Delta/Signal Company Report PDF

Title Delta/Signal Company Report
Author Custom Authors
Course English Literature
Institution Kenyatta University
Pages 5
File Size 177 KB
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Following the Delta/Signal Case, various explicit primary objectives are highlighted for the firm to accomplish its aims effectively. The efforts focused on increasing sales in the high-end market by improving consumer engagement in the sales pipeline to develop high-quality items that last for a pr...



Delta/Signal Company Report

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Delta/Signal Company Report Following the Delta/Signal Case, various explicit primary objectives are highlighted for the firm to accomplish its aims effectively. The efforts focused on increasing sales in the high-end market by improving consumer engagement in the sales pipeline to develop highquality items that last for a prolonged time. According to the case study, most Delta/Sigma rivals were venturing into Asia after discovering a lucrative investment prospect. Such a shift might open OEM opportunities in the United States and Europe, and Delta/Signal must leverage the "lack of competition engagement in the luxury market" (Mishra et al., 2020). Cost Leadership was identified as the best approach for Delta/Signal Corp. The method was utilized to help Delta/Signal Corp. gain a competitive edge in the market, resulting in increased sales, total turnover, and support for all development goals. The approach was identified following an examination of Delta/financial Signal's statements and the financial statements of the other three rivals (Shagimaw Corporation, Odawa System Corporation, and Vulferam AG). The measurements revealed the most pressing need for improvement. Various objectives were picked from the four groups (finance, clients, internal processes, and growth and learning ) and then incorporated into the balanced scorecard. Among these goals were the following: (OL-11-improve understanding of product costs). This goal may aid in accounting for the item's worth in the income statement, therefore meeting reporting standards. Another goal was chosen (OP-15-reduce administrative costs) since the employees know their brand well. Thus no more revenue would be necessary for administrative costs. Following the appropriate objectives, a strategy map was constructed in which the goals were connected from the bottom up. Only 15 goals were included in the map since they had a strong relationship and could be linked together. The figure below depicts a Strategy


Map with the fifteen objectives set used to produce the scorecard for Delta Signal's strategy implementation.

Figure 1: Strategy Map Although there were around twenty goals to choose from, just fifteen were picked since it is difficult to achieve success in almost all areas when employing many objectives. The $25 million budget was set out, emphasizing the program that would finally achieve the specified aims. Because it was difficult to predict precisely what each endeavor would achieve, trial and error were used on occasion. The emphasis was placed on recognizing the types of efforts that were generating the benefit now and then. The program's funding was adjusted at the start of each round to meet the specified objectives effectively. The choices began to bear fruit, with a significant improvement occurring between the fourth and fifth periods. The "Customer Rank Company Guarantee Best in Class" metric group was established, and the "Innovative Trade Marketing Program" was left out because it lacked strategy simulation. It resulted in increased sales, higher gross margins, and "Best in Class."


Pros and Cons of Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Maps in the Implementation of Strategy A strategy map and balanced scorecard method provides an explicit plan of what the firm should monitor to balance financial views. One of the benefits of utilizing a strategy map and balanced scorecard to execute strategy is that both techniques provide the company's activities with a complete picture of daily operations, resulting in enhanced procedures, choices, timelines, and better alternatives—furthermore, balanced scorecard aid in aligning performance measurements with an organization's strategy (Hansen & Schaltegger, 2017). Nevertheless, there are specific issues with both techniques. For instance, strategy maps and balanced scorecards fail to handle an organization's uncertainties and risks. They, therefore, do not describe the genuine client perspective (O’Toole, 2021). Moreover, using the balanced scorecard to implement a plan in a firm might be daunting. Conclusion Following the examination of the Delta/signal Case study, it is possible to infer that progress will happen only when modifications are made to numerous projects that were not adding value to the firm. In practice, a business cannot be pleased with its program if it does not profit. As a result, measurements must be used to determine if resources and funds are being used effectively. It will decide whether or not an improvement in financial measures is attained.


References Hansen, E. G., & Schaltegger, S. (2017). Sustainability balanced scorecards and their architectures: Irrelevant or misunderstood? Journal of Business Ethics, 150(4), 937952. Mishra, S., Marwah, S., Subby, M. S., & Prusti, N. (2020). Impact of doppelganger brand image (DBI) on consumer behavior. International Journal of Management and Humanities, 5(3), 13-22. O’Toole, W. (2021). Implement the strategy. Events Feasibility and Development, 77-96.

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