Debate - Can Money Buy Happiness PDF

Title Debate - Can Money Buy Happiness
Institution University of Aberdeen
Pages 2
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As part of the Introductory Psychology Concepts and Theory 2 (PS1509) course, there are tutorial groups you must attend to pass the course. In these tutorials, the group is split into two groups and are given a topic to debate. You are told whether you are for or against the topic and you must go aw...


Questionare by Robert Kenny, EdD. Rich people aren’t happy, regarding kids the way their children would be treated/ stereotyped as rich kids or trust fund babies their children would know if people really loved them or their money if their children have enough money what will motivate them How will they lead meaningful lives?

People get overwhelmed by the choice What is the best use of my time and resources After a while one can actually become stymied and even dispirited They have suggestions, but they have to have psychological freedom to make decisions.

It results in isolation and loss of good friendships

Money raises endorphins and can also create euphoria. But so does laughter, art, stress,

Spectrem Group 2013 – surveyed affluent and wealthy investors "money can buy happiness." 20% agree 50% disagree with the statement and the rest didn't agree or disagree. Rest didn’t state Age >1/3 under 40 said money can buy happiness. 18% 60 or more agreed.

Av er ageamountofwagesspentonunneedobj ect si s70t o80% I thasgoneupcont i nuous l ysi ncet he1970s buthappi nessofAmer i canpeopl e,ourhappi nesshasflat l i ned. Nohappi eri n2012t hanwewer ei n1970

Association for Psychological Science, news release, June 20, 2012

people get used to their higher income, but they never tire of being admired by others. the respect people receive from their peers has more to do with happiness than money. 

surveyed 80 college students from 12 groups on campus.

Worked out students respect and household income

asked them about their social well-being

found respect more valuable

expanded participants, same results.

 

In a final study, graduate in business

respect more important after graduation than how much money they made.

"One of the reasons why money doesn't buy happiness is that people quickly adapt to the new level of income or wealth. Lottery winners, for example, are initially happy but then return to their original level of happiness quickly," he concluded. "It's possible that being respected, having influence and being socially integrated just never gets old." Anderson Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, analyzed the lives and incomes of nearly half-a-million randomly selected U.S. citizens 2010 The researchers discovered money is indeed a major factor in day-to-day happiness. No surprise there. You need to make a certain amount, on average, to be able to afford food, shelter, clothing, entertainment and the occasional Apple product, but what spun top hats around the country was their finding that beyond a certain point your happiness levels off. The happiness money offers doesn’t keep getting more and more potent – it plateaus. The research showed that a lack of money brings unhappiness, but an overabundance does not have the opposite effect. If you have $75 000 or $250 000 youre just as happy...

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