suchassear chi ngf ordevi cesev eni fy oudon’ tknowt hei rI Paddr es s,Pi ngi ngdev i ceswi t h3st andar ds i z ed Pi ngpack et si n3di ffer entt y peofpi ngs ,orspeedt es t i ngy ouri nt er netconnect i onby downl oadi ngandupl oadi ngdat at ovar i ouss er v er s . Mi TeC’ sNet wor kScanneri saf r eemul t i t hr eadedI CMP,Por t ,I P,Net BI OS,Act i v eDi r ect or yandSNMPscannerwi t hmanyadv ancedf eat ur es.I ti si nt endedf orbot h s y st em admi ni st r at or sandgener aluser swhoar ei nt er es t edi ncomput ersecur i t y .The pr ogr am per f or mspi ngs weep,scansf oropenedTCPandUDPpor t s ,r esour ceshar es andser vi ces. Fordevi ceswi t hSNMPcapabi l i t y ,avai l abl ei nt er f acesar edet ect edandbasi cpr oper t i es di spl ay ed.I naddi t i on,y ouhav et oedi tr esul t s,sav e/ l oadr es ul t st o/ f r om CSVandpr i nt net wor kdev i cel i standanydat ai nanysect i oncanbeexpor t edt oCSV.I tcanal sor esol v ehostnamesandaut odet ecty ourl ocalI Pr ange. Mi TeC’ sNet wor kScannerwor ksonpr et t ymuchal lWi ndowspl at f or msi ncl udi ngser v er v er si ons .I t ’ sf r eef orbot hper sonalandcommer c i alus e. Per sonal l y ,Il i k eAdvancedPor tScannerandwi l lpr obabl yk eepi tasmypr i mar ygot ot ool .Ial sol i k ewhatIseei nPor t Scan&St uff,especi al l yt hefil t erf eat ur e t hatwoul dmak emyl i f eal oteas i er .Mi TeC’ sNet wor kScanneri sanewt oolt hatIj ust

di scov er edr ecent l y .Sof arIl i k ewhatIsee.I t ’ sanadv ancednet wor kscanni ngt oolwi t h al otoff eat ur esf orbot hhomeuser sandI Tpr ost ouse. Sour ces: ht t ps : / / www. next of wi ndows . com/ 3power f ul f r eepor t abl enet wor k t c ppor t s canner s f or wi ndows...

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