Discourse Community Analysis PDF

Title Discourse Community Analysis
Course Communications - Report Writing
Institution Fleming College
Pages 2
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Discourse Community Memo To:Tr i shSt ar es Fr om:J ennahFar nel l Dat e:Januar y20,2020 Re:Ex pl or i ngt hedi s cour s ecommuni t yofnur s i ngs t affi nahos pi t al . Introduction: Did you know a hospital is considered a discourse community? What is a discourse community? How is it related to a hospital? I am talking about this discourse community because I believe that it has helped me become the person that I am today. This is due to the great experiences I have had while being a part of the community as a patient. So I wanted to share why this is a discourse community and how you can achieve or give great experiences too. Iconduc t edonl i neandoffli ner es ear cht ogof ur t heri nt ot hi s c ommuni t y .Fi r st ,Iwentt ov i s i taPr ac t i c alNur s eatAj axPi ck er i ngHos pi t alt odoan i nt er v i ew.Ial s owentonl i neandl ook edatsomeoft her equi r ement sneededf ort hej ob t i t l eofnur s i ng. Background: Thehospi t ali saf as t pacedenv i r onment .Eac hs t affmemberi nt hi sdi s cour s e c ommuni t yhasal i s tofac t i v i t i est odowi t hev er ypat i entandwi t hl i mi t edt i me.Uponhi r e t ot hi sc ommuni t yy ouwi l lhav et r ai ni ngonhowt oass eseachpat i enti nat i mel y manner .Ther ei sal i s tofc ol ourcodest hatev er ys t affmus tk now,eac hmemberi sgi v en ac ar dwi t ht hel i s tasat r ai ni ngmet hodt omemor i z e.Oneoft hemos ti mpor t antt r ai ni ng i nt hi scommuni t yi st opr act i cepat i ents af et y .Thi si sat r ai ni ngandeduc at i onex er c i se t hathos pi t als t affdoev er yday .I nt hi scommuni t yt her ear eal s os uc ht hi ngasnov i ces andexper t s .Thenov i c ewoul dbeaPSW andnur seandt hent heex per ti sadoc t or . Research and analysis: Wor k i ngi nahos pi t ali sahugecommuni t yofst affi ndi ffer entl ev el sofpr i or i t y .Wi t hi na di s cour s ecommuni t yt heymustmeetr equi r ement st owor keffic i ent l yasat eam.Swal es c har ac t er i s t i cs ;Domember sofmygr oups har ecommongoal s ?Domember sofmy gr oupi nt er actwi t heac hot her ?Doesmygr oupc l ear l ydi s t i ngui s hbet weennov i c esand ex per t s ?Domember sofmygr oups har eexpect at i onsaboutt heappr opr i at ewayt o c ommuni cat e ?Al loft hesear ec har act er i st i c st hatmak eupt hedi sc our secommuni t y t hati sahos pi t al . Thi scommuni t ys har esas etofcommongoal st hathel pk eept hecommuni t yi nas af e pr of es s i onal set t i ng.Eachpat i entt hatent er st hehospi t ali snowar es pons i bi l i t yt ot he s t aff.Eac ht eam memberhasacommongoalt ohav et hepat i entl eav eatt heheal t hi es t t heycanbe.Al s o,i nt hehos pi t als et t i ngeac hs t affandl ev elofexper t i s ewear sdi ffer ent c ol our eds cr ubsoral abc oat .PSW’ s ,nur s esanddoc t or sal lwears c r ubsofdi ffer ent c ol our ssoi ti seachf orpat i ent st odi ffer ent i at ewhoi swho.

I nt hi sdi sc our s ecommuni t ynur s eshav eav ar i et yofac t i v i t i est hatt heypr ef or m ev er y dayi nt hei rdi sc our s ecommuni t y .I nac ommuni t ynur s esmus tadmi ni s t ermedi c at i ons s af el yt ot hei rpat i ent swhi l emanagi ngi nt r av enousl i nes .Themedi cat i onr ol eal s opl ay s apar ti nmak i ngsur et hatnur sesar et eac hi ngpat i ent showt os el f admi ni s t er medi c at i onsandt r eat ment s .Nur s espr ov i dehandsonmedi calc ar et oev er ypat i entt hat t heys ee. Nur sesmus teducat eeac hpat i entont hev ar i ousheal t hconcer nsand c ondi t i ons .Ani mpor t antr ol eanur s epl ay si nt hei rdi s cour s ecommuni t yi st ooof t en pr ov i deemot i onal suppor tt opat i ent sandt hei rf ami l i es . Idec i dedt oas kmyi nt er v i eweesomeques t i onsaboutt hehos pi t ali nas hor ti nt er v i ew. Asanewcomeri nt hehos pi t als et t i ngnur si ngc anbes eenasbei ngv er ys t r es s f ul .New c omi ngnur sess houl dhav eadv anc edknowl edgeoft heabbr ev i at i onsst affus e. Wor k i ngi nt hehos pi t aly oushoul dal way sber eadyt ocommuni c at ei nv ar i ousway s . Thi swi l lhel pt opr epar ey our sel ff oranys i t uat i oni nt hewor kpl ace.WhenIspok ewi t h Hai l ey ,s hement i oneds omet hi ngt hati sv er yi mpor t antt ot hemedi calfi el d. “ Communi c at i oncomesi nmanyf or msandi ti sv i t alt opat i entc ar eandpat i ents af et y” . ( H.Cos gr ov e,per s onalc ommuni cat i on,J anuar y20,2020)Communi cat i oni soneoft he bi gges tr ol est hatanur s euses .Whet heri ti sv er balorwr i t t encommuni c at i ont hi si s us edi nev er y dayl i f eatt hewor kpl ac e. Conclusions and recommendations: Wor k i ngi nt hehos pi t alr equi r espr er equi s i t es ,f astpac ewor k i ng,c r i t i c al t hi nki ngand t eamwor k .Thi sdi sc our s ecommuni t yi sat eamor i ent edor gani z at i onwher eev er y one hel pseac hot heri nor dert ok eepwor kor gani z ed.Foranewcomert hi sc ommuni t ymay bei nt i mi dat i ngbutoncey oupi c ky ourdoi ngy ouwi l lf ol l owal ongwi t hev er y oneel s e. Thi st ypeofc ommuni t ywor k sasaf ami l yandi tc anbev er yr ewar di ngwhenhav i nga pat i entl eav ewi t hasuc ces s f uls t or y . 1.have a good understanding of non-pharmacological and therapeutic behavioural approaches. 2.Being strong in professional communication 3.Following patient safety procedures

References: PRHC. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://trr.tbe.taleo.net/trr01/ats/careers/searchResults.jsp?org=PRHC&cws=1 (2019, December 17). Retrieved from https://study.com/what_does_a_nurse_do.html Swales, J. (1987). Approaching the Concept of Discourse Community....

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