DEAL 1 SP19 Critical Reflection PDF

Title DEAL 1 SP19 Critical Reflection
Author Eric Blake
Course Social Problems
Institution Western Carolina University
Pages 4
File Size 174 KB
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Structured Critical Reflection DEAL: A 3-STEP MODEL FOR REFLECTION* Students will participate in a team-based service learning project over the course of the semester and use a technique called DEAL to critically reflect upon their respective, individual experiences with service learning—in the process, each student is asked to connect individual reflection with academic content related to community and organizational practice. In contemplation of what your individual service learning experience will be this semester, write a reflection paper in accordance with APA, 6th ed. (3-4 pages). Don’t begin a reflection activity by asking “What did I learn?” The purpose of reflection is to generate learning—not simply a display of what was learned. Reflection is not the same as description although description is a good first step in reflection. A brief paragraph to get the reader acquainted with your focus and the context is helpful. Sub-headings are required for your paper. It is also expected that you will incorporate credible, scholarly information and sources into and throughout your reflection. Using the following framework, each student will prepare an individual critical reflection: Step 1: DESCRIBE: a) service learning, in general, and b) your anticipated service learning, in particular. Think about your anticipated experience on its own but also in context of class discussions, lectures, academic content, and focus on what stood out for you as a learning experience connected to the specific academic content,, identifying your central themes. Be sure to cite sources. Begin your reflection with “In preparation for this reflection I….” Describe what service learning is and its relevance to social work education—in general. In particular, briefly describe what you anticipate your service learning experience to consist of this semester. Step 2: EXAMINE Staying focused on the description and in accordance with the course content as well as past, current, or potential life experience (e.g., personal, practicum, employment) examine the anticipated service learning experience. Remember, EXAMINE is a closer focus for the purpose of analysis (breaking it down into smaller parts for examination). The goal is to examine and integrate academic content. Again, cite sources. In the Examine section: Based on what you anticipate your service learning to consist of, draw on the readings, class discussion, and scholarly sources to discuss what you anticipate the benefits and challenges (identify & analyze at least one anticipated, significant benefit and one challenge) of participating in service learning to be this semester. Your examination section should integrate at least two service learning concepts and practices to inform your analysis of the anticipated service learning experience. You should also examine the benefit you identified— what will you do to maximize this opportunity and also problem-solve about the identified challenge—what steps will you take to minimize the challenge. Step 3: ARTICULATE LEARNING from the two steps above. Breadth and depth are expected in this section (e.g. What have you learned about service learning? What connections did you make between what you learned and the theoretical/practice concepts we have discussed in class?). From the perspective of an emerging social work professional, AND in consideration of community and organizational practice, the Articulate Learning sections should address the following questions: SOCW364 Murphy-Nugen 1

a. What did I learn (about myself as a social worker or about clients, colleagues, communities, agencies, etc.)? b. How did I learn it? c. Why is this learning important for me as a developing social worker? d. What will I do in my future practice, in light of this learning? Critical thinking is expected throughout the reflection. You must establish relevance, accuracy, precision, and clarity in order to build depth, breadth, logic, and significance. * Ash, S., Clayton, P., & Moses, M. (2006). Excerpts from teaching and learning through critical reflection: An instructor’s guide. Raleigh, NC: Author. Model modified for social work by Lisa E. McGuire, Ph. D. & Kathy Lay, Ph.D. Indiana University School of Social Work Description Questions to check you critical thinking skills Critical Thinking Standard - How does this relate to the Relevance Are all of my statements relevant issue being discussed? to the question at hand? Does - How does this help me deal what I’m saying connect to my with the issue being discussed? central point? - How do I know this? Accuracy Are all of my statements and all - Is this true? of my information factually - How could I check on this to correct and/or supported with validate? evidence? - Could I be more specific? Precision Are all my statements discussed - Could I give more details? in enough detail? More exact in identifying specifics in my examples? - Did I give an example Clarity Do I expand on ideas, express - Is it clear what I mean by ideas in another way, and provide this? examples or illustrations where - Could I elaborate further? appropriate? - Why is this so? Depth Do I explain the reasons behind - What are some of the my conclusions, anticipate and complexities here? answers the questions that my - What would it take for this reasoning raises, and/or to happen? acknowledge the complexity of the issue? - Would this look the same Breadth Am I considering alternative from the perspective of my points of view? Have I thought client? Someone else? about how someone else might - Is there another way to have interpreted the situation? interpret this? - Does what I said at the Logic Does my line of reasoning make beginning fit with what I sense? Do my conclusions concluded at the end? follow from the facts and/or my - Do my conclusions match earlier statements? the evidence? Significance Do my conclusions or goals - Is this the most important represent a major issues raised by issue on which to focus?

