CWV-101 Topic 4 Assignment: Who do You Say Jesus Is? PDF

Title CWV-101 Topic 4 Assignment: Who do You Say Jesus Is?
Author Adam Bratton
Course Christian Worldview
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 3
File Size 157.1 KB
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Who Do You Say Jesus Is? Name: Adam Bratton Course: CWV-101 Date: 3/5/22 Instructor: Rand Muender Based on Mark 8:29, please address each question below with complete sentences and clear, specific explanations. 1. Select one teaching of Jesus from the following choices: Matthew 5:21-24; Matthew 5:43-48; Matthew 6:19-24; Matthew 7:15-23; Luke 15:1-32; John 13:1-17 and 34-35; or John 15:1-11. Answer the following questions with in-text citations from a commentary in the topic Resources. The commentary used should be included on a reference page at the end of this document. a. What was Jesus's point in the teaching? Your answer in 75-100 words: Jesus’ main point in the teaching of Luke 15:1-32 is to teach to people and express how those who are lost spiritually and are sinners can be forgiven by Him. This story talks about the Parable of the Lost Son in verses 11-32. This story discusses a young son who has disobeyed his father. The son was overcome with guilt and told himself he wasn’t worthy of paternal forgiveness. Because he was open to his father, his father forgave him. This shows how anyone who repents of their sin and is knowledgeable of the sin they commit, they can be forgiven by God. b. How might someone from an atheist or pantheistic worldview see the concepts of this passage differently? Your answer in 75-100 words: The relationship of the father and his sons can be interpreted differently by someone with an Atheist worldview. The older brother can be seen as a good example at how religion can shift people’s views on others. The older brother was very upset and jealous at how his father was treating his younger brother. This can show how some atheists, or others of a different faith, view Christians as boastful, demeaning people who can possibly talk downwards on others because they aren’t perfect and living a God-like life. c. What does this teaching reveal about Jesus?

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Your answer in 75-100 words: The teaching in Luke 15 reveals that Jesus loves us all and is ever-loving. Jesus will forgive those who have went away from Him and have sinned, regardless of who you are. Luke 15:6-7 states, “There will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent” (NIV). Jesus shows his love here by showing how much the sinner means to him and how a sinner showing obedience to God and repenting is something he rejoices about. 2. Select one of the following passages in which Jesus makes statements about his nature and purpose: Matthew 9:1-8; Matthew 9:9-13; Luke 7:18-23; John 5:16-18; John 10:25-38; John 14:5-11. Answer the following with in-text citations from a commentary in the topic Resources. The commentary used should be included on a reference page at the end of this document. a. What is Jesus saying about his nature and the purpose of his ministry? What is the significance of this claim? Your answer in 250-300 words: The book of Matthew in the gospel, the ministry of Christ is spoken about in a new light. In the beginning of the book, forgiveness is stated as the primary goal of the ministry of Christ, to forgive us of our sins in the love of Him. In the IVP New Testament Commentary: Sinners Are Ready to Listen and Follow (9:9-10), the purpose of healing is explained, as well as “repairing our lives broken by sin.” It is against Jesus’ nature to condemn sinners. If sinners repent, then forgiveness is undeniably reasonable. Sinners shouldn’t be punished and condemned for life and death because of their actions. Instead, they should be lead down a better path by a forgiving God for a better life. Christianity’s adaptations in the more modern day about Jesus’ empathy are more about understanding, and not application. “We make exceptions today for former sinners if they are of prominent status, many churches are embarrassed to embrace a recovering drug addict or prostitute who comes seeking help” (IVP New Testament Commentary, n.d.). This shows the sheer power of applying the teachings of the Lord, not just understanding it and saying that it’s cool and makes sense. We need to live it and spread it. We are children of God and were created in His image. We should treat others and love another like God loves all of us. Forgiving others and treating others as we’re the same helps draw people to the ministry of God, as we are all forgiven sinners. 3. How would you personally answer Jesus's question, "But who do you say that I am?" (Mark 8:29). Describe your own beliefs about Jesus. Your answer in 250-300 words: This question took some pondering within myself and kind of digging deep before I could type this down. I grew up in the Lutheran church, went to youth group growing up, played in the worship band at my church throughout middle school and high school, went to

camps, and a bunch of other things of my life had to do with the church. Throughout all of this, however, I struggled to understand what this was all about. Years ago, my mother asked me if I believed in God. I answered with a clear yes. She then preceded to ask me why. I froze and had to think. Why do I believe in God? I didn’t necessarily come up with an answer. I couldn’t find a reason. Over time, I still struggled to find this reason with me. I then was overtaken one day with faith. I believed in God because I had faith. I then came to the conclusion that it was the answer to this question that was asked to me years prior. That’s why I believe in God. But why do I have faith? I believe Jesus died on the sins for not only me, but for everyone. In doing so, he saved everyone who is willing to seek him out and repent. I started repenting, and felt conviction, as I knew these things were bad and didn’t want them to affect my life and steer me away from him. Jesus is my Savior and the one I put all my trust and love into every day. Jesus is the reason why I am here. He is the road-paver, peace-maker, and the Father.

Sample reference: Keener, C. S. (2011). IVP New Testament Commentary Series: Matthew. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic.

References: Luke 15 NIV - Bible Gateway. (n.d.). Retrieved February 27, 2021, from Sinners need a physician (9:9-13) - the ivp new testament commentary series - bible gateway. (n.d.). Retrieved February 27, 2021, from

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