Defense Mechanisms -Class Activity PDF

Title Defense Mechanisms -Class Activity
Course Human Behavior and the Social Environment
Institution Rutgers University
Pages 2
File Size 44.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Defense Mechanisms A) Match the defense mechanism with the correct description: a) Denial b) Displacement c) Intellectualization d) Projection e) Rationalization f) Reaction Formation g) Regression h) Repression i) Sublimation ___1. Taking something positive or negative of ourselves and seeing it on another. It usually involves feelings or thoughts we find unacceptable. Projection ___2. Reframing an uncomfortable or painful experience as not problematic or upsetting. Used to diminish pain or guilt. Rationalization ___3. Redirecting negative thoughts, emotions, or behaviors onto a neutral person or object. Displacement ___4. An overemphasis on thinking to cope with painful thoughts, emotions or impulses. The situation is viewed without emotion – in a detached objective manner. Intellectualization ___5. Placing an unacceptable thought, emotion or experience out of awareness and into the unconscious where it is “forgotten”. Repression ___6. Exhibiting the exact opposite of a reaction we find too threatening to feel or experience. Reaction Formation ___7. A healthy redirection of an unaccepted emotion, thought or impulse into a more acceptable direction. Sublimation ___8. Refusal to accept an aspect of reality that is threatening or painful. Denial ___9. Moving to an earlier stage of development when confronted with unacceptable circumstance. Regression

B) Provide a brief example of each ego defense mechanism below: 1. Denial Refusing to accept being abused, having alcoholic problems 2. Displacement Transferring anger to your spouse.

3. Intellectualization Rape victims looking at the stories of another people

4. Projection Helen projecting her feeling unto the daughter’s boyfriend

5. Rationalization Buying more clothes

6. Reaction Formation Gay people

7. Regression The use of blanket to cope with stress or losing a parent

8. Repression Suppressing memories of rape

9. Sublimation Going to the gym after a stressful day at work....

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