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my reflection on experience?


Do I have vested interest in this issue? Am I sympathetic to others viewpoints?


Is this the most significant problem? Do I use inclusive language? Do I consider power differential?

Modified source: Paul, R. & Elder, L. (2001). The miniature guide to critical thinking. The Foundation for Critical Thinking, Santa Rosa: CA. It is expected that you will incorporate credible, scholarly information and sources into your reflection (this means in-text citations and a reference page). The critical reflection should use a formal writing tone, and integrate headings/sub-headings (DEAL: Describe, Examine, Articulate Learning). Please note: In order to meet (i.e. “B”-level work or below) the requirements of the assignment, the DEAL MUST make reference to concepts in the textbooks (i.e. INRC and KU’s Community Toolbox). In order to exceed (i.e. “A”-level work) the requirements of the DEAL, additional scholarly content will be consulted and effectively and accurately integrated into the DEAL. All references to the textbook and scholarly content MUST be cited in correct APA format. Grading Rubric for Structured Critical Reflection. Trait being evaluated Describe ____/___ pts.


____/ ___ pts.

Articulate Learning ____/___ pts.





The identified academic concept is described with clarity, accuracy, & relevance answering who, what, when, where, and why in your description of the service learning experience.

The identified academic concept is described answering who, what, when, where, and why in your description of the learning with evidence of clarity.

The academic concept is inadequately described, lacking consistency in answering the “W’s”.

Academic concept is identified, but not clearly described.

The identified academic concept is examined and applied with clarity, accuracy, & relevance. There is evidence of at least two other critical thinking standards (depth, breadth, logic, significance, precision, and/or fairness). All aspects of the 4-part structure are fully addressed in detail with application of the academic concept utilizing clarity, accuracy, & relevance as well as at least two other critical thinking standards. There is evidence of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of learning.

The identified academic concept is examined with clarity, accuracy, & relevance.

The identified academic concept is inadequately examined lacking consistent clarity, accuracy & relevance.

The identified concept is not examined with lacks clarity, accuracy, and relevance.

All aspects of the 4-part structure are addressed inclusive of application of the academic concept utilizing clarity, accuracy, & relevance— with one other critical thinking standard.

Most aspects of the 4-part structure are addressed utilizing at least two of: clarity, accuracy or relevance.

The 4 part structure is minimally addressed without clarity, accuracy & relevance.

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General quality of writing & Use of APA style & format ____/___pts.

Paper is very well written, organized, & coherent. No errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Paragraphs and sentences are well developed and clear. APA style and format is used correctly throughout the paper.

Paper is well written, organized with few errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Paragraphs and sentences are developed. Only minor problems with APA style and format.

Paper is generally well written, but lacks coherency, problems with grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Lack of clarity. Most of the paper uses correct APA style and format.

Paper is not very well written. Many problems with grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation. Many problems with APA style. No page numbers for direct quotes.

Note: Basic critical thinking standards are clarity, accuracy, and relevance. These must be present in order to set the stage for the other standards: precision, depth, breadth, logic, significance, and fairness. See Instructor comments: Instructor Score_______

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