Current Issue Report - Group Assignment PDF

Title Current Issue Report - Group Assignment
Course Talent Recruitment and Selection
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 13
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CONTENT Introduction


Recruitment and Selection Issue During Pandemic Covid-19


Strategies for Improving the Issue

9 - 11






INTRODUCTION Recruitment and selection is one the important procedures needed in an organization. It can be defined as a process where the human capital will seek for new employees, evaluating each of the candidate’s criteria and lastly selecting the best candidate that meet with the organization’s objective and goals. Nearly all the organizations pay attention to the hiring process because it can give the outcome of the organization's aim. Today, most organisations have begun to recognise specific approaches and processes that need to be improved in order to adapt to global diversity in the hiring process. Together in a continuously changing competitive climate that necessitates creativity, innovation, and adaptation, mature employees' performance, experience, and capacity for further learning will become significant assets, particularly for organisations in emerging nations. It is obvious that this demographic transition will need innovative thinking for employers, who would have to alter their management techniques in light of an older workforce. As a result, most organizations realise that recruiting is crucial not just for the long-term effect of advantages to the company but also for them to sustain their business. One of the issues that have been highlighted recently is due to pandemic COVID-19, organizations tend to shift towards online systems. In the last year, when virtual meetings became necessary for businesses to function and exist, organisations have begun to move and adapt to the new conditions. This change to digital operation, like any other, has presented certain obstacles to both service providers and users. One of the most difficult issues has been in attracting new staff via the virtual mode. Other than that, COVID-19 this is not only in Malaysia, but also being developed by other countries as this pandemic occurred around the world. With all of the issues that have been discovered, each company will do their best on how to overcome the issues to make sure the process of hiring and selecting will be done smoothly and the objectives will be achieved.


RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION ISSUES DURING PANDEMIC COVID-19 As the pandemic hits the world in 2019, it will have a big impact in terms of recruitment and selection. This is because due to the new norm such as social contact, work-from-home setting and such more have been enforced when the pandemic emerged make organization process become slow and affect the progress. Despite the fact that not all companies have been touched by the pandemic, some have witnessed significant changes in the way they recruit new personnel as a result of it, notably in the manufacturing industry, which has been particularly hard hit. Traditional recruitment strategies are no longer relevant in today's society. To be effective, recruitment teams must use a very humanistic approach in a wholly digital world during this pandemic. Prior to Covid-19, firms used to evaluate workers based on whether they have the competences required by the organisation to fulfil its goals and objectives. While this is still true today, businesses recognise the need of assessing workers' soft skills and behavioural abilities in order for them to perform in an ever-changing work environment. The absorption of team members back into the office may be difficult, as they are more comfortable with working from home. Recruiting and selecting the strongest appeals of the individual from a large pool of applications may be both difficult and time-consuming. However, it is critical that a recruitment manager realises the importance of the process and takes appropriate precautions. The start of the pandemic had a massive influence on everything, particularly the employment sector. While some businesses were unable to retain all of their employees, others were able to develop employment openings and hire personnel despite the economic downturn. These businesses wanted to recruit more people, but the epidemic had already put several limits and constraints on the planet, one of which was the lockdown. So, when using virtual recruitment and selection as a new norm, it would create various issues in recruiting and selecting. One of the main issues is that conferencing is dependent on a reliable network web browser. If the participant's local internet access does not provide a sufficient level of service, it will cause the disconnection error and poor video or audio quality will almost certainly cause the recruitment team to move on to another job candidate, even if the first candidate had excellent abilities, expertise, and insight. For example, technical flaws would have no influence on a person's experience in a physical interview because candidates meet directly with the recruiters. That's some of the bad online platform interview experiences look like.


