Didactic unit PDF

Title Didactic unit
Author Natalia Nieto
Course Didáctica General
Institution Universidad de Oviedo
Pages 6
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Didactic unit: We are the Earth. Tituli: Didactic Unit; We are the earth. Target: teachers of Natural Sciences. Subject: Natural Sciences. Author: 53782019S Throughout this didactic lesson we are going to develop one of the 10 units in the teaching plan. According to the didactic program in the LOMCE; teachers have to facilitate to the pupils the learning of the expression and oral comprehension, the calculation, the writing, the acquisition of basic notions of the culture and habits of coexistence, as well as study and work, the artistic sense, the creativity and the affection, in order to guarantee an integral education, and to contribute to the complete development of the personality of the pupil and to prepare them to take advantages of the Compulsory Secondary Education. 1. CONTEXTUALIZATION The didactic unit that we are going to develop now is thought to be developed in the public school from Asturias, Gijón, called Colegio Begoña, by pupils in the 3rd grade of primary school. This town, located in the north of Spain, has about 273,000 inhabitants. The building is from the 90´s so has some loopholes in relation to the installations and in some materials; there is not enough electronic blackboard for all the classrooms, a missing gym and the dining room has no space to cover the demand. This school is composed by two different buildings; we can find a main building which is for primary school, equip with a computer room, music room, the dining room, the secretary´s office, headmaster´s office, the psychologist´s office, a room for materials designated to the students, and fifteen other classrooms. Then we can find in the south, another building for kindergarten, which is equip with 12 classrooms, a library for all the school, a common room where takes place activities like storyteller. The pupils in this school comes from families with a middle-high socio-economic status. In the majority, there is no geographical dispersion, by this I mean that the 80% of the pupils live in the same area that the school is located. The families in this school are very involucrate with this center and very worry about the learning process of their children, so they collaborate with the materials. In our class, there are 24 pupils. One of them is a Muslim, who helps his dad with the family business. There is also one boy with a mental incapacity, who has difficulties on his development. He needs a special treatment in all his lessons, and a hand to communicate with other pupils. In this didactic unit all these pupils, and aspects have been considered and the mythology has been designed to help all the pupils without any exception and to solve the difficulties that might appear in the road of the education process. We are going to work in the didactic unit of “the air and water in the earth”, in which we are going to learn the stages of the water, the living things that use the water, the contamination, the atmosphere and the atmosphere phenomenon, etc. This unit is carried out during the third term, divided in 6 seasons, fifty minutes each one. APRIL Monday Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4




Tuesday SESION 3



We are provided with a classroom equipment with all necessary resources, tools,


Friday SESION 1


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materials including computers and an electronic blackboards, posters and pupil´s work in the walls to create an enjoyable environment to work with. The selection of the materials for this didactic unit must been previously prepare in order to cover the different needs of the pupils; posters, extra classes, songs, flashcards, videos, worksheets, games in the computers and with other classmates. Curriculums Links Main Legal references: The Organic Law 8/2013, of December 9th, for the improvement of the Education Quality (LOMCE) The Organic Law 2/2006, of may 3rd, of Education (LOE) The LOMCE changed some main education points for all the grades, that affects the Primary Education as well, in the modifications that realized in the article 1º of the LOE. Also we are going to keep in mind the article 2º which says that “The purpose of early childhood education is to contribute to the physical, affective, social and intellectual development of boys and girls” “In both cycles will attend progressive to the affective develop, the movement and the control of the body habits, to the manifestations of communication and language, to the elementary rules of coexistence and social relationship, as well as the discovery of the physical and social characteristics of the environment. In addition, the center will provide all the necessary elements for the pupils.” 2. OBJECTIVES The main aim of the area of science of the environment is the study of the basic contents about the natural science that are necessary for the develop of a child. The study of basic concepts of the science associated to the climatologic, the Materia, the geological process, the energy and the biology. General objectives    

To Identify the two different parts of the atmosphere. To understand the atmosphere phenomenon. The three stages of the water and where we can find it in the earth; liquid (oceans, rivers, rain, underground…) Solid (ice, snow...) gassed water (clouds, atmosphere…) To identify hydrosphere, and to have clear the process of the water cycle.

Didactic objectives  

To acquire and use the vocabulary and the structured related to the contamination. To be able to make a draw about anything of the lesson and identify in the draw the different questions or parts.

  

To acquire and use the vocabulary about the unit. The pupil must give good definitions of the words we are learning in class. The pupil must respect the turns of other classmates and opinions.

