DF unit 1 ENGL 1405 Discussion forum unit 1 that will help you solve the given question at an amazing speed. PDF

Title DF unit 1 ENGL 1405 Discussion forum unit 1 that will help you solve the given question at an amazing speed.
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DF unit 1 ENG 1405 Discussion forum unit 1 that will help you solve the given question at an amazing speed....


2/16/22, 11:49 PM

ENGL 1405-01 - AY2022-T3: Unit 1

ENGL 1405-01 World Literature - AY2022-T3 Dashboard / My courses / ENGL 1405-01 - AY2022-T3 / 27 January - 2 February / Discussion Forum Unit 1 / Unit 1 

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Unit 1 by Kelly Patrick (Instructor) - Monday, 24 January 2022, 7:28 AM

For your first Discussion Assignment, you will write about the four main things you noticed about the story you read. DoNOTretell the story, but give a description of what you thought about in relation to the story when you read it. What stood out for you? What made you think? In addition, you must extend the discussion by responding to at least three (3) of your peers’ postings in the Discussion Forum and by rating their posts. Instructions for proper posting and rating are provided inside the Discussion Forum for each week.

94 words


Re: Unit 1 by Naomasa Kushiyama - Thursday, 27 January 2022, 2:10 AM Hello all! I chose One of These Days by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The four points that impressed me were: ・The brief but intriguing introduction of the world in the story. ・The lost peace, and the devastating circumstance in the protagonist's city eventuated from corrupt politics. ・The violent and tense situation during the dental operation. ・The protagonists' bravery to antagonize the wicked Mayor. In the following, I will describe the above in order.



2/16/22, 11:49 PM

ENGL 1405-01 - AY2022-T3: Unit 1

Firstly, this drama is about a dentist without a degree. The introduction gives readers a description of the story's situation by depicting the climate and the main character's clothes. The protagonist's name, "Aurelio Escovar," also suggests that the story takes place in Latin America or a neighboring country. I always believe it is essential in fiction to create an intriguing introduction, so this piece is impressive in that respect. Secondly, the location of this fiction is a municipality with poor security. From the concept, we can imagine that the citizens are suffering due to the maladministration of the Mayor. In addition, in my home country, the existence of unlicensed dentists is genuinely unthinkable. From that point of view, it was exciting for me to sense the unusual tense atmosphere and culture gap that this story produced. Thirdly, I was impressed by the painful delineations during the dental procedure. Pulling out a tooth without anesthesia is sure to cause unimaginable torment, so I felt a bit sorry for the Mayor at this scene. However, we can see this portrayal of the pain inflicted on the Mayor as a kind of catharsis to the readers. Fourthly, I was moved by the protagonist's bravery (or temerity). If I were the dentist, it would be inconceivable for me to say, "Tell him to come and shoot me" (Marquez, 1962, para. 8). I was astonished at how intrepid and fearless the protagonist was. I enjoyed this part the most since it implicitly conveys the protagonist's sense of despair and preparedness for death. In conclusion, not only a succinct introduction of the world, it was also remarkable how this fiction made readers feel the tension throughout the story even though there was no detailed psychological description. Furthermore, the protagonist's crazy act of getting back at the evil Mayor under the guise of dental treatment creates a great sense of catharsis, which will exhilarate readers after reading this story.

References Marquez, G. G. (1962). One of These Days. Classic Short Stories. http://www.classicshorts.com/stories/ootdays.html 407 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Kelly Patrick (Instructor) - Saturday, 29 January 2022, 12:07 PM Welcome to class, Naomasa. 4 words

Re: Unit 1 by Naomasa Kushiyama - Monday, 31 January 2022, 8:10 PM It is so nice to meet you, Professor Kelly. 9 words

Re: Unit 1 by Dennis Onyiego - Sunday, 30 January 2022, 12:39 AM Hi Naomasa, I think you have given a great highlight on the story One of These Days by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. From your highlights it becomes clear that the setting of the story is in Latin America, it's all about a dentist who doesn't have a university degree



