Daniel\'s story PDF

Title Daniel\'s story
Author Eddy Veliz
Course Languages Of Power And Social Justice
Institution New Jersey City University
Pages 7
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Answers of the chapters in Daniel's story book. ...


Daniel’s Story Chapter Questions

Chapter 1 -

Chancellor: A senior state or legal official.


Synagogue: The building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious worship and instruction.


Concentration camp: A place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution.

1. Why was Daniel’s father’s story so successful? Because his father advised people and he knew how to fix anything. He always took his time to show the people who came in what the best tools would be for a specific job. 2. What was Hitler’s party called? What did he promise the German people? Nazis. Hitler promised that he would make Germany strong again and give it back dignity. 3. Why was the Brown-Shirt standing outside the door of the hardware store? To not let 4. Daniel enjoyed the Jewish school and was happy there. Why? Because his uncle Peter was teaching in that school and a lot of talented and knowledgeable teachers. 5. How did the Nuremberg Laws affect the family? They couldn't leave the country. Because they took away their citizenship. 6. How did Daniel’s nightmare change his father’s attitude to staying in Germany? He realized that his children were going to grow up in fear and he did not want that. Chapter 2 -

Aryan: Relating to people of Caucasian race not of Jewish descent.


Pogrom: An organized massacre of a particular ethnic group, in particular that of Jews in Russia or eastern Europe.


Ghetto: The Jewish quarter in a city.

1. How did Mr. Schneider demonstrate to the class that Daniel was inferior? He said that True Aryans have specific head measurement. He measured Daniel;s head and said “you

see! Inferior species. Heads to small, no room for brains, a close relative to the vermin in our gutters” 2. What did the Nuremberg Laws decree? To protect German blood and honor. Jews were not allowed to marry Germans. Those laws also took away citizenship from all Jews and their rights to vote. 3. Why do you think Daniel’s family is hesitant to leave Germany? Because for a thousand years Jews have survived pogroms, ghettos, and anti-Jewish Laws, so they thought it was going to be same and they going to survive. 4. What happened to uncle Peter? Why? He was arrested for having pleaded guilty six years earlier to two parking violations. Chapter 3 -

Bar mitzvah: The religious initiation ceremony of a Jewish boy who has reached the age of 13 and is regarded as ready to observe religious precepts and eligible to take part in public worship.


Quota: A fixed share of something that a person or group is entitled to receive or is bound to contribute.


Ration cards: A ration stamp or ration card is a stamp or card issued by a government to allow the holder to obtain food or other commodities

1. What was important about the Hitler Youth uniform given to Daniel? It gave freedom to Daniel. 2. How did Daniel’s family’s name change once the Nazis came to power? Nazis decreed all Jews had to add a Jewish name to their other one. Sara for girl and Israel for a boy. 3. What was Kristallnacht? What happened to Daniel’s father’s store? The night of broken glasses. It was destroyed and people took the merchandise of Daniel’s father’s store. 4. Why was difficult for Jewish Germans to move to another country? Because many countries had decided that they would let in a certain number of Jews each year. 5. Why do you think people were suspicious when Daniel took their photos? Chapter 4 -

Dachau: It was the first concentration camp opened in 1933.


The Count of Monte Cristo: It is an adventure novel by French author Alexandre Dumas completed in 1844.


Deported: Expel (a foreigner) from a country, typically on the grounds of illegal status or for having committed a crime.


Rucksack: A bag with shoulder straps that allow it to be carried on someone's back, typically made of a strong, waterproof material and widely used by hikers; a backpack.


Trudge: Walk slowly and with heavy steps, typically because of exhaustion or harsh conditions.

1. What new law was passed against the Jewish citizens of Germany? The yellow stars with the word Jew printed on them that they were all forced to wear on their clothes. 2. What was to happen to Daniel’s family’s belongings once they were told they would be deported? All their property and their clothes were going to be itemized and signed over to the authorities. Chapter 5 -

Cellar: A room below ground level in a house, typically one used for storing wine or coal.


Rations: A fixed amount of a particular thing.


Gestapo: It was the official secret police of Nazi Germany and German-occupied Europe.


Woozy: Unsteady, dizzy, or dazed.

1. What does Daniel think may have saved his life? His father’s boots. 2. What advice did Daniel’s father give his family? Must behave prudently at all times. Never lose our heads. Keep all your warm clothes. Ration your food carefully. They were given one loaf of bread each, which must last them six days. It must last or by the end of the week they could easily starve. 3. Where did Daniel’s family work when living in the Ghetto? His mother was working in a bakery. His father was working in a carpentry workshop. Daniel was working ina metalworks factory and Erika was working in a sewing factory. Chapter 6 -

Scurvy: Worthless or contemptible.


Vying: Compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something.


Yiddish: A language used by Jews in central and eastern Europe before the Holocaust.

1. What types of diseases were in the Ghetto? How did they spread? Tuberculosis, typhoid, typhus, and spotted fever. Typhus was spread by lice, and lice were everywhere in the ghetto.

2. Who was Rosa? Rosa was Erika’s friend who worked at the factory with Erika. 3. What kinds of books were banned? Why do you think they were banned? Novels and plays. Because the authors were Germans. Chapter 7 -

Camaraderie: Mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.


Sustain: Strengthen or support physically or mentally.