Basic competences LOMCE has modify the competences and described the aim competences of the curriculum; linguistic communication, math, science and technology competences, digital competence, to learn how to learn, social competences, sense of initiative and enterprising spirit and cultural conscious and expressions. This didactic unit helps every pupil to their acquisition of these aim competences and following the objectives and contents of the LOMCE.



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3. BLOCK OF CONTENTS Block 1. Introduction, converse and discussion. An introduction video about the earth, for a global concept of the unit. Simple explanation about the atmosphere and the phenomenon that happens in the atmosphere, helped by a visual reading. A simple explanation of the phases of the water. A simple explanation of contamination. Value the participation as a way of individual interest. Block 2. The atmosphere  

Meaning of air helped by a reading, and an oral message. A complete explanation about the atmosphere, with a visual draw: o Parts of the atmosphere o The phenomenon of the atmosphere Use of various strategies as an imitation, the reading of texts, computers, dynamic activities, conversation in class with other classmates and a global conclusion…

Bock 3. The hydrosphere and the water.     

Understanding the oral and video message of the concept of hydrosphere. Vocabulary of the components of the hydrosphere: superficial water and subterranean water. Familiarization and recognition of the concept of water. Familiarization and recognition of the 3 stages of the water: Solid, liquid, gassed. From a definition and identification, the different stages of the water.

Block 4. The water’s cycle.    

Vocabulary: oceans, sun, to vaporer, the clouds, rain, snow, rivers, subterranean water… Visual and oral introduction of the water cycle with questions to the pupils (where you think this process takes place in the different parts of the earth?) The recognition and a clear concept of the phases of the water cycle. Explanation of the hole process with an oral and visual explanation.

Block 5. The contamination.     

The meaning of contamination. Receptive attitude towards those who participate and ask questions. Visual content about the effects of contamination. Discussion and conversation about what makes pollution. Deduction of what we can do to help the planet.

Block 6. Review and conversation.   

A simple review with oral questions about the 5 blocks. Discussion about one theme of the unit. Value the cooperative work as a way to improve collective and individual learning objectives.

4. ACTIVITIES Following the mythology to follow, must be presented the activities proposed. In the beginning of each unit be have a poster in the door, with the names of every pupil in the class. Here we are going to put stickers, when they do properly the activities in class. Lesson 1.



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Classroom routines (15’): Starting the lesson routine, four of the students, every day has to sum-up a new of the newspaper about any subject that the pupil is interest in. Give the pupil that. Give to the students a sticker. Act. 1 (5’): A visual video from which they need to take notes. Teacher help (5’): After the visual video, the teacher must answer any question about it, and make a visual diagram with the pupils help about the video. Act. 2 (15’): From the introduction video. Designer a number from 1 to 4 to every pupil to make groups. After the groups are made, we should give to each group a theme from the unit (The water, contamination, atmosphere, hydrosphere...) From a paper they need to draw things about this theme. After the draw is finish one pupil from the group must stand up in the blackboard and explain the draw. Closure (10’): For the end of the lesson one, one pupil from the groups already made has to gather a conclusion about the theme they had. They must stand up in the black board and tell all the class the conclusion. Give every pupil a sticker to put it the poster if they had respect the other groups turns, they do correctly the activity and if they show interest in the activity. Lesson 2. Classroom routines (15’). Teacher help (10’): In this lesson we are going to read a text about the air, the atmosphere and the phenomenon. The teacher must answer any question that the pupil has, with an visual draft, strategies as an imitation, the reading of texts, computers, conversation in class with other classmates and a global conclusion. Activity 1 (25’): In groups that the teacher must do by designed each pupil a number from 1 to 5, the group 1,3 and 5 has to draw in a poster board the different parts of the atmosphere with an explanation in the back of the poster board of the atmosphere. The group 2 and 4 has to draw in a poster board the different phenomenon in the atmosphere, and in the back of the post board an explanation of what is a phenomenon. After they finish they had to put them in the walls. Activity 2 (10’): To the end of the lesson the teacher has to ask some questions abput the lesson of the day and give to every pupil that answers correct 2 stickers and the one that answers but has It wrong 1 sticker. Lesson 3. Classroom routines (15’). Act. 1 (15’): With and oral, and visual video every pupil has to make flashcards with the meaning and a little draw of hydrosphere, superficial water, subterranean water, concept of water and 3 stages of the water in the front of the flashcards, and in the back the concepts. Teacher help (5’): Answer any question the pupils have, and in the case they don’t have, make some questions about the video. Activity 2 (10’): The teacher must make pairs in order the people that don’t have any problems of development with the pupils that has some problems in the lessons to understand. From the flashcard they made they have to put one pack in the table with the concept up, and the other pack with the definitions up. They have, one by one, putting the definitions with the correct concept. Closure (5’): This part of the class is to give the pupils stickers for the poster in the door, and to solve questions about the lesson. Lesson 4 Classroom routines (15’). Act. 1 (10’): In this activity the teacher must give to the pupils a page with concepts and



