Development Stages IN Middle AND LATE Adolescence PDF

Title Development Stages IN Middle AND LATE Adolescence
Course Urban Education
Institution Gordon College
Pages 5
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ADOLESCENCE Adolescence is the transition period between childhood and early adulthood (age ranges between 11 or 12 to 18 years old.) The period of life when a child develops into a adult. Adolescence is one of the most rapid phase of human development. Adolescence is a period of life with specific health and developmental needs and rights. It is also a time to develop knowledge and skills, learn to manage emotions and relationships, and acquire attributes and abilities that will be important for enjoying the adolescent years and assuming adult roles.

IS ADOLESCENCE DIFFERENT FROM PUBERTY? PUBERTY VS. ADOLESCENCE PUBERTY  Puberty is the process of physical changes by which adolescents reach sexual maturity.  Ex: Girls having the capacity of reproduction.  Puberty refers to the bodily changes. ADOLESCENCE  Adolescence is the period of psychological and social transition between childhood and adulthood.  Adolescence is period of mental and emotional changes which boys and girls experience while going sexual maturity ADOLESCENCE – BETWEEN CHILDHOOD AND ADULTHOOD -

adolescents such as us experience a change in our physical body over the course of years. these changes includes the growth of hair in the armpit and the public areas, the increase in height, for the males, the deepening of the voice. for the girls, the start of their menstruation period and development of their breasts.

aside from the physical changes, we, as adolescents, have develop feelings and desires too.

for instance, the feeling of sadness because you realized that you are no longer a child, the feeling of excitement because suddenly, you have a strong needs and desires to be with people at your age, making friends and having fun without your family.

these changes mark the onset of puberty, and the beginning of the adolescent stage of human development

 as adolescents develop physically, they also develop cognitively, psychologically, socially and spiritually the ages during adolescence may be bracketed as follows  early adolescence – ages around 10 to 13  middle adolescence – ages from 14 to 16  late adolescence – ages from 17 to 20 american psychologists differs slightly with their age definitions of adolescence. feist and rosenberg pegged early adolescence at 11 or 12, and late adolescence at about age 18 hence, in america, a child is usually "out of the house" at the age of 18 because this is the age on how they define young adulthood. this age definition of adolescence is not a "cut – and – dried rule" as some persons mature already of others, or some experience delayed maturity due to many factors like genetics, environment, or even economic conditions. CHANGES DURING ADOLESCENCE - the adolescent's physiological transitioning is very pronounced at this stage. puberty kicks in and is fueled by the hormonal changes that are occurring and pushing the adolescent toward sexual maturation - at this stage, the brain also continues to develop. cognitive growth among adolescents is usually marked by the way they are able to comprehend abstract concepts such as freedom and human rights


their beliefs about morality, religion, and politics are also starting to evolve. this is the stage when young men and women begin to ask questions about the status quo, about the way things happen, and usually counter questions or situations with a challenging question of "why not?"

- IDEALISM idealism is very prominent among adolescents, and so is their inclination toward becoming very self – conscious and egocentric. reckless behavior of adolescents are sometimes attributed to the development of their brains since their ability to make plans and see the consequences of their actions are not yet fully developed unlike in adults. EXPERIMENTATION Experimentation is a common activity among adolescents as they search for their identity. they want to be treated as adults, and they see adults behavior as something to emulate. unfortunately, they also mimic negative behaviors like smoking and drinking, which are perceived as marks of manhood in some cultures like ours. FASHION 

different clothing and fashion style are often the most obvious ways used by adolescents in expressing their independence and in asserting their unique selves. they also search for social groups with whom they find common interests to further validate their chosen identity


in this digital era, online friendship abound, thanks to social networking sites such as facebook, instagram, and twitter. online games are also popular among adolescents, partly due to the social aspects of the game and the need to develop abstract reasoning that is built in the game.


sexual experimentation also happens in this stage. however, due to their underdeveloped cognitive and affective capabilities and education of the matter, this experimentation sometimes end up in a disaster, such as tenn pregnancies and sexual diseases.

Adolescence and social behavior Every culture has a representation of how their adolescent population behaved over the decades. For example, in the USA, the term "teenage rebellion" was popularized in the 1950's with the beatnik movement at it's forefront. Popular rebel teen star such as James dean and writer Jack Kerouac became the icons of that era. Local teenagers copied their American counterparts. It was the era of the "lo – waist gang", where actors wore tight fitting jeans and pompadour hairstyles slopped with pomade Social issues also became the popular themes of this era, with the anti – war movement against the war in Vietnam The gathering at Woodstock in upstate New York where hippies got together for three days amidst music, drugs, and sex, also became one of the enduring symbols that immortalized this generation On the local scene, social and political activists. Mostly high school and college students, were in the midst of the political turmoil that dominated the Philippines before and during martial law While there were activist students marching across around the streets of manila, other young Filipinos went up to the hills of Antipolo, Rizal to hold their own version of Woodstock, dubbed as the Antipolo rock festival held in 1970. 

Towards the new millennium, the new adolescents who were born from the 1980's to about the early 2000's became known as "millennials." This generation was born in the midst of a great technology boom; hence, they were also referred to as "digital natives" versus the previous generation who were referred to as "digital immigrants," having migrated from non – digital to digital technology

Skills and tasks appropriate for middle and late adolescence

According to a study conducted by the work – life center at the Massachusetts institute of technology, titled "raising teens project", the study enumerated ten desirable developmental tasks every adolescent in America should develop.

Adjust To Sexually Maturing Bodies And Feelings 

Being aware of the bodily changes happening, managing sexual feelings, and engaging in healthy sexual behaviors. Establishing sexual identity and developing skills for romantic and meaningful relationships are the healthy results when adolescents learn to adjust to their own development.

Effectively understand and coordinate abstract ideas, thinking out possibilities, trying out theories, planning ahead, reflecting on how and what they are thinking, and coming out with their own personal philosophies.

Develop And Apply A New Perspective On Human Relationship

Developing the capacity for compassion by learning how to put themselves in "somebody else's shoes" in order to understand other people's feelings and perspectives. Looking at relationships in different perspectives can develop in learning how to resolve conflicts in relationships. 

Develop And Apply New Coping Skills In Areas Such As Decision – Making, Problem Solving, And Conflict Resolution Adolescents acquire new thinking capabilities that will help them engage in more creative strategies from problem solving, decision – making, and resolving conflict. They should be able to project toward the future and see the consequences of their actions Identify Meaningful Moral Standards, Values, And Belief System

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Because of their idealism, adolescents develop more complex understanding of morality, justice, and compassion that leads to the formation of their own belief system that will guide their decision and behaviors. Understand And Express More Complex Emotional Experiences

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Becoming more in touch with their emotions and see the complex variance among strong emotions and feelings, understanding the emotions and feelings of other persons, and learning how to detach themselves from emotional situations whenever the need arises Form Friendships That Are Mutually Close And Supportive

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Peer influence is very strong among adolescents and this should be able to steer an adolescent toward productive and positive relationships, behavior, and thinking. Learning how to trust others is an important task for an adolescent to develop. 

Be encouraged to develop their own healthy self – concepts that reflect their uniqueness in relation to themselves, their families and friends, and with the bigger community. 

Meet The Demands Of Increasingly Mature Roles And Responsibilities

It is important for the emerging adult to acquire skills and knowledge that will provide him with meaningful careers and jobs and to live up to the expectations regarding commitment to family, community, and nation – building. 

Establish Key Aspects Of Identity

Renegotiate relationships with adults in parenting roles

The adolescent stage sees the movement toward independence and autonomy

According to a book named "child and adolescent development", it identified similar developmental tasks a Filipino adolescent needs to learn. These are: 


Skills that can help the adolescent develop responsibility as a preparation for gainful employment ahead. SELF – RELIANCE

The ability to identify their own skills and knowledge, capabilities, and resources to engage in meaningful activities and not rely too much on others


Be able to discern what is the difference between "wants" and "needs", and be able to learn self – control when handling their finances. As early as possible, the adolescent should learn financial literacy through various means available to them


Adolescents should be able to see beyond themselves, take into consideration the greater community around them, and see their role in improving and developing these communities, serving as change agents

Mature Work Orientation 

Develop pride in what they do and raise standards of excellence in the quality of their work .

Personal Responsibility  To be fully responsible for their own decisions and by owning them.  Refrain from putting blame on others for the results of their decisions and actions. Positive attitude toward work  “Work is Love made Visible” – The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran (Lebanese Poet)  Developing a healthy and positive attitude toward work means that we see work as an expression of our love for people who are important to us, including ourselves.  Here is an additional list of developmental tasks and skills a Filipino adolescent should acquire:  Being Courageous in standing up and being different from your friends  The adolescent needs to feel he or she belongs to a group.  Belonging to a group does not necessarily mean losing one’s identify and being guided by “mob rule”, or what majority does.  Being courageous means learning to say “NO” to what one thinks is going against his or her belief. Developing Self-Esteem  Learn to understand, accept, and appreciate oneself as a unique person.  Avoiding comparisons between you and other people is also a healthy way to develop self-esteem.  Being true to yourself and avoiding the tendency to please others.  Adolescents find it difficult to assert their individuality or uniqueness because they are afraid others will not approve or like them, or will not allow them to become a member of a group.  Conformity often occurs during this stage of development  Continuation.  By developing one’s self-esteem, the need for approval from others become less.  Learning how media and advertising are trying to influence your thinking and feelings  Understand that news is reported for a reason, usually to serve the purpose of someone or some organization.  Understand that advertising employed to sell consumer products work on either fear or desires.  Becoming aware, critical and being involved with social issues.  Ask questions and speak up whenever possible to address social issues such as poverty and corruption.  Let our leaders know how you think and feel about our society and learn to suggest solutions in improving our lives. Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle

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Becoming aware of your health and the food you eat, and engaging in sports and other physical activities beneficial to your well-being. Learn to relax.

Developing your Spirituality  Finding what gives meaning to your life and to all experiences you are going through...

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