On top of that, it will be a waste of time if any technical issues occurred during the online interview. Applicants who are interviewed using an online platform are generally assigned a particular amount of time and time window during which they will be interviewed. Their time frame will not be adjusted if there are any system glitches or technical issues. Furthermore, applicants may squander significant time if the login method is unnecessarily difficult. With so many possibilities, rapid thinking is required, and there is little space for error, which may make the entire process stressful. The entire procedure may cause disruption, particularly for the applicants, because it may result in destructive conversation. Physical interviews would be quick, and companies might schedule numerous applicants in a single day. With virtual interviews, the pace of interviewing has improved while the frequency of interview phases has decreased. Because the hiring team is not meeting in person, several interview steps are added to ensure that they are hiring the best personnel. Sometimes there will be additional information needed that needs more explanation which takes extra time to be understood. But what organisations fail to realise is that many applicants skip out as a result of too many lengthy interviews and applicants will not be interested in the interview. Getting applicants to attend interviews has also proven to be a significant difficulty for some organisations. The other issue is by using virtual recruiting during pandemic which is being aware the usage of phone conversations or webcams during interview. However, there are certain persons who are not at ease while chatting on calls or in videos. The psychological distress of being on camera or on a phone conversation are genuine difficulties that many individuals confront on a daily basis. This might leave the candidate feeling restless and unable to respond to any interaction from the organisation, also leading to a waste of time and money. Recruiters will have a hard time on how to manage the interview session and will create a misunderstanding between both parties when there is no progress from the interview itself. While for the organization, changing to a new process of recruitment will cost their money. For example, you already print out all the materials, book a training room and hire a trainer but due to the pandemic all of the effort has to be cancelled as social distancing has been practiced as a new norm. So, the budget will be cut to recover the waste that has been made before. The outbreak has resulted in a dearth of financial resources to recruit expertise for a few organisations. Organizations have difficulty in providing the workforce, also in hiring new employees into the company. Limited budget is the reason it causes difficulty to hire new employees. No applicant wants to start their job that has lower or similar wages with their previous employer.


Moreover, companies need to find another software that is reliable in order to support digital recruitment and selection. This also will cost time to list down all the software available as it is not a common procedure. Thus, it will involve the trainer itself as they adapt with the new system of recruitment and selection. Not everyone has been exposed to digital skill, so trainers need to know how to use it to avoid technical error due to inexperience. With this, it will also cost the money to provide training for the recruiters in order for them to learn the technology needed for the virtual interview. It might be harder if most of the employees are from generation X or baby boomers who are not exposed to the technology compared to the new generation where they are more familiar with it. Online recruiting may need a full internet platform, which workers might not have. Some firms utilise specialised software and hardware that applicants are expected to have but may not have owing to a variety of factors. Now, simply because a candidate was unable to put up a digital infrastructure in accordance with the organization's need and requirements does not imply that he or she is unsuitable for the position. Because technical skill is now versatile enough to allow numerous connections, internet technology should not be a virtual recruiting barrier. Disruptions might lead to a negative candidate acquisition experience for both sides. They can also result in the loss of a good job candidate since the online recruitment consultant was unable to hear the replies well or became irritated by the intermittent connectivity. Aside from the difficulties in recruiting people, COVID-19 also gives an impact in terms of interview. As an organization uses a virtual system to interview, it will be harder for them to find the right candidate as there is no face-to-face session to evaluate the candidates. There is always the potential that some candidates will be scams. With the global job market becoming more competitive, people are turning to forging fraudulent resumes or diplomas in order to get entry to a company organisation. Fake applicants prefer to overstate their talents and abilities on their resumes. Moreover, with the virtual interview implementation during pandemic it also causes the miscommunication between the interviewers themselves. As most of the workers are working from home, it will be harder between the interviewers to discuss the criteria needed in each of the candidates required. Back to work life before the pandemic happens, the interviewers will have a meeting and list all the job description, job analysis and job requirements in order to meet the position responsibilities. Then, they will have enough time to discuss with each other if there are any changes or additional conditions necessary. But now, as mentioned before they need to discuss virtually it might cause another miscommunication where the output is not conveyed correctly. This will give consequences where they choose wrong candidates that are not for the position.


In addition, this hiring process is very important for some companies where they raise the salaries instead of reducing it. For example, during lockdown there are a lot of people using shopping online instead of going out. So, companies that provide delivery services such as ShopeeExpress, FoodPanda, DHL Ecommerce and others in need of a lot of workforce in order for them to deliver the product to their customer. The excessive amount of order will be slightly affected if they did not have enough manpower. With this, delivery companies will tend to hire more staff to support their services. But, with various types of companies in need of manpower that have potential most of the candidates will evaluate organization brands which organizations need to improve their brand potential. Furthermore, as it is known that COVID-19 results in loss of working hours and earnings. The worrying economic scenario has surely prompted alarm, especially among businesses apprehensive about the company's revenue and profit potential. With this issue, during the recruiting process the organization need to give extra explanation if the organization cut pay or layoff might be happening due to the company need to reduce the working hours in order to have a social distancing between workplace. When this happens, it is likely for the candidates to not be interested in the job offer as it will have a negative impact on them. They will choose another company that is more stable as their choice to avoid any consequences. This makes the organization lose any potential candidates to achieve the company goals. Besides that, due to awareness of COVID-19 most of the job seekers are looking for companies that provide work-from-home settings in order to avoid the spread of the disease. This is very hard for some organizations that operate using the physical workforce, instead of hybrid working. For example, Perodua Sdn Bhd is one of the largest car manufacturers. 90% of their work tasks are related to car production and machines. So, this type of workforce cannot be done from home and needs to go to the workplace. This is why the issue arising especially with existing employees needs to be quarantined and there is a shortage of staff. In terms of advertising of job offers, previous norm most of the organization shared the physical pamphlet of job hiring through job affairs, malls and other places. But with COVID-19 arising worldwide which is being spread through contact, people nowadays avoid receiving physical contact from each other. In addition, most of the people also rarely go out from their house unless necessary, especially during lockdown. So it will be hard for the recruiters to hire new people as lockdowns hinder the sharing of pamphlet activities. This will be harder when the organization needs to hire new employees as soon as possible, so it will impact the organization itself as there is not enough workforce to complete the job task.


