Digital World EXAM Review PDF

Title Digital World EXAM Review
Course Digital World
Institution Trent University
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Study Guide for the Digital World final exam, includes content from lectures, assignments and tutorials...


Digital world EXAM REVIEW:

COI S10 1 0 H–Fal l20 1 5Te s t2( Fi na l Ex a m) Re v i e wQue s t i o ns Le c t ur e7 : 1 )De s c r i be4wa y st oa ddas pr i t et oaSc r a t c hpr og r a m - From the existing Scratch Library- Adding an image file from your computer- Created within Scratch using it’s Paint like editor - Captured from camera if you’re computer has one 2 )Dr a wa nda ppr opr i a t e l yl abe lt heX, Yg r i dus e df o rpos i t i o ni ngo nSc r a t c h’ ss t a g e 3 )Wha ti sr e pe t i t i o na ndde s c r i bet het hr e et y pe so fr e pe t i t i o ns t r uc t ur e si nSc r a t c h? - Repetition controls structures allow the programmer to repeat a section of code without having to put into the program multiple times. i. Numeric – repeat a specific number of timesii. Conditional – repeat until a specific condition is true iii. Infinite – repeat forever 4 )Wha ti sbr o a dc a s t i nga ndho wi si tus e di nSc r a t c h?Br o a dc a s t i ng:When one sprite wants to trigger another Sprite’s behavior, this is accomplished using b r o a d c a s t i n g. (1) The original sprite broadcasts a specific message, and all sprites with a Whe nIRe c e i v eblock for that message begin whatever code blocks are attached. (2) The contents of the message don’t actually affect what happens, but for code readability it is always a good idea to choose a meaningful message. (3) If multiple sprites receive the message, they all begin their tasks simultaneously. (start to move at the same time)

5 )De s c r i bef o uro ft hea c t i o nc a t e g o r i e si nSc r a t c h, i nc l udi ngt he i rpur po s ea ndt hec o l oro f bl o c ksi nt he m (1) SOUND:-Blocks (commands) are responsible for playing sounds. -Each of these blocks only works with sounds that have been added to the Sprite that will be saying it. -Sounds can be added similarly to backdrops and costumes: Li b r a r y , Up l o a de df r o m Co mpu t e r , Re c o r d e d f r o mMi c . (2) BLOCKS:-Blocks are puzzle-piece shapes that are used to create code in Scratch. Connected like a jig-saw. -Every different block (command) is a different shape and color.-Specially shaped slot for it to be inserted into prevents S y n t axEr r o r ssince pieces will only fit where they are allowed to go.-Series of connected blocks are called S c r i p t s . -Blocks are also color coded based on their purpose and there shape indicates where it should be used. (3) SCRIPTS:-Scripts are added to the S c r i p tT abfor a specific Sprite.-A Script’s instructions are applied to the Sprite that it belongs to.-The order and positioning of individual scripts within the scripts tab is meaningless.

Le c t ur e8 : 6 )Wha ti sana s pe c tr at i o ,a ndwha tar es o mec o mmo na s pe c tr a t i o s ? •The ratio of the width divided by the height• Old school was 4:3, new stuff is usually 16:9 (there

are others, like 16:10) • 720i and 720p and 1080i and 1080p are all 16:9 aspect ratios• You should not try and change aspect ratios yourself for our purposes. 7 )Di s t i ngui s hbe t we e nFr a mebyFr a mea ni ma t i ona ndphy s i c a ls i mul a t i on. Frame by Frame• This is pretty standard traditional animation• Draw a frame, draw another frame, cycle through them • Produces a bouncing ball (see wiki in the note) Physical Simulation • Using a 3D model

8 )Di s c us so neo ft hema i ni s s ue so fdy s l e x i aa ndho wi si ta ddr e s s e dbyady s l e x i cf r i e ndl y f o nt ? Dyslexia font:-A typeface for people with dyslexia.-It is for individuals with reading problems.Used by home users, teaching purposes, companies, including publishers such as Google and Pixar. 9 )I nc l a s swedi s c us s e df o r4pr i mi t i v eo pe r a t i onsona no bj e c t . Ro t a t i o n, Sc a l i ng , She a r a ndTr a ns l a t i o n. I l l us t r a t ee a c hbe l o wus i ngas t i c kfig ur e . Translation Scaling Rotation Shear 1 0 )Wedi s c us s e di nl e c t ur et ha tGo o g l ec ha ng e dt he i rl o g of r o m ar a s t e rt ov e c t orf o nt . Di s c us ss o mer e a s o nswhyt hi swo ul dbe( no t e :Yo uar eno te x pe c t e dt odoma t ho nt hi s que s t i o n) . Hi nt :Bo t hGo o g l ea ndus e r spa yf o rda t a. As technology moves forward, the canvas itself is changing, and the inputs and needs are becoming more diverse. New classes of devices and ways to interact and communicate have emerged with wearables, voice technology, and smart devices in the world around us.The Google logo has always had a simple, friendly, and approachable style. We wanted to retain these qualities by combining the mathematical purity of geometric forms with the childlike simplicity of schoolbook letter printing. Our new logotype is set in a custom, geometric sans-serif typeface and maintains the multi-colored playfulness and rotated ‘e’ of our previous mark—a reminder that we’ll always be a bit unconventional.

