Difference between たら, ば, と, なら PDF

Title Difference between たら, ば, と, なら
Course LOTE: Japanese Continuers
Institution Higher School Certificate (New South Wales)
Pages 2
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Difference between たら, ば, と, なら...


-eba form such as 安(やす)ければ "yasukereba," 聞(き)けば "kikeba," etc. is a conditional mood for present and future like "if" in English. -eba form In the negative sentence is "unless" in English. 安(やす)ければ、買(か)います。"Yasukereba, kai-masu. If it's cheap, I'll buy it. 安くなければ、買いません。"Yasuku nakereba, kai-masen." I won't buy it unless it's cheap. 手紙(てがみ)を読(よ)めば、解(わか)ります。"Tegami wo yomeba wakari-masu. If you read the letter, you'll understand. To construct this form, begin with the plain past tense of verb, then add -eba. ■ -tara form such as 困(こま)ったら "komattara," 時間(じかん)があったら "jikan ga attara," etc. is a subjunctive mood with high possibility like "when" in English. お金(かね)が溜(た)まったら、買いなさい。"O-kané ga tamattara, kai-nasai." When you save money, buy it. 気(き)に入(い)ったら、買(か)って下(くだ)さい。"Kini ittara, katte kudasai." Please buy it If you like it. 雨(あめ)がやんだら、ジョギングしましょう。"Amé ga yandara, jogging shi-mashoh." Le's go jogging when the rain stops. 犬(いぬ)を踏(ふ)んだら、噛(か)まれます。"Inu wo fundara, kamaré-masu. If you step on a dog, it'll bite you. -tara is always used in chronological time sequence. Whatever comes after needs to happen after the event. To construct this form, begin with the plain past tense of verb, then add -ra. ■ -nara form such as 行(い)くなら "ikunara," 来(く)るなら "kurunara," etc. is a subjunctive mood with the speaker's decision/ judgment/ opinion.

私(わūたし)が金持(かねもち)なら、ジェット機(き)を買(か)います。 "Watashi ga kanemochi-nara, Jet-ki wo kai-masu." If I were rich, I'd buy a jet. あなたが行(い)くなら、私は行(い)きません。"Anata ga iku-nara, watashi wa iki-masen." If you'd go, I wouldn't. お酒(さけ)を呑(の)むなら、運転(うんてん)してはいけません。"O-saké wo nomu-nara, unten shite wa iké-masen." Don't drive if you drink saké. ■ -to form such as 飲(の)むと "nomu-to," 足(た)すと "tasu-to," etc. is used when inevitable result will be happening. 山(やま)の雪(ゆき)が溶(と)けると、もうすぐ春(はる)です。"Yama no yuki ga tokeru-to, moh sugu haru desu." When the snow of the mountains melts, it's spring time soon. この薬(くすり)を服(の)むと、すぐ治ります。"Kono kusuri wo nomu-to, sugu naori-masu." If you take this medicine, you'll get well soon. 1に1を足(た)すと、2です。"1 ni 1 wo tasu-to, 2desu." One plus one equals two....

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