Dialogue writing exercise PDF

Title Dialogue writing exercise
Author Huma Essa
Course Creative Writing
Institution Iqra University
Pages 4
File Size 41 KB
File Type PDF
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practice for dialogue writing...


DIALOGUE COMPLETION EXERCISE- 1 Complete the dialogues given below in a suitable way. Write the answers against the correct blank numbers. Do not copy the whole sentence. Sameer had to catch a train to go to attend an interview in Chandigarh, but he reached the station late due to the traffic jam on roads and so he could not buy a ticket and boarded the train as the train was about to leave. Read the conversation between Sameer and the ticket-checker and complete it in a suitable way. Ticket Checker :



I am sorry, I don’t have one.

Ticket Checker:

Travelling without ticket? Don’t you (b) ……………………………?


Yes sir, I do know that. But you see (c) ………………. and so I had to board the train

without a ticket. Won’t you (d) ………………..? Ticket Checker:

Yes I can make a ticket, but you have to pay a fine of Rs. Mil- along with the fare.


No problem sir, here is the money.

Ticket Checker:

That’s all right, but be careful in future.

Sameer: I will, sir. Definitely.

Complete the following five short conversations with the most appropriate sentences. 1. Patient: Doctor:

I have had sleep disorder for nearly 3 months. ---------------


No, I wanted to see a doctor first.


You did the right thing. Now I will give you so me pills for that.

A) Have you done anything about it? B) Why didn't you see a doctor immediately alter this complaint started? C) Do you know what I should do about it? D) Did you have this complaint the last time you came to me? E) Your situation is really serious so you should immediately start getting professional help.

2. Andy:

You haven't been looking so well recently. Anything wrong?


Yes. Yesterday I had to take my mother to hospital due to high blood sugar.




Not really. All she has to do is to follow a strict diet.

A) It is not a very serious illness. You don't need to worry.

B) I hope she is fine now. Please let me know how she is when she is back from hospital. C) Oh God! How is she right now? Anything serious? D) I told her that she had lo be careful with what she ate but she never listens to me. E) I am sorry I didn't know. Is she OK now? 3. Henry: Ashley:

Are we supposed to hand in our assignments by Friday? No, we have time until the end of this month. Have you finished it yet?




Neither have I. I really don't know what to do.

A) No, I haven't. I'm still trying lo find some reference books but I haven't found any yet. B) Yes, I didn't sleep last night in order to complete it. C) I am nearly done but I still need some help for the cover. D) I didn't even know about it until yesterday. I found out when John talked to me about it. E) You never change. You always do your work on the last day, don't you? Q: Write a dialogue between two friends; one persuading the other to stay over for the night at her house. Write 6-8 dialogues each.

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“I thought you were supposed to call me.” “I never, ever want to hear you say that again.” “Don’t just stand there looking at me.” “Do you like my country?” “My back’s killing me.” “How much longer till we’re there?” “You have to tell her. It wouldn’t be right not to.” “It doesn’t do any good to get worked up.” “How much does he want?” “I know it’s a little expensive.” “I caught your cold.”

“Could you not walk ten steps in front of me for a change?” “Give me the remote.” “Could you please not use that tone of voice?” “Look. There’s a place to park.” “I been thinking we should move to Alaska.” “Ten bucks for this piece of crap!” “You first.” “You’d be late for your own funeral.” “You know you’re wrong....

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