1. What is purpose of the group? Administrate the food, health care, housing, and, of course, police work. 2. Why was it important for Rosa to help the kids across the street? 3. Why do you think the Germans banned the playing of musical instruments? To keep their faith and their entertaiment away. Chapter 8 -

Pilfer: Steal (typically things of relatively little value).


Solidarity: Unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest; mutual support within a group.


Coup: A sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.

1. Why do you think the radio was banned? To keep them uninformed about what was happening in the war. 2. What did Rosa want Daniel to promise her? That if something happen to her he will have to go hiding. 3. What was so important about the hunger strike? To rehire those who were fired like Rosa. 4. What did Daniel’s dad propuse? Why do you think he suggested such a thing? 5. Has Daniel’s view of death changed? Use examples from the book to support your answer. Yes, it has. When he said, “if have the power of God, I would wipe the entire human race off the face of the earth. It’s a complete failure. Look around us, a race of monsters” 6. What evidence is there that Erika’s character has changed since the beginning of the story? She was timid, silent, but she turned out to be the bravest. Chapter 9 -

Auschwitz: It was a complex of over 40 concentration and extermination camps built and operated by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland during World War II.


Barracks: A building or group of buildings used to house soldiers.

1. What were Daniel’s most valuable possessions? His pictures, his camera, his diary, Erika’s violin, the radio, and his copy of The Count of Monte Cristo. 2. What happened once the prisoners arrived at Auschwitz? Some were sent to the left and others to right. One side for the ones who were going to be killed and the other side for those who still could work. Chapter 10 -

Allies: A state formally cooperating with another for a military or other purpose.


Eradicate: Destroy completely; put an end to.


Crematoria: A crematory is a machine in which bodies are burned down to the bones.


Quarantine: A quarantine is used to separate and restrict the movement of people.


Kapo: It was a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp who was assigned by the SS guards to supervise forced labor or carry out administrative tasks.


Deluded: Believing something that is not true.


Nettles: A herbaceous plant which has jagged leaves covered with stinging hairs.

1. How has Daniel’s attitude changed since the beginning of the book? He was angry, furios and determined to live. 2. How was he compensated for losing his pictures? He could make pictures in his head. He was going to organize them so when the time comes he will tell what happened. 3. What was the difference between Auschwitz, Birkenau, and Monowitz? Auschwitz was the main camp for political prisoners. Birkenau had the gas chambers and the crematoria. Monowitz was the labor camp. 4. Daniel says that the happy music mocked the prisoners. Why? Because prisoners were marching to work or death. 5. What did the prisoners have to share? They had to share a bowl of soup. 6. How did Daniel communicate to his sister? He wrote “D and F alive” in a piece of cloth and he tossed to Erika while she was playing the violin. Chapter 11 -

Resistance movement: The refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument.


Foundry: A workshop or factory for casting metal.

1. What does Adam ask Daniel to do? How does Daniel feel about this task? Use evidence from the book to support your answer. He ask him to take pictures of the gas chambers. He felt it was dangerous. He said, “I’d like to think about it.” 2. Daniel acquires an object in this chapter. How does he get it? His father had some contacts who could find him the thinks that he would need. 3. Why do you think that the storehouse were referred to as “Canada”? Chapter 12 -

Emaciated: Abnormally thin or weak, especially because of illness or a lack of food.


Delirious: In an acutely disturbed state of mind resulting from illness or intoxication and characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence of thought and speech.


Delirium: Serious disturbance in mental abilities that results in confused thinking and reduced awareness of surroundings.

1. What happened to Adam? He was killed by SS man with a hail of machine-gun fire. 2. What did the Nazis do as they left camp? The Nazis dynamited the gas chambers and the crematoria so that no evidence of them would survive. 3. What is the reaction of the German citizens when the prisoners from Aushwitz were waiting to be loaded onto the train? They looked right through them as if they did not exist. 4. Where did Daniel and his father end up? They ended up in Buchenwald. Chapter 13 1. What jobs to Daniel and his father get at Bushenwald? Daniel’s father was put to work in a carpentry workshop, making ornate furniture for SS men. Daniel was taken to a photography studio, where he was ordered to take photos of guards and their families on request. 2. How is Buschenwald different than Auschwitz-Birkenau? Buchenwald did have a crematorium to burn the many that died of disease, torture, medical experiments, and so on, but it was not a killing center like Auschwitz/Birkenau. Nevertheless men died quickly there from the terrible conditions. Chapter 14 -

Spectre: Something widely feared as a possible unpleasant or dangerous occurrence.

1. What are the camp workers doing to war the Nazis? They were collecting all kind of

weapons and tools. They were working very slowly during the day, although they make it seem as if they working really hard. Then at night they dismantle the gas chambers. 2. What did Karl give Daniel for his birthday? He gave Daniel a camera as a present. 3. What were Daniel and his father instructed to do to help the resistance? Father and Daniel hid in the studio. They were told to hide near the gates. Their job was to disarm or kill the guards there. Chapter 15 -

Mincemeat: A mixture of currants, raisins, sugar, apples, candied citrus peel, spices, and suet, typically baked in a pie.

1. What did Daniel do to prove that his freedom was real? When Daniel woke up the next morning, having slept in a cot by myself instead of with five others, I had the most amazing feeling. It was then I realized that I was truly free. He had to walk through it, walk out of the camp, to prove to myself that this was all real. 2. What happened to Peter when the train stopped at a town in poland? He is beating by Polish farm boys. He got really hurt. Chapter 16 1. What happened to Erika? She died because she did not have more strength....

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