CSI09101 Summary - Lecture notes 1-11 PDF

Title CSI09101 Summary - Lecture notes 1-11
Author Angelo Ruscitti
Course Computing in Contemporary Society
Institution Edinburgh Napier University
Pages 6
File Size 106.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 258
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WEEK 1 LECTURE MODULE COVER 4 MAIN FACTORS: - Social Factors: • theoretical foundations. • internet studies of everyday life. • information and culture. • networked business. • industries and economics and technological and regulatory histories and the features. - Ethical issues: • trust and identit...


WEEK 1 LECTURE MODULE COVER 4 MAIN FACTORS:! - Social Factors: • theoretical foundations.! • internet studies of everyday life.! • information and culture.! • networked business.! • industries and economics and technological and regulatory histories and the features.! - Ethical issues: • trust and identity in cyberspace.! • individual and corporate ethics.! - Legal factors:

- Professional issues: technology is a result of the interaction of human and non human factors.! technology deterministic views argus that technology drive society to change (how organisation operate and reflect how individual lives and works), and not vice versa.! social determinism assert the primacy of social in the relation with the technology.! society decide which area need funds to investigate and progress more in a specific sector.! mumford (1967) technology doesn’t shape society but it is also shaped by society! Winner (1986) “Do artefacts have politics?” he explain that what matter is not the technology, but the context and the political that goes around us.! Network society (Manuel Castells) Topology of networks:! # distance between node! # how the distance is , social level.! distance is physical, social, economic, political, and cultural.!

Actor Network Theory Is a social theory approach where humans and non contribute parts of the social network, is developed based on the work of Gallon, Latter & Law.! ANT argues the interaction and construction of society, technology and science.! ANT recognises the existence of reality outside and independence of society.! humans and non are defined based on the relationship they form in the network.! Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) TAM is an information systems theory! has two elements: perceived usefulness and ease of use! Bagozzi (1992) argue that users accept and use new technology based on these two elements.!

tam is criticised as having limited explanatory ability is is not possible to predict using tam if potential adopters will adopt a system based on perceived usefulness and ease of use (Chutter 2009) persuasion —> decision (Accept/Reject) —> implementation —> confirmation.! Institutional theory organisation need to confirm to the rules and belief systems in the environment.! Institutional isomorphism, has three elements:! - Mimetic! # Imitate others: goals and object unclear! - Normative! # Is driven by professional education standard! - Coercive! # From other organisation and cultural expectation, regulatory pressure.! Grounded theory! is a sistematic methodology for generating theories through methodical gathering and analysis of data.! start with a question or with a collection of qualitative data.! Adoption of technology is studied and affect the society is based on these theory (above).

WEEK 2 LECTURE (computing in everyday life)! physical Communities, Web communities! Web Communities: local to global thanks network global connection, (conceptual community)! Web communities serve the same psychological purpose, they give a sense of belonging! and safe with their member.! online communities are centred around common practices beliefs and concepts.! Does technology change community?! Informatisation, computerisation, bureaucratisation, industrialisation, and urbanisation have affected community.! web communities have expanded beyond the neighbourhood to the developed world.!

the internet decreases community: the internet through its entertainment and information capabilities draws people away from family and friends. ! the internet transforms community: through its low cost and asynchronous e synchronous nature it increases communication among friends and family, especially contact with those who are far away.! the internet supplements community: the internet as another means of communication to facilitate existing social relationship and follow patterns of civic engagement and socialisation.! From community to individual —> Anti social behaviour caused by the anonymity generated by the medium.! the computer screen removes the social restriction for pro-social behaviour.! bullying behaviours have also naturally found an outlet in social communities.! deindividuated people feel a sense of decreased personal responsibility ! the key is not the loss of identity, but the social cues in the context at which the deindividualisation occur.! The Web is a “hate incubator” 2012 UK Home Affairs Committee " SOCIAL NETWORK! # - Profile! # -! Children and the internet # - Internet policy seem to promote protection but not empowerment.! # - the tendency to favour policy measures that restrict, rather than expand, access to # # information and speech! the internet poses both risks and opportunities for young users.!



- Social media, ! - Looking geography, ! - ICT and governement - power and influence.! Social Media! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!

Looking geography through internet! Is therefore important to begin to understand both the geographies of information (Data Shadows) and the geographies of the production of that information (Carta Pisana) it is therefore a social risk to imagine that e are even getting close to having platforms that contain the sum of human knowledge.!

rather we need to keep a focus on some of the significant biases embedded.! global south: Developing World “Less developed countries”!

ICT ( Information and Communications Technology) and Government!


WEEK 5 LECTURE What is Ethics? Every society has rules of conduct of describing what people ought and ought not to do.! Ethics focus on people’s voluntary, moral choices.! Doing Ethics means explaining conclusions.! What is Moral? Subjective relativism Relativism:! No universal norms of right and wrong one person can say x is right another can say x is wrong and both can be right.! Subjective : each person decides right and wrong for himself or herself! Case Against subj relativism. ! Cultural relativism - Way of think between communities ! - different social contexts demand different moral guidelines! - it is arrogant for one society t judge another! Divine Command Theory Ethical Egoism Kantianism What if everyone acted that way?! Treats all person as moral equals! Case Against:! Act Utilitarianism Morality of an action! Principle of utility:! - Jeremy bentham and john stuart milli! - an action is good if its benefits exceeds its harms! - an action is bad if its harms exceed it benefits!

- An action is right or wrong to the extent that it increases or decreases the total happiness of the affected parties !

WEEK 7 LECTURE - Artificial Intelligence Complexity: AI is a complex programme of instructions.! Technology is starting to behave in an intelligent and unpredictable ways that even its creators don’t understand.! Across almost all disciplines AI is augmenting our abilities but it is further shaping and directing them! Tech advancement create an equal society (expectation).!

During last few decades, more and more financial trading are conducted by computers, high frequency trading algorithms, humans named these algorithm “the knife”! Role of the conscious machine is to be obedient to humans? Does it deserves protection to have rights and privileges as stated in the human right convention!

- Technoethics The term, techno ethics was first coined in the 1960s by the philosopher, Mario Bunge (Bunge, 1977),! Technoethics: it impacts on ethical issues in technological Design, Research, Development and innovation.! Technoethical inquiry examines the moral dilemmas revolving around the boundaries of the social world it self as we struggle to navigate the juxtaposition of humans and advancement in autonomous robotics which for some warrant social rights and responsabilities.!

- Ethical Framework for moral machines What are the reason for considering having an ethical framework?! Autonomus system they are interconnected with the internet is some way (goggle glasses, smartwatches, nike shoes)! AI learns from data, ! An algorithm is in essence merely a set of instructions developed by one or more people intending them to be performed by a machine such as computer.!

-! -! Cmkovic states that we should see intelligent agents such as algorithms more as parts or components of a larger socio technical environment.! the terms: moral agent, moral patient, and the terms intentionality and autonomy.! - Cyborg

- Current application and of emerging technologies and their ethical implications

WEEK 7 LECTURE - Sources of law Common (traditional law: not written down) and statute law.! Precedents case, court will look at similar cases. this common law is shared between different countries for similar cases.!

- Law and morality Both serve as norms of human behaviour and fall in the category of values for maintaining social welfare.! Related or not? the law cannot be disregarded merely because it is morally indefensible.!

- Types of laws

- The Law and Jurisdiction - Laws regarding the information profession...

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