Behaviorism Theory vs. Freudian Theory PDF

Title Behaviorism Theory vs. Freudian Theory
Author Dana Morrone
Course Introduction To Criminal Justice.
Institution Montclair State University
Pages 11
File Size 98.5 KB
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An essay on Behaviorism Theory vs. Freudian Theory....




Behaviorism Theory vs. Freudian Theory

BEHAVIORISM VS. FREUDIAN Abstract This paper focuses on the relationship between behaviorist theories and Freudian theories on personality, deviance, and gender. It will show how different both theorists view the three categories and how they may be similar. Following the beliefs from both sides I will give my input of their arguments.

BEHAVIORISM VS. FREUDIAN Behaviorism Theory vs. Freudian Theory Behaviorism was founded by John B. Watson and is based on the belief that behaviors can be measured, trained, and changed. (Cherry, pg. 1) Behaviorism was established with the publication of Watson’s paper ‘’Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It.’’ (Cherry, pg. 1) Behaviorism is a theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through interaction with the environment. (Cherry, pg. 1) Behaviorists believe that our responses to environmental stimuli shape our behaviors. (Cherry, pg. 1) According to this school of thought, behavior can be studied in a systematic and observable manner with no consideration of internal mental states. (Cherry, pg. 1) It suggests that only observable behaviors should be studied, since internal states such as cognitions, emotions, and moods are too subjective. (Cherry, pg. 1) Behaviorists believe that anyone can be trained to do anything, no matter what they have done in the past, what their personal traits are, or what their internal thoughts are, it just comes down to the right conditioning for anyone to do anything. The two major types of conditioning are classical conditioning and operant conditioning. ‘’Classical conditioning is a technique used in behavioral training in which a naturally occurring stimulus is paired with a response. Next, a previously neutral stimulus is paired with the naturally occurring stimulus. Eventually, the previously neutral stimulus comes to evoke the response without the presence of the naturally occurring stimulus. The two elements are then known as the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response.’’ (Cherry, pg. 1) Operant conditioning is ‘’ a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Through operant conditioning, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior.’’ (Cherry, pg. 1) Freudian theory involves the psychoanalytic theory which states that all psychic energy is generated by the libido. Freud stated that our mental states are influenced by cathexis and

BEHAVIORISM VS. FREUDIAN anticathexis which are two competing forces. In Freudian theory the conscious and unconscious are what construct the mind. Freudian theory also believes in stages of development, and defense mechanisms.

Behaviorist: Personality B.F. Skinner is known for his studies on operant conditioning, and he believed that the environment determines behavior. Skinner believed that people have consistent behavior patterns because each person has certain kinds of response tendencies which mean that through time people learn how to behave in certain ways. The behaviors that come with positive consequences increase, while the behaviors that come with negative consequences will decrease. Skinner didn’t believe that childhood plays an important role in forming someone’s personality because he thought someone’s personality is developed throughout their entire life. Skinner believed that people change how they respond to things as they encounter new situations throughout their life. Albert Bandura stated that people learn how to respond in certain ways by watching other people, which are called models. Bandura believes that conditioning is not an automatic, mechanical process. Bandura believes that cognitive processes such as thinking and reasoning are important in learning, and the type of behaviorism that they advocate is called socialcognitive learning. Walter Mischel is a social cognitive theorist like Bandura. Mischels’s did research on people’s behavior and it showed that situations have a strong effect on people’s behavior and that their responses to the situations will depend on the consequences of their behavior. I agree with most of the behaviorist theorist, the only thing that I don’t agree with is that Skinner says how a person’s childhood does not affect their personality because their personality

BEHAVIORISM VS. FREUDIAN will develop through their entire life. I think childhood actually has a lot to do with someone’s personality depending on what their childhood was like. For example, a child that was continuously abused will have a different personality that a child that wasn’t abused, I just don’t understand how Skinner can say that the childhood won’t affect ones personality, the examples can go on and on about how people may be different because of what they’ve been through as a kid. Behaviorist: Deviance B.F. Skinner believed that it would be best to change the future events or circumstances in people’s environments than to punish and put blame on the people for deviant behavior. The article, B.F. Skinner and Radical Behaviorism: Applied Behavioral Analysis, Programmed Learning, & Augmented Learning states, ‘’If behavior is the result of selective reinforcement, then deviant behavior is a function of the environment.’’ Applied behavioral analysis focuses on the environment instead of the psychodynamics of a person with deviant behavior. Skinner believed that if someone can control the environment then they can control behavior, he was able to demonstrate this by doing some of his work in institutions when modifying people’s behavior. Skinner showed that when the reinforcements are changed and the deviant behavior isn’t reinforced that the deviant behavior will stop occurring. The environment can also be changed to reinforce new behaviors that are the most desired. In behavior modification, the focus is on extinguishing behaviors that are in themselves deviant or lead to deviant or criminal activities. (Skinner and Radical Behaviorism) Behavior modifications have been used traditionally in educational and custodial institutions such as hospitals and prisons and are still used today. I believe that these theories make sense and are useful obviously depending on the circumstances. For example if someone is committing many crimes it would make sense to change the environment so that they don’t commit those crimes anymore, by changing the environment you can put this person in prison therefore they are incapable of committing those crimes since they are in an environment that doesn’t make it possible to commit. Behaviorist: Gender Again, behaviorists emphasize the importance of reinforcements. Additionally reward and punishment, social variables, observing other people, modeling other people, and irritation are a part in behaviorism. The learning of gender roles through a behavioral approach is the result of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observation. Behaviorists believe that gender roles and gender associated behaviors are all due to learning these behaviors and it has nothing to do with naturally having these behaviors. An example is when babies are first

