Describe Eriksons Theory PDF

Title Describe Eriksons Theory
Author Beckie Sampson
Course People, Work and Society
Institution The Open University
Pages 3
File Size 98.1 KB
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Rebeckah McAndrew H4416878 Y032 TMA01 Part 1 Describe Erikson’s stage theory in your own words. Erik Erikson was a psychoanalyst, who created a lifespan stage theory about human psychosocial and identity development. Each stage of this theory emphasises the importance of the relationship between the individual and society and their contribution to an individual’s overall development[CITATION The18 \p 58 \l 2057 ]. Erikson’s theory comprises of 8 stages, starting at birth where babies learn whether to trust or mistrust their primary caregiver to meet their basic needs. This leads to the early childhood, play age, and school age. The main virtues during these stages are developing a sense of confidence, self, and purpose. If at any point during these stages society prevents the individual from achieving these virtues, they may develop feelings of shame, guilt, and a sense of inferiority to their peers. In the adolescence stage, teenagers are starting to develop their own identity, if they are not allowed to experiment and find their own identity, there may be a level of confusion that likely continues into adulthood. Moving on to early adulthood, we meet the crisis of intimacy vs isolation, if an individual is unable to develop intimacy and meaningful relationships, they will likely start to feel isolated. During adulthood, the longest stage within this theory, an individual who does not feel productive may develop feelings of stagnation and feel as though they contribute little to society. The final stage is old age where reflection on one’s life begins. If an individual looks back on their life and feels as though they have accomplished very little, then they may develop feelings of despair[CITATION The18 \p 61 \l 2057 ]. Each of these stages are common in the sense that Erikson proposed the idea that one must overcome each ‘crises’ to come to a resolution or ‘virtue’. He strongly 1

Rebeckah McAndrew H4416878 Y032 TMA01 believed that if any stage was not successfully negotiated that an individual may face challenges relevant to that stage later in life[CITATION The18 \p 60 \l 2057 ]. These challenges may be overcome later in life using talking therapies, such as CBT, Psychodynamic and Humanistic Therapies[CITATION The18 \p 65 \l 2057 ]. (347 Words) References The Open University. (2018). Y032 Block 1: Can people change? Milton Keynes: The Open University

Part 2 2

Rebeckah McAndrew H4416878 Y032 TMA01 1. What made you decide to study this module? Now that my children are getting a little bit older, I feel that it is the right time for me to do something for myself to enable me to start thinking about starting a good career. Having been out of education for so long I felt as though this access module would be a good way to ease me back into education and help me to build on my confidence when it comes to studying and academic writing. This module also contains some very interesting topics that will be beneficial to my ongoing education and future career.

2. Which topics particularly interest you? I am particularly interested in the health, social sciences and law aspects of this module. I hope to gain some insight into these subjects, and how they affect individuals differently within society.

3. How do you think your previous experiences of work, education or everyday life have prepared you for this module? Having worked as a health care assistant for the past five years I feel as though I have gained some invaluable experience. Such as working with a range of individuals from a wide array of backgrounds. In my role, it was important to manage my time well, perform well under pressure and hold excellent communication skills. I feel as though these skills will help me throughout studying this module.

4. What do you want to achieve by studying this module? I hope to achieve a greater level of knowledge and understanding of the topics covered. By studying this access module I hope to gain confidence in my ability to write academically as well as learning the skills I will need to be successful at degree level.

5. What are you hoping to achieve in the longer term? In the longer term, I hope to pass this module and enrol on to a degree. Although I am still a bit uncertain which degree choice to go for. In the much longer term, I see myself having a career in a position where I am able to help and assist people. Whether that be within the health and/or social care sector I’m still undecided.

6. Identify one thing in this assignment that you would particularly like feedback from your tutor on? I would specifically like feedback on my references as I’m not sure if they are correct.


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