Lecture #9: 11) Briefly discuss three types of e-commerce web sites. Give an example of each. 1) Manufacturer and e-tailer sites: -sell directly to customers -physical products shipped and picked up. - online catalogues and payments

2) Subscription sites: -sell online services to customers -subscription based -ex: cloud software, newspaper journals, video on demand (Netflix), premium memberships. 3) Brokerage sites: -bring buyers and sellers together to facilitate transactions -Free membership and commission based 12) Discuss four ways that credit card companies are addressing the issue of fraud. 1) Credit and debit card processing - ex; virtual crdit card number (one time use) -ex: smart card (one time password) -ex card verification code (CVC) - ex Authentication password -ex prepaid credit cards 2) Online checkout and payment services: -ex; Pay pal, tinypass, bill me later. Advantage: customer does not need to reveal credit card number. (transfer funds to card when making purchases) 3) Digital cash: ex: digital gift certificates and cards (serial number) ex Digital coupons (codes from air Canada) or mobile coupons based on location 4) Digital wallets: stores online payment account info, passwords, addresses and so on. 13) Define the three main types of intellectual property rights. Which one of the three would be most closely associated with this examination paper? 1) **Copy rights: protects original artistic, musical, or literary work such as a book, movie, software, program or song. (Fair use) fair use is a permit for limited duplication and allows use for specific purposes ex: teachers. Fair use: limits duplication and allows use for specific purposes. Digital water marks: identifies users. -DRM: (digital rights management): controls the use of copyrighted work -disallows or limits duplication -sets time limits on use (I think this one would be most closely associated with his examination paper) 2) Trademarks: -protects words, phrases, symbols or designs that identify a product or service -cybersquatting: using a domain name that profits on the trademark of someone else -typosquatting: using multiple domain names that profits on the trademark of someone else.

3) Patents: protects inventions by granting exclusive rights of an invention to the inventor royalties are paid for use ex “pay for gaze” with google, (name your own price), ( one click purchase procedure) 14) Briefly discuss four physical health conditions that are caused by computer use. 1) Repettitive stress injuries(RSI) -Carpal tunnel syndrome -DeQuervain’s tendonitits 2)Computer vision syndrome - “gorilla arm”and “ipad shoulder” -burns -hearing loss from noise -Texting and driving - radiation from wireless devices 3) Emotional health: - stress over changing technology -impact of the 24/7 society -info overload -burnout ( disconnect) 4) Internet addiction -being very dependant on internet -can result in relationship problems, job loss, academic failure, obesity, suicide\ -there are boot camps in china and korea 15) Describe four age verification procedures that attempt to prevent the online purchase and delivery of adult products or services. Age verification: -Credit card number -proof of age on delivery -identity vaification service -work place monitoring (email and social media sites)

Lecture 11: 21) Explain that “Artificial Intelligence is an interdisciplinary area.” Describe three academic disciplines that are relevant to AI. 1)comput erengi neer i ng:bui l di ngf astcomput er s 2)l i ngui st i cs :knowl edger epr esent at i on,gr ammar 3)neur osci ence:neur onsasi nf or mat i onpr ocessi nguni t s AIr el at est omor et hanonebr anchofk nowl edge

22) Describe four examples of Applications for Machine Learning. Machine learning: enabling a computer program automatically to improve their performance at some task through experience (has become more mathematical and successful in applications)] -Example1: (Making credit decisions): based on a persons profile and info organization holds on you. -Example 2: (preventing break downs in electrical transformers):Changes in voltages in electricity. -Example 3: ( Increasing speed of natural language interfaces) Such as siri and google,..its the understanding of language. -Example 4: (Learning stratiges for flight control.) 23) In the example of “Decision Tree for Play Tennis” (discussed in Lecture 11), how would you represent the three cases “Sunny”, “Overcast” and “Rain” using strings of binary numbers? Dec i s i ont r eel ear ni ngi samet hodf orappr o x i mat i ngdi s c r et ev al uedt ar getf unc t i ons Thel ear nedf unc t i oni sr epr es ent edbyadec i s i ont r ee

Thet ar getf unc t i onhas( di s c r et eout putv al ues) .Dec i s i ont r eemet hodsc an eas i l ybee x t endedt ol ear nf unct i onswi t hmor et hant wopos si bl eout putv al ues

24) Describe how a perceptron models a neuron in the brain.

