Difference between act, rule and regulations PDF

Title Difference between act, rule and regulations
Course Co stitutional law
Institution Karnataka State Law University
Pages 3
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Summarises about act, rule , regulations and it's differences....


DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ACT, RULE AND REGULATION. Every country, state, government and all the bodies are responsible in passing certain legislations which are meant to be approved and followed by the public at large. In each activity and everyday life these legislations are practiced to maintain a systematized life. Act, rule and regulation are the common used legislative terminologies. These appear to be same to the common people, and it is mostly interchanged. But in reality these terminologies are extremely different. An Act can be defined as a bill which has passed through the various legislative steps required for it by both the houses of parliament and which become law. A rule is one of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct or procedure within a particular area of activity or it is a guidelines or instructions of doing something correctly. The rules govern the conduct and behavior of a person in a society, organization or a country. And a regulation is a law on some point of detail, supported by an enabling statute, and issued not by a legislative body but by an executive branch of government. It is also the rules authorized by the government and approved by the people by taking consideration of the whole public at large.

DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ACT AND RULE: 1. Act is a primary legislation whereas rule is a secondary legislation. 2. Act is the law that the legislature has passed in to. Rules are enacted into operation or action by the government rather than legislature. 3. Acts make the law; rules help to govern the law. 4. Rules cannot go beyond the Act or extend it.i

DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ACT AND REGULATION: 1. Acts sets out the broad legal policy principles whereas regulations are subsidiary legislations which require the publishing of Government Gazette to become legal. 2. Act is the law made by the legislature but regulations are generally made by an executive authority in exercise of a power conferred in the Act. 3. Regulations are delegated legislation or subordinate legislations. They are subordinate to an Act.ii

DIFFERENCES BETWEEN RULE AND REGULATION: 1. The nature of rule is flexible whereas the nature of regulation is rigid. 2. The rule is made as per the conditions and the circumstances, but the regulation is made according to the Act. 3. The rule is set up by the individual and the organization but the regulation is set up by the government. 4. Rule is used to restrict anyone from doing anything but regulation is made up to control people from doing anything against the law. 5. The regulation has wider scope than the rule. 6. The consequence of breaking the rule is not so severe whereas consequence of breaking the regulation is much severe.iii

CONCLUSION: The Act, rule and regulation are like siblings they share common ideology it is to make a systematized way of life to the public. These aim to resolve matters of the public in a peaceful manner to do a proper organization and functioning of the administration of the country. We cannot imagine a situation without law, Act, rule and regulation. Such a society or government would be chaos. So these are extremely vital for the management of the country.

i http://www.pathlegal.in/Difference-between-Act-and-Rule-blog-1272077 ii http://www.differencebetween.net/business/difference-between-an-act-and-a-regulation/ iii https://keydifferences.com/difference-between-rules-and-regulations.html#:~:text=Rules%20can%20be%20described %20as,law%2C%20in%20a%20particular%20country....

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