BEHAVIORISM VS. FREUDIAN born generally they are handled differently depending on if they are a boy or a girl, so usually boys get the blue clothes and girls get the pink clothes, as they get a little older the boys get the play workshop and the girls get the play kitchen. An example of classical conditioning is when a boy sees his dad shaving his face and the child mimics it in the bathroom, or a mom brushing her hair and a little girl brushes her hair after seeing her mom do it. Operant conditioning is when a behavior is following be a positive or negative consequence. For example a boy putting lip stick on and he gets yelled at by his parents for it, the kid won’t put lip stick on again, or a boy takes the garbage out and his parents reward him or show positive attention for it then he will continue taking the garbage out. A girl walking around with her shirt off getting yelled at by her mom will also be an example of operant conditioning because she will know not to take her shirt off. Freudian: Personality Sigmund Freud believed that the mind is formed by the conscious and unconscious components. The thoughts that we potentially have and the desires that dictate our behavior without us being aware is the unconscious part. Slavovj Zizek said that the unconscious part of our mind is where we know things that we do not know, for example the things that our mind represses. The ego is what is responsible for repressing our unconscious thoughts. Freud said that the libido is sublimated into desexualized energy. That energy is then used in all other psychic efforts that are productive and destructive. Freud said that it is this desexualized energy that makes a person who they are. The mechanics someone’s personality would depend on the relationship between the ego, id, and superego. The ego manufactures and stores the "objectcathexes" sexual energy directs itself toward.( The superego diverts this energy into non-sexual ambitions which are often more socially permissible.

BEHAVIORISM VS. FREUDIAN ( The differentiation of the super-ego from the ego is the most important characteristic in someone’s personality.( Freudian: Deviance Freud believed that for someone to be healthy, the mind has to fully develop the id, ego, and super-ego. Freud also believes that someone’s childhood experiences can change who they become as the get older. Freudian theorists believe that deviance is because ones ego or super ego has poorly developed, this would be because their id is not restricted in by the ego or superego. People who act out without feelings or remorse are said to have no super-ego. People who are psychopaths or sociopaths do not think of situations from another person’s standpoint and only act out in what is best for them. Children who don’t develop a full ego or super-ego will have a higher chance of becoming a deviant. This makes a lot of sense to me. I understand this theory because it is a good explanation of why people become criminals. Freudian: Gender Freud said that everyone goes through five stages of psychosexual development. The five stages are oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency period, and genital period. The first 3 stages occur during childhood, and if one of the stages do not become fully resolved than the person will fixated at that stage which will cause problems later in their life. The fixation can occur through frustration or overindulgence. The oral stage ranges from birth to about 18 months old. The focus of sexual energy is the mouth and if frustration occurs at this stage it will lead to pessimism, envy, sarcasm, and a need to achieve oral stimulation. If overindulgence occurs it will lead to optimism, admiration or others, gullibility, and neediness of others.

BEHAVIORISM VS. FREUDIAN The anal stage is from 18 months to 3 years old and the pleasure focus is on the anus. This is because during this stage the child is in the potty training part of its’ life. If frustration occurs and the parents let the child be messy this will lead the child becoming anal expulsive, which would be a messy person, being disorganized, and being reckless. If there is overindulgence this will make the person anal retentive which will make the person stubborn, obsessed with being clean, and possessive. The phallic stage occurs during 4 and 5 years old and the genital region is the focus of sexual energy. For boys gender development they use the Oedipus complex which boys develop sexual feelings towards their mothers due to the sexual centre being the genital region, boys see their father as a rival and develop hatred and aggression towards him, the castration fear outstrips the sexual feelings for the mother therefore the feelings get repressed, and the boy identidies with his father in order to reconcile feelings of guilt and fear. Girls use the electra complex to explain gender development. At this stage girls discover that women have no penis and men do, they love their father and it becomes erotic and envious, the girl will identify with her mother in attempt to vicariously possess her father. If fixation occurs during this stage the person will become arrogant, reckless, and difficulty building and maintaining relationships with people when they are older. During latency period there is no sexual focus. This becomes a resting stage after the phallic stage is completed and lasts into puberty. Children begin to just focus on their school and sports. They also begin healthy relationships among the same sex. During the genital stage if the Oedipus complex was correctly resolved and the phallic stage was successfully passed through than boys will develop normal and healthy friendships and

BEHAVIORISM VS. FREUDIAN heterosexual relationships. If the Oedipus was not resolved than the person may have relationship problems, such as homosexuality. Conclusion I don’t solely agree with one side more than the other. I see consistency with both behaviorists and Freudian theorists. Personally I believe that it is a combination of both views that make sense of our society. The only thing that I fully did not agree on is that behaviorists believe childhood does not affect ones personality as the grow up to become adults. I believe that child hood has a lot with someone’s personality and that can be proved from looking and Freudians theory.

BEHAVIORISM VS. FREUDIAN References Smith, C. (2010). Freuds Theory On Human Behavior. Appelroth, S.(2012). Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory B. F. Skinner and Radical Behaviorism: Applied Behavioral Analysis, Programmed Learning, & Augmented Learning


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