Derivative market dealers module 2 for market PDF

Title Derivative market dealers module 2 for market
Course finance
Institution Indian Institute of Technology Indore
Pages 144
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all good related to market is there in this book befeficial to all beginers to advance and also good for phd ....


Nse academy Certification in Financial Markets

Derivatives Market (Dealers) MoDule

NCFM Module examination Details allowable access to Candidate at test Centre test reguNegaDuraNorNo. of Maxilar / Finantive Pass open sr. tion Module Name mal Ques- mum cial sciMark- marks Office No (in Distritions Marks entific Calcuspread ing minbution Calcu- lator sheet utes) table lator FouNDatioN 1 Financial Markets: A Beginners’ Module 120 60 100 NO 50 NO NO YES NO 2 Mutual Funds : A Beginners' Module 120 60 100 NO 50 NO NO YES NO 3 Currency Derivatives: A Beginner’s Module 120 60 100 NO 50 NO NO YES NO 4 Equity Derivatives: A Beginner’s Module 120 60 100 NO 50 NO NO YES NO 5 Interest Rate Derivatives: A Beginner’s Module 120 60 100 NO 50 NO NO YES NO 60 100 NO 50 NO NO YES NO 6 Commercial Banking in India: A Beginner’s Module 120 7 FIMMDA-NSE Debt Market (Basic) Module 120 60 100 YES 60 YES NO YES NO 8 Securities Market (Basic) Module 120 60 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 60 75 100 NO 60 YES NO YES NO 9 Clearing Settlement and Risk Management Module 10 Banking Fundamental - International 90 48 48 YES 29 YES NO YES NO 11 Capital Markets Fundamental - International 90 40 50 YES 30 YES NO YES NO iNterMeDiate 1 Capital Market (Dealers) Module 105 60 100 YES 50 NO NO YES NO 2 Derivatives Market (Dealers) Module 120 60 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 120 60 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 3 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management 4 Fundamental Analysis Module 120 60 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 5 Operation Risk Management Module 120 75 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 6 Options Trading Strategies Module 120 60 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 7 Banking Sector Module 120 60 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 8 Treasury Management Module 120 60 100 YES 60 YES NO YES NO 9 Insurance Module 120 60 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 10 Macroeconomics for Financial Markets Module 120 60 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 11 NSDL–Depository Operations Module # 75 60 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 12 Commodities Market Module 120 60 100 YES 50 NO NO YES NO 13 Surveillance in Stock Exchanges Module 120 50 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 14 Corporate Governance Module 90 100 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 15 Compliance Officers (Brokers) Module 120 60 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 16 Compliance Officers (Corporates) Module 120 60 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 17 Information Security Auditors Module (Part-1) 120 90 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 120 90 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 18 Information Security Auditors Module (Part-2) 19 Technical Analysis Module 120 60 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 20 Mergers and Acquisitions Module 120 60 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 21 Back Office Operations Module 120 60 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 22 Wealth Management Module 120 60 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 23 Project Finance Module 120 60 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 24 Venture Capital and Private Equity Module 120 70 100 YES 60 NO NO YES NO 25 Financial Services Foundation Module ### 120 45 100 YES 50 NO NO YES NO 26 NSE Certified Quality Analyst $ 120 60 100 YES 50 NO NO YES NO 27 NSE’s Capital Market Aptitude Test (NCMAT) 120 100 100 NO 60 YES NO YES YES 29 NSE Certified Capital Market Professional (NCCMP) 120 60 100 NO 50 NO NO YES NO 30 US Securities Operation Module 90 41 50 YES 30 YES NO YES NO aDvaNCeD 1 Algorithmic Trading Module 120 100 100 YES 60 YES NO YES NO 2 Financial Markets (Advanced) Module 120 60 100 YES 60 YES NO YES NO 3 Securities Markets (Advanced) Module 120 60 100 YES 60 YES NO YES NO 4 Derivatives (Advanced) Module 120 55 100 YES 60 YES YES YES NO 5 Mutual Funds (Advanced) Module 120 60 100 YES 60 YES NO YES NO 6 Options Trading (Advanced) Module 120 35 100 YES 60 YES YES YES YES 7 Retirement Analysis and Investment Planning 120 77 150 NO 50 YES NO YES YES 8 Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits ** 120 77 150 NO 50 YES NO YES YES 9 Tax Planning and Estate Planning ** 120 77 150 NO 50 YES NO YES YES 10 Investment Planning ** 120 77 150 NO 50 YES NO YES YES 30 100 NO 50 YES NO YES YES 11 Examination 5/Advanced Financial Planning ** 240 12 Equity Research Module ## 120 49 60 YES 60 YES NO YES NO 13 Financial Valuation and Modeling 120 100 100 YES 60 YES NO YES YES 100 60 YES 60 YES NO YES YES 14 Mutual Fund and Fixed Income Securities Module 120 15 Issue Management Module ## 120 55 70 YES 60 YES NO YES NO 16 Market Risk Module ## 120 40 65 YES 60 YES NO YES NO 17 Financial Modeling Module ### 120 30 100 YES 50 YES NO YES NO 18 Business Analytics Module ### 120 66 100 NO 50 YES NO YES NO # Candidates securing 80% or more marks in NSDL-Depository Operations Module ONLY will be certified as ‘Trainers’. ### Module of IMS Preschool ## Modules of Finitiatives Learning India Pvt. Ltd. (FLIP ** Financial Planning Standards Board India (Certified Financial Planner Certification) FPSB India Exam $ SSA Business School The curriculum for each of the modules (except Modules of Financial Planning Standards Board India, Finitiatives Learning India Pvt. Ltd. and IMS Proschool) is available on our website:

Preface about Nse academy NSE Academy is a subsidiary of National Stock Exchange of India. NSE Academy straddles the entire spectrum of financial courses for students of standard VIII and right up to MBA professionals. NSE Academy has tied up with premium educational institutes in order to develop pool of human resources having right skills and expertise which are apt for the financial market. Guided by our mission of spreading financial literacy for all, NSE Academy has constantly innovated its education template, this has resulted in improving the financial well-being of people at large in society. Our education courses have so far facilitated more than 41.8 lakh individuals become financially smarter through various initiatives. Nse academy’s Certification in Financial Markets (NCFM) NCFM is an online certification programme aimed at upgrading skills and building competency. The programme has a widespread reach with testing centres present at more than 154+ locations across the country. The NCFM offers certifications ranging from the Basic to Advanced. One can register for the NCFM through: 

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Derivatives Market Dealers Module ........................................................................ 0 CHaPter 1: iNtroDuCtioN to Derivatives ...................................................... 5 Why is it Important to learn about Derivatives? ............................................................ 5 1.1

Types of Derivative Contracts ........................................................................... 6


Basic Derivatives ............................................................................................ 8


History of Financial Derivatives Markets ............................................................. 9


Participants in a Derivative Market .................................................................. 11


Economic Function of the Derivative Market ..................................................... 12


CONCLUSION............................................................................................... 13

CHaPter 2: uNDerstaNDiNG iNterest rates aND stoCk iNDiCes ................ 14 2.1

Understanding Interest Rates ......................................................................... 14


Understanding The Stock Index ...................................................................... 15


Economic Significance of Index Movements ...................................................... 16


Index Construction ....................................................................................... 17


Desirable Attributes Of An Index..................................................................... 18


Applications Of Index .................................................................................... 20


CONCLUSION............................................................................................... 21

CHaPter 3: Futures CoNtraCts, MeCHaNisM aND PriCiNG ........................... 22 3.1 Forward Contracts ............................................................................................. 22 3.2 Limitations Of Forward Markets ........................................................................... 23 3.3 Introduction To Futures ...................................................................................... 24 3.4 Distinction between Futures and Forwards Contracts .............................................. 24 3.5 Futures Terminology .......................................................................................... 24 3.6 Trading Underlying Vs. Trading Single Stock Futures .............................................. 25 3.7 Futures Payoffs ................................................................................................. 26 3.8 Pricing Futures ................................................................................................. 28 3.9 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................... 32


CHaPter 4: aPPliCatioN oF Futures CoNtraCts ........................................... 33 4.1

Understanding Beta (β) ................................................................................. 33


Numerical illustration of applications of stock Futures ........................................ 33


Hedging using stock index Futures .................................................................. 36


CONCLUSION............................................................................................... 38

CHaPter 5: oPtioNs CoNtraCts, MeCHaNisM aND aPPliCatioNs ................. 39 5.1

Option Terminology....................................................................................... 39


Comparison between Futures and options ........................................................ 40


