Definition of Education PDF

Title Definition of Education
Author Bella Bravo Moran
Course Advanced Composition For English Language Learners
Institution Valencia College
Pages 4
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500 words defining the word Education...


1 Br a v o Bella Bravo Prof. Lancaster EAP 1640 11/04/2021 Education “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs those who prepare for it today,” said, Malcolm X, 1964. Education is one of the most powerful tools humans have. It empowers society to progress in life and build a better future while challenging all the obstacles through life. Education can be seen in a different way such as learning in school, learning about virtues and values, and everyday learning something new. In general, education is the process needed to acquire and develop knowledge. When people think about education, the first thing that comes to their mind is schooling. A piece of education is being instructed by someone on specific tasks in school. Education is better known to be acquired at a specific place, at a specific time, by a specific set of people, on specific subjects. Those places are commonly schools or universities, which are institutions designed to provide learning space and environment for students. At this place, there are different groups of people with specific jobs to share their knowledge with other people; these people are teachers and professors. They are the ones in charge of instructing the students in a variety of skills such as primary and technical subjects. Primary subjects refer to content students review in school, as their bases in reading, writing, and mathematics to understand further topics related to these. The technical subjects are the ones that required practical study. Students use the foundations they acquired while studying the primary subjects to develop their skills that will be

2 Br a v o needed for a further career or occupation. Being instructed in school to acquire further knowledge on primary and technical subjects is a piece of the definition of education. Yet, education is not subject to books and text, but it also means developing artistic and athletic skills. In most schools, there are a variety of activities, clubs, and even classes to develop children’s creativity, critical thinking, and communication skills. Some of the artistic knowledge a person can obtain at school are history, where they can learn about their past ancestors and how was life a long time ago, psychology, where they can learn about the human mind and why people act in the way they do, and languages, where they can learn languages apart from their native to communicate with others around the world. Furthermore, students can learn a variety of sports at school that will help them stay active and develop a healthy lifestyle. In all these ways, education represents what people learn in artistic and athletic areas that will help them to succeed in their professional and personal life. Education is also described as developing general virtues and values at school. This process plays a key role in molding the ethics and morals of society. Nobody is born knowing what to do and what not to do; that is where education works. Education develops on humans the powers of reasoning and judgment. It prepares people for a mature life where they will have to deal with society’s rules and standards. Most of the time, people learn core values at their home from their families and communities that teach the youth their beliefs and principles that they should follow. As an example, Hispanic families educated their children to learn the values of respect and honor for the eldest one in the family. However, people can also learn how to behave at school. In school, they are a few classes, such as critical thinking, that help students to discern between what is wrong and what is right. This helps people develop their critical thinking and educate themselves about what options they should choose for their future. The knowledge

3 Br a v o acquired through education will help people prevent failures and will help them succeed to viability in this world. In brief, when people acquire knowledge related to general virtues and values they are being educated. Another way to define education is the lifelong process where everyday people acquire new knowledge. There is something new to learn every day, whether in new things or mastering previous knowledge. The knowledge acquires made it possible to survive in this world. In this case, when someone had failed in an opportunity before, they can learn from their mistakes and experience to later skip the same error. As an example, when people do something wrong, such as failing a class because they did not study for it, they will learn from that error and the next time they will study harder to succeed on that subject. Education made the transition possible from prehistoric times to modern society. However, this change is not done, yet. Most of the things people do nowadays were done in a different one before because with new generations there comes with new ideas, which result in new trends. For this reason, people need to adapt to those changes by educating themselves on these new ideas. To illustrate, psychologist graduated ten years ago need to master their degrees to update their knowledge to the newest treatments for their patients. If the psychologist does not adapt to those changes, they won’t be able to act as satisfactorily as other professionals who are using the latest technologies. To develop a complete mind adapted to the new societies, people need to keep learning; education is the progress that makes this development possible. All things considered, education has multiple meanings, but either way, education is seen, in the end, it is the process of developing and acquiring new knowledge. While people educating themselves, they are able to acquire knowledge on skills, morals, and values that will be beneficial in their lives. Not only do people learn at school by being instructed by others, but

4 Br a v o they can also learn from their environment. The purpose of this process is to direct society to success. If people prioritize learning in their life, they are going to be able to change the world....

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