Dax\'s Case Assignment PDF

Title Dax\'s Case Assignment
Course Bioethics
Institution The University of Tennessee
Pages 2
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Dax's case, short answer responses...


Dr. Harper PHIL 345 30 January 2020 Dax’s Case 1. This case has several characters who have views about whether Dax should or should not continue treatment. While watching, make a note of the views of: a. Dax’s attorney, Rex Houston i. His attorney’s intentions were difficult for me to understand at first, but it became apparent his intentions we’re not in the interest of Dax, despite being a long-time friend of the family. Dax and his mother leaned on him, and he seemed more interested in Dax just being alive, in general, and his suffering for use in his case. Being his attorney, he was supposed to do what was best and support his client AND friend, Dax. Oppositely, he convinced Dax he needed to go through with the treatments in order to basically “win.” b. Dax’s mother, Mrs. Cowart i. His mother was very religious, and believed that if Dax gave up, instead of going forward with the treatments, then he would be going against God. His mother’s head was full of what-ifs, and she couldn’t bear the regret of him not going through with treatment. With Dax being her son and only family members left, it was clear why she was adamant about him going through with treatment, and used her religious beliefs for the reason why. She was also the sole decision maker in continuing treatment, which made it frustrating for Dax, who was competent and verbal of how he felt. c. the burn unit doctor i. His doctor, at first, was extremely selfish and had firm beliefs that you can’t trust or listen to burn victim patients no matter what they say. He was performing every treatment he deemed necessary, no matter the pain Dax was in, to keep him alive. His doctor only cared about fulfilling his duties as a medical doctor. d. the psychiatrist, Dr. White i. The only individual that listened to Dax, and deemed him competent to make his own decisions, despite the doctor’s belief. e. the plastic surgeon who wants to reconstruct Dax’s hands i. Coerced Dax into believing the skin graft on his hands were worth it, by explaining everything Dax has already gone through and that it was not time to give up now. He believed that not having the surgery wasn’t an option, and the pain is worth it just to still be alive. f. the physical rehabilitation doctor


Despite Dax’s refusal, his rehabilitation doctor believed that he was going to do whatever it took for Dax to regain some kind of functionality. This doctor even confronted his mother to speak with Dax and convince him that he needs to continue this in order to have a life after all of this, even though in his head, he knew Dax would never be the same due to the burns. Dax’s health declined after he refused to eat or drink, and the doctor admitted him to a hospital without his consent, which was after Dax was deemed competent to make decisions! 2. Dr. White, the psychiatrist, and the physical rehabilitation doctor say that their views about medicine have been challenged by working with Dax’s case. What do you think they mean by this? a. I think this case had a huge impact on their mentality of respecting patient’s wishes. I think their views about medicine were challenged (for the better) after his case because they came to the realization how unethical it was to ignore their patients, and that medicine is strictly not just about keeping patients alive, no matter the cost. 3. Pay careful attention to Dax’s final remarks in this film and the outcome of Dax’s treatment. Do you think the ends justify the means in this case? Does Dax? Who is right? Does it matter? a. Personally, I do not think the ends justify the means because it took all of the pain Dax went through, over several years, to get physicians to realize there’s more to medicine than keeping the patient alive, which is ridiculous. Dax does not believe the ends justify the means because he believes saying that ignores all of the pain he had to endure to reach that point, and if it were to happen today, that he would still refuse. I concur with Dax in that it should be a choice to refuse or undergo a treatment of that nature, or any other treatment that someone doesn’t want to undergo....

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