Options Payoffs ............................................................................................ 42


Application Of Options ................................................................................... 46


Popular Options Trading Strategies.................................................................. 56


CONCLUSION............................................................................................... 62

CHaPter 6: PriCiNG oF oPtioNs CoNtraCts, volatilitY aND oPtioN Greeks .... 63 6.1

Variables Affecting Option Pricing ................................................................... 63


Option Price Limits ....................................................................................... 64


The Black scholes Merton Model for Option Pricing (BSO) ................................... 64


The Greeks .................................................................................................. 65


Volatility of Options ...................................................................................... 67

CHaPter 7: traDiNG oF Derivatives CoNtraCts ........................................... 69 7.1

Futures And Options Trading System ............................................................... 69


Client Broker Relationship in Derivative Segment .............................................. 72


Order Types and Conditions ........................................................................... 72


Order Processing and Matching ...................................................................... 73


The Trader Workstation ................................................................................. 74


Futures and options Market instruments .......................................................... 78


Criteria for Stocks and Index Eligibility for Trading ............................................ 84


Charges ...................................................................................................... 86




CONCLUSION............................................................................................... 87


CHaPter 8: CleariNG aND settleMeNt ............................................................ 88 8.1

Clearing Entities ........................................................................................... 88


Clearing Mechanism ...................................................................................... 89


Settlement Procedure ................................................................................... 91


Risk Management ......................................................................................... 95


NSSCL SPAN ................................................................................................ 97


Cross Margining ..........................................................................................102

CHaPter 9: reGulatorY FraMeWork .............................................................104 9.1

Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 ....................................................104


Securities And Exchange Board Of India Act, 1992 ...........................................105


Regulation for Derivatives Trading..................................................................106


Requirements for F&O Trading At NSE ............................................................107


Position limits .............................................................................................110


Reporting of client margin ............................................................................113



CHaPter 10: aCCouNtiNG For Derivatives ...................................................115 10.1

Key Accounting Principles .............................................................................115


Applicability ................................................................................................115


Synthetic Accounting ...................................................................................116


Hedge Accounting .......................................................................................116


Presentation in The Financial Statements ........................................................118


Disclosures in Financial Statements ...............................................................119


Taxation Of Derivative Transaction In Securities ...............................................120

CHaPter 11: iNvestor serviCes .....................................................................122 11.1

Commencing Trading on the NSE Derivatives Segment .....................................122


Model Risk Disclosure Document ...................................................................123


Do’s and Don’t’s for Investors .......................................................................124


SEBI Measures for Investor Rights Protection ..................................................125

reFereNCes .......................................................................................................126 MoDel test PaPer ............................................................................................127


Distribution of weights of the Derivatives Market (Dealers) Module Curricu Chapter No


Weights (%)


Introduction to Derivatives



Understanding Interest Rates and Stock Indices



Futures Contracts, Mechanism and Pricing



Application of Futures Contracts



Options Contracts, Mechanism and Applications



Pricing of Options Contracts and Greek Letters



Trading of Derivatives Contracts



Clearing and Settlement



Regulatory Framework



Accounting for Derivatives


Note: - Candidates are advised to refer to website: while preparing for NCFM test (s) for announcements pertaining to revisions/updations in NCFM modules or launch of new modules, if any.

Copyright © 2016 by NSE Academy Limited NSE Academy Limited is a subsidiary of NSE Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051

All content included in this book, such as text, graphics, logos, images, data compilation etc. are the property of NSE Academy Ltd. This book or any part thereof should not be copied, reproduced, duplicated, sold, resold or exploited for any commercial purposes. Furthermore, the book in its entirety or any part cannot be stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise.


CHaPter 1: iNtroDuCtioN to Derivatives The term ‘Derivative’ stands for a contract whose price is derived from or is dependent upon an underlying asset. The underlying asset could be a financial asset such as currency, stock and market index, an interest bearing security or a physical commodity. Today, around the world, derivative contracts are traded on electricity, weather, temperature and even volatility. According to the Securities Contract Regulation Act, (1956) the term “derivative” includes: •

a security derived from a debt instrument, share, loan, whether secured or unsecured, risk instrument or contract for differences or any other form of security;

a contract which derives its value from the prices, or index of prices, of underlying securities.

The concept of derivatives can be traced back to the Mesopotamian era when the sixth Babylonian king allowed sale of good...

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