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25) The diagram below represents a simple neural network.

a. What are the inputs? Input 0 is 1 Input 1 is -2 b. What are the weights? The weights are 0.8 and 0.1 c. What is the bias input? The third input is the bias input. d. If the Sign Activation Function is applied, what will be the output of the perceptron? (1*0.8) + (-2*0.1) + (-0.5) = 0.1 O=1 therefore because the calculation is bigger than 0 this means O=1 if the calculations result was less than zero than O would be 0.

Another example:

TERMS AND DEFINITIONS: Matching – Terms and Definitions. You will be required to match 20 definitions provided on the test to one of the terms provided (1/2 mark each). Below you will find a list of 37 terms in which to become familiar. 1)stage:

In scratch represents the viewable/ playable area of a program. Its 480 px wide and 360px tall and its size cannot be changed. It is an XY grid that’s used to refer to a position on the stage. ( backdrops can change appearance of stage) 2) sprite: Interactuve objects in your scratch program is called a sprite. Every scratch program begins with a default sprite. Each sprite will contain costumes, properties, scripts(code), and sounds specific to the sprite. 3) Argument Many code blocks in scratch have arguments. An argument is an area in a block which accepts programmer input or another block. There are several types of arguments such as inserting a number, stiring insert, built in drop down list, Boolean block insert, and built in color selector. 4) block Are puzzle piece shapes that are used to create code in scratch. Blocks connect together like a jigsaw puzzle Hat blocks- begin scripts Stack blocks- main commands Boolean blocks- conditions (true or false) Reporter blocks- values (#’s) C-blocks-wrap around stack blocks used for repetition or conditional execution. Cap blocks- end scripts Blocks are also colour coded ex motion=(bluish purple) 5) script They contain blocks. Ex motion script contains motion blocks or sound scripts contain sound blocks.They are instructions used and applied by the sprite. 6) comments allows the programmer to put descriptive text in their program that is ignored during the showing of your scratch. Ex: when I commented the song I used was from the hit tv series the fresh prince of belair. Give people who view your program a better understanding of what your codes are doing.Can be added by right clicking the scripts tab. ( look like digital sticky notes) 7) conditional Conditional statements ask questions about the program state to choose from a set of different sequences of commands ex; a question following a true or false option. 8) variable One way for storing information during the running of your program. Lists are multiple variables stored together. Variables can be displayed for the user like a score or it can be hidden for the internal workings of your program.

9) stranded code Any blocks in your script tab that are not attached to a hat block therefore it doesn’t work.

10) legibility How easy the reader can reqgonize characteristics of a font. 11) readability If the reader can understand the written text. Some fonts for headlines are bad for reading. Good reading fonts don’t blow up into banners well. Weird spacing can really mess up readabilitiy (vertically and horizontally) 12) discoverability the ability for users to find your stuff online is a really big problem Choosing your words carefully is the difference between good search results and bad ones. 13) intelligibility Ability for your stuff to be understood, distinct and recognizable. 14) audibility How your work is heard. Making something loud is easy. If there is too much noise in a reading then the reader might not be able to recognize the meaning behind the text. 15) regression bug is a software bug which makes a feature stop functioning as intended after a certain event (for example, a system upgrade, system patching or a change to daylight saving time). 16) triangle mesh -Neighboring Triangles share vertices -That means you can save on some of the work 17) digital wallet Storage for online payment account info, credit card info, website passwords, addresses etc. 18) eCRM Electronic customer relationship management. -Order tracking -instruction manuals -Live chats -warranties -monitoring facebook or twitter. 19) near field communication 20) shopping bot 21) digital watermark 22) ergonomics 23) digital divide 24) green computing 25) byte 26) nibble 27) hexadecimal 28) base 29) signed magnitude 30) ASCII 31) Unicode 32) artificial intelligence

33) capability of an AI system 34) machine learning 35) perceptron 36) decision tree 37) neural network...

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