For some of the applicants' experience, it is vital not just for employer branding but also when your finest applicants are assessing your career opportunities. The way some organizations handle applicants during the recruiting process reflects how they would treat them once they are hired. They are less inclined to accept if they have a terrible encounter. For example, if you downgrade the candidates it will give a negative view to them and make them think this organisation does not treat their employee’s right. Positive applicant experiences, on the other hand, may boost your employer brand and inspire qualified individuals to apply for and consider the job vacancy. As most businesses are struggling to recruit and employ diverse people, unconscious prejudices are frequently at blame. Aside from the organization's requirements in order to give fair chances, hiring objectively is beneficial for business since it allows you to choose the best individual for the position without prejudice. The unfairness can happen during this COVID-19 where the most of the recruiters are not available so it will expose some of them who use their position to recruit among their acquaintances. This will make the process harder when the candidates that have been chosen are not based on the criteria needed and do not meet the organization’s objectives.


STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVING THE ISSUES A breakthrough coronavirus illness (COVID-19) developed unexpectedly and spread swiftly around the world, generating massive changes in a short period of time. COVID-19 has altered how we live, work, and hire. Dealing with the coronavirus epidemic clearly presents some significant hurdles. From the other side, it might have advantages. HR experts and recruiters who are successful in perceiving this catastrophe as a chance will emerge as victors as they find every resolution for each issue that has arisen in order to adapt with the new norm due to this pandemic. The country has been faced with Covid-19 pandemic for almost 2 years. It changed the ways an organization operates. From time to time, the organizations or companies are now actively recruiting, hiring and on boarding without ever meeting candidates in real life. It’s all thanks to technology, and it’s actually not as hard as you might think to make the shift to virtual recruitment strategies. There are also other strategies that can be used in advertising the job vacancy when there are a lot of people seeking a job after they are being fired from their previous company due to loss. On boarding in a virtual environment definitely works. Just ask the company that employs and manages remote workers. If you haven't done so already, the idea of meeting a team in person, starting without a new person in the office, may sound strange. However, it is important to have a solid plan of what to do in the first, and second weeks. Make sure new employees receive a detailed welcome email and everything they need from HR. Set up virtual meetings with managers and team members to make sure all technologies and tools are up and running on day one. During the pandemic, most organizations or companies changed their way to online meetings via zoom, WebEx or other platforms. This offers a unique opportunity to personalize the interview experience, as we are looking at people in our home environment rather than in the meeting room. You can use the video to get to know the person before you know the skill. For example, you may notice something on your desk or have art hanging in the background, which can stimulate conversations about your company's culture and values. For many companies, this is not a natural type of research. Therefore, it helps to conduct video interviews and even train executives to do a few exercises. A recording feature is also available for virtual interviews so that other team members who are not in the meeting can see and share their feedback.


First and foremost, in order to advertise the job vacancy where pamphlets are no longer appropriate in this new norm to avoid social contact, organizations can host virtual job fairs. If “meet and greets” are a part of the recruitment strategy, it could nevertheless do them virtually. Hosting stay video conferencing conferences where company can invite potential applicants to “meet” your hiring managers, digital workplace tours, and there will be session where applicants can ask question towards the organizer with diverse crew individuals are all first-rate methods to interact with expertise and provide them a danger to study greater approximately your company. This will help in avoiding misunderstanding or misconception of the company’s objective of hiring. Hiring should never be an issue when it comes to recruiting technologies. Software applications should aid rather than impede the recruiting process. If separate tech platforms hold recruiters down or make training more difficult, consider deploying talent management software to centralise all recruitment efforts. With a centralized database, information has never been gone due to recruiter attrition, and transparency means that any recruiter may fill in when another is unavailable. The correct technology may assist you in streamlining talent operations in order to build a targeted and effective recruitment strategy. The other way to overc...

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