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definitions about that we are going to use in today’s lesson, this should have some visual concepts to make it simple and easier for those who have some problems to develop. This paper must be in the desk for today’s lesson, as a tool of help. They should read it out loud each concept and if they have any question we must solve them. Act. 2 (20’): A simple question to the pupils to make a discussion: where you think this process takes place in the different parts of the earth? After this question and write out in the back board all the places, take out the electronic devices from the school and log in in the internet to play a online game about the water cycle. Closure (5’): Ask the pupil why they should have today a sticker and give to those they give a good reason, keeping in mind those who has more problems than others to participate, or to develop. Lesson 5. Classroom routines (15’). Act. 1 (10’): A visual explanation about contamination, and the effects. With some questions about what they think about this theme, about what makes pollution and how they think we can stop it. Act. 2 (25’): For this activity we are going out the class, outdoors. In a space will be pictures around the floor of plastics, pieces of glass, food, cardboard… and in other part there will be 4 recycling containers (yellow, green, blue and green). In groups of 4 they need to collect the group one things made by plastics, group two things made by cardboard, group third things made by glass and group five things made by organic elements and put them in the correct container. The main aim of this activity is to raise awareness of contamination and to recycle, to make the planet better for us and for the future. Lesson 6. Classroom routines (15’). Act.1: For this activity they will have all the time in the class to make a poster board individually about all we have seen in this unit. We will proportionate all the tools and staff they might need for this activity. We also will be around the class offering our help and solving questions, they might work as a team (asking others for other colors or tools or helping other classmates if they have a question) this will be evaluated. While they are doing the activity, we might put some songs to make the class more entertaining. The five last minutes will be to put the posters that they made in the hallway of the school. 5. METHOLOGY All the activities in this didactic unit has been designed with the aim of the correct communication in different contexts, to develop the area of communication of every single pupil. In our class we have a boy with a develop incapacity, so we make activities where all pupils can help others and to make a good relationship with other classmates. Also, we are going to suggest enforcement activities after class for those who has problems to follow the lessons. Also, we proportionate all the elements for the activities for those who has economic problems, as a those who are not able to do work at home (the Muslim boy that helps the family business) the activities are made in class, in other to give more time to the pupil to study more at home. Also we proportionate though the diversity of activities, the use of technology and music a relaxed and playful atmosphere to work with. 6. ASSESSMENT



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Decree 126/2014, February the 28th The article 12 of the LOMCE, concretes about the evaluation I the primary school. The The evaluation is continuum. The teachers will evaluate the knowledge of the pupil and its own teaching process. The principal aim of evaluation is to reflect on the teaching-learning process, in order to fill all the aspects of the compression of the vocabulary. When the pupil progress is not appropriate the teacher will stablish reinforcement classes. There is no need of an explicit evaluation (called ‘test’). During primary education the assessment instruments in the natural science subject should be based on the systematic observation of the teaching-learning process and the correct used of the concepts learned in the assignments that pupil do in class. However, the use of a ‘test’ can be very helpful for the teacher to achieve a better idea of how each pupil has improved and got involved during the lessons of the unit. The unit is evaluated in different ways: Participation in class The realization of the The correct behavior An explicit evaluation classwork: in class and with other classmates 20% 15% 15% 50%

This system is made in order to make more emphasis in the attitude in class and the interest of the pupil, so is the 50% of the total grade. 7. CONCLUSION The design of my didactic unit is an activity that integrates all the different pupils and helps with the familiarization of the pupils with different ways to work in class and with other classmates, purposed full of contents, and dynamic activities that makes easier the communication in class. This didactic unit helps every single pupil in the class to communicate and to express themselves voluntarily, also tries to make the pupils to be comfort in the environment and with themselves. The subject of natural sciences contributes to get to know the environment where we live. Also contributes to the acquisition of abilities, skills and attitudes of the pupils about the earth and the understanding of the planet and the basic process that occurs in it. Contributes to the student’s education from a global view that encourages the develop of the personality of every single pupil, and to make easier the relationship between all the student by a cultural a social tolerance. Also this unit helps to make the pupil aware about the contamination and the problems that affect the planet because of the pollution, also to make them conscious about the ways to avoid this huge problem.

Bibliography Ediba.com Article nº 27 of the Spanish Constitution. The Organic Law 2/2006, of may 3rd The Organic Law 8/2013, of December 9th. www.agendaweb.com www.jclic.com


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