Discussion 3-1 Are Computers Intelligent PDF

Title Discussion 3-1 Are Computers Intelligent
Course Introduction to Psychology
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 3
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This discussion is about if whether or not computer are intelligent and if they the same abilities as a human....


Dinah Turner

January 20, 2022

Discussion 3-1: Are Computers Intelligent?

After watching the video: “The Turing Test: Can a Computer Pass a Human?” I didn’t know how to approach this topic. For one thing, I have so much going in my life, and preparing to go to 3 funerals this weekend and say goodbye to 3 people I care about isn’t easy, but I’m going to try and answer the questions for this topic the best way that I can. I think the Turing Test would be a great approach to intelligence. Even though a computer is smart, but it’s not smarter than a human since humans are the ones who created technology as well as programmed it to function the way it’s supposed to. “A computer would be considered intelligent if its conversation couldn’t be easily distinguished from a human’s.” (Gentler, 2016). So if I were to have a conversation with a computer, and I thought it was an actual human, I would’ve been shocked and say to myself: “Wow, this computer is really knowledgeable and intelligent, but it’s not a real person.” A computer lacks a lot of things that we humans have. One of them being lack of feelings or emotions, I say this because when you’re connecting with someone, (EI) or Emotional Intelligence is very crucial. In today’s society, technology has become so advanced where a computer may imitate human emotion, but it won’t be equivalent to a real person. How is human thinking and computer memory similar to one another? One way human thinking and computer memory are similar to one another because they both have memory (long and short-term memory). Computer memory and Human thinking have been used to send electrical signals waves, they use these electric waves to retrieve and transmit data. Once received, they find a way to connect the data they have in order to find a working solution that is logical yet sufficient. The difference between human thinking and computer memory is that human thinking or memory has more interconnect between neurons within the brain. Whereas the computer are not like humans, since they don’t have a brain or have rich interconnected neurons. Instead, they have a chip known has a silicon chip that has less connections. Another difference between human thinking and computer memory is that humans may have long-term memory, but as we get older in life, it

may change, where it can shift overtime depending on your mental state. A computer’s long-term memory can last forever. When it comes to a computer being smarter than a human, that’s a definite no. As I said before, computers are no way smarter than a human, and humans are the ones who created and programmed the computer in order for it to function. Maybe in some ways, technology like a computer, for instance, can process data much quicker. Computers can even solve any mathematical problems that’s out there. A computer may do all of those things, but there is one thing that humans can do that computers can’t do, which is experience life. Humans can do a lot more then technology. For one thing, humans are able to multitask quicker in their daily routines, and besides intelligence, humans possess a conscious or “common sense”. Humans can even also share some of their memories from their life experiences from youth to adulthood, which kind of makes me glad that I’m a human, not a robot. As far as the last question regarding human and artificial intelligence and how it relates to the programmatic themes. I had to think long and hard about that one. I don’t think Self-Care or Ethics fit this theme, may be