2/16/22, 11:49 PM

ENGL 1405-01 - AY2022-T3: Unit 1

and that there is a protagonist who not only opposes the ill services that the people in this municipality get but also the maladministration by the mayor who is not concerned by the risk his people are facing. 86 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Naomasa Kushiyama - Monday, 31 January 2022, 8:13 PM Hi Dennis, thank you very much for your reply. Yes, to put it in a nutshell, this story is so "risky." 21 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Belia Javier - Sunday, 30 January 2022, 4:39 PM Hello, Naomasa! Nice points! In "One of These Days," Garica Marquez writes on the difficulties between the middle class and politicians. Marquez is primarily concerned with the realities of power and vengeance. The plot revolves around the benefits and drawbacks that the middle class and politicians have in terms of power. Good Job! Beli... 54 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Naomasa Kushiyama - Monday, 31 January 2022, 8:15 PM Hello Belia, If I successfully conveyed my impression of this work to you, it would be delightful for me. Thank you very much for your reply. 26 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Joseph Bilong Sonna - Sunday, 30 January 2022, 6:52 PM Hi Naomasa Throughout this text, there is a latent tension. Thank you for allowing us to read it and understand it also in your way of presenting it to us. Keep up the good job 35 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Naomasa Kushiyama - Monday, 31 January 2022, 8:17 PM Hi Joseph, Thank you for your reply. Yes, the latent tension is what I enjoyed most in this story. 19 words



2/16/22, 11:49 PM

ENGL 1405-01 - AY2022-T3: Unit 1


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Re: Unit 1 by Nicole Estrada Miro - Monday, 31 January 2022, 10:48 AM Hi Naomasa, Firstly thank you for your clear writing, as it helped give me a deeper understanding of the points you were discussing in your post. You also did a great job in listing some of the major points from the story, thus giving someone who hasn't read it an understanding of some of the things that were occurring throughout the story. 62 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Naomasa Kushiyama - Monday, 31 January 2022, 8:19 PM Hi Nicole, I appreciate your motivating reply to my post. This fiction is short, but I think each scene implies many things. Thank you very much. 26 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Isatou Nagib - Tuesday, 1 February 2022, 7:34 AM hello Your explanation is brief and concise. I agree with you that the story contains some violent or terrorizing content during the quark doctor's tooth extraction on the corrupt mayor.Thanks! 30 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Mariah Veronica Verdejo - Tuesday, 1 February 2022, 8:25 PM Hi Naomasa, Thank you for your response. I got very interested in your thoughts on the discussion assignment. You have highlighted the key elements of the story. Though I have not read the story, the way you gave your summary and analysis made me want to grab the opportunity to read the story. Great job! 55 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Fatima Adardour - Wednesday, 2 February 2022, 3:00 PM you really did a great job analyzing the story. I chose One of These Days and I enjoyed reading it. Your post gave me a better illustration to the difference insights of the story. 34 words



2/16/22, 11:49 PM

ENGL 1405-01 - AY2022-T3: Unit 1


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Re: Unit 1 by Nour Jamaluddin - Wednesday, 2 February 2022, 6:06 PM Very interesting answer. Keep working. 5 words

Re: Unit 1 by Andrew Sakarelis - Wednesday, 2 February 2022, 11:02 PM Hello Naomasa, you clearly explain the four 4 points you noticed about the story, and what impressed you. 18 words

Re: Unit 1 by Dennis Onyiego - Saturday, 29 January 2022, 7:49 AM The story I read is titled "A good man is hard to find". It is a story told of a family consisting of a man, Bailey, his mother, his wife, and his three children who were set to go out, possibly to enjoy themselves. Though the rest of the family members were set to go to Florida, the grandmother really wanted to go to Tennessee so that she could visit some of her connections there. She tried every trick on land to convince not only her son Bailey but also her grandchildren and her daughter-in-law that the best place to visit that day was not Florida. Coincidentally, she had a newspaper that had news of a prisoner called The Misfit who had run away from prison and who had apparently committed atrocities against people. From the grandmother's reading, the Misfit was supposedly around Florida and grandmother tried to use this as an excuse of not taking the Florida route, lest they pump into the hands of the Misfit who may put them in harm's way. The family rejected grandmother's pleas and chose the direction of Florida, ironically meeting the misfit and his people who shot all of them dead! (O’Connor, n.d). Looking at this story, I notice many things but I will try to highlight only a few of them. To start with, there is a perfect plot by the aughtor of the story starting right from the introduction in the first paragraph to the end of the story. In the beginning of the story, there is the grandmother who tries to convince these other family members about the reasons that they should not go to Florida, the escape of the misfit being one of the reasons she advances. Little did she know that they would later pump into the hands of the misfit who will terminate their lives with a gun. This is irony. That the old woman is speaking about some Misfit that may harm them if they took the Florida route, is actually killed by the misfit the same day. There is a coincidence that when their car gets involved in an accident, the only people who show up are the Misfit and his people who, instead of lending a hand out of the accident predicarment, they end up terminating their lives. Secondly, in my tribe, there is a common saying that an older person is medicine. It is supposed to mean that one should not despice anything that comes from a person who is older than him or her. The fragrant manner in which all these family members despised grandmother's suggestion that they go to Tennesse instead of Florida is in agreement with this story. They all suffered the consequences of disobedience. To that end therefore, the story had a moral lesson to the effect that we should never disobey our elders. The style of the story is great. There is suspense at the beginning of the story. One one starts to read the story, it does not strike him or her at once to figure out who is who as pertains to the characters. It only emerges later that Baley is a son to grandmother and the other woman is grandmother's daughter in law. Irony also played out. Grandmother advancing the Misfit as one of the reasons that she doesn't want to go to Florida and goets killed by the same misfit.



2/16/22, 11:49 PM

ENGL 1405-01 - AY2022-T3: Unit 1

Finally, I believe it will be very bad of me if I don't talk about the title of this story. I think it agrees well with the story since so many people act in a very bad way, so it's easier to conclude that it's hard to find a good man. First, there is a grandmother who advances strong reasons on why the family should not go to Florida. All the reasons she advances, are supposed to serve her personal interest of visiting her connections in Tennesse. So grandmother was not warning the rest of the family about the Misfit in good faith but to cater for her interests. So she is not a good person either. All the family members are not in the mood of listening to her. Bad people. All the people who were with the Misfit were maderers. Bad people! References: O’Connor, F.(n.d).A Good Man is Hard to Find.https://my.uopeople.edu/pluginfile.php/1549156/mod_book/chapter/325085/A%20Good%20Man%20is%20Hard 722 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Kelly Patrick (Instructor) - Saturday, 29 January 2022, 12:07 PM Welcome to class, Dennis. 4 words

Re: Unit 1 by Joseph Bilong Sonna - Sunday, 30 January 2022, 7:35 PM Hi Denis I don't think the old woman is such a bad person. Everything, or almost everything a man can do, has a self-interested character (morally, psychologically, financially, etc., depending on the context). She just had a premonition that if the family fell into the hands of the prisoner called "The Misfit", there would be a tragedy. The Misfit is the bad man that was found. In my opinion, an innocent family crossed paths with bad people; and a tragedy happened. You have done a good job in pushing the analysis of the behaviors of each of the characters in the text. Keep up the good job and thanks for sharing 111 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Belia Javier - Monday, 31 January 2022, 12:27 AM Hi Dennis, You made an excellent decision in selecting the story of "A Good Man Is Hard to Find," which is a good story. Additionally, you have provided excellent comments on each of the four primary themes raised in the story. Well done! Beli... 44 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Nicole Estrada Miro - Monday, 31 January 2022, 10:55 AM Hi Denis, https://my.uopeople.edu/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=699509


2/16/22, 11:49 PM

ENGL 1405-01 - AY2022-T3: Unit 1

Reading through your post I could see that you did an excellent job at connecting the things you were reading to things you have seen/experienced in your life. I also noticed, from reading through the other replies, that you are adding another perspective of what the character's behavior and actions could mean. Which is something I always appreciate, as characters can be very complex, and thus can be analyzed in many different lights, by many people. You did an excellent job, keep up the good work, and thank you for sharing. 93 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Mariah Veronica Verdejo - Tuesday, 1 February 2022, 8:28 PM Hi Dennis, Reading your thoughts on the story you chose was interesting. Though I haven't read the story, you have pointed out the key elements you noticed in the story. So far, it was very understanding and very precise. Great Job! 41 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Pratik Timalsina - Wednesday, 2 February 2022, 12:10 AM Dear Dennis, It was good knowing your thoughts and ideas regarding the story through I haven't read it. We can get some scenarios of the story through your writings. It was convenient going through your writings. Great work. Thank you. Pratik 41 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Menatalla Sherif Tawfik - Wednesday, 2 February 2022, 2:11 PM Dennis, Thanks for your contribution! It was very interesting to read your discussion post. Your post was detailed and informative. I can see that you really put a lot of effort into it, so great job! It is well written. Keep up the good work! 45 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Fatima Adardour - Wednesday, 2 February 2022, 3:06 PM I am really excited to read the story after reading your analysis and thoughts about the story. the ironies you have brought up are really interesting and I agree with you that old people's advices are extremely valuable in life. 40 words


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Re: Unit 1 https://my.uopeople.edu/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=699509


2/16/22, 11:49 PM

ENGL 1405-01 - AY2022-T3: Unit 1

by Nour Jamaluddin - Wednesday, 2 February 2022, 6:07 PM I enjoyed reading your response. Thanks for sharing. 8 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Andrew Sakarelis - Wednesday, 2 February 2022, 11:05 PM Hello Dennis, was a pleasure to read your work. 9 words

Re: Unit 1 by Joseph Bilong Sonna - Saturday, 29 January 2022, 4:22 PM DISCUSSION FORUM UNIT 1 QUESTION The story I read was The Rocking Horse Winner, DH Lawrence. The four main things that I noticed in this drama were: 1) The family lives in an inconvenient situation, which is due to the choices of the parents, and which are not in line with their expensive standard of living. The story tells us about a family with a father, a mother, three children, an uncle, and servants. This family is desperate because, whatever they do, they cannot earn enough for their living. But the standard of living they displayed in the neighborhood was not in adequation with their earnings. 2) A savior came unexpectedly in the name of Paul. As “the house came to be haunted by the unspoken phrase: There must be more money! There must be more money!” All three children were intrigued. This compelled the son named Paul to secretly make a move to grab "luck". For him, “luck” meant money as the parents usually said that they “have no luck”. 3) Exploiters and opportunists take advantage of Paul's luck. Paul, in his determination to be lucky, compelled the Rocking-Horse to lead him to luck. Each time, after a frenzied ride of the Rocking-Horse he could guess the name of the winning horse in the next horse race. Those who, in secret, had helped him, also benefited from Paul's good predictions, and in return earned a lot of money. 4) The tragedy that usually depicts the end of a drama. Despite his fragile health, Paul continued to ride his Rocking-Horse with a frenzy. When Paul finally got really lucky and won the whopping 80,000 pounds, he died. This story is a prototype of a drama, that speaks of the hypocrisy of certain societies which prefer to appear so to reality. This fear inevitably leads to perdition or even death. 309 words


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Re: Unit 1 by Dennis Onyiego - Sunday, 30 January 2022, 12:53 AM Hi Joseph, It's a good summary of the story The Rocking Horse Winner by DH Lawrence. From the highlights, I can conclude that the wrong choices of the parents who are characters in the story lead them to a sorry state of affairs, always living in deficit despite them portraying themselves to the neighbors that they lived in plenty. Apparently, there is a tragedy that strikes the savior by the name of Paul who gets luck(money) but is later manipulated. 80 words



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ENGL 1405-01 - AY2022-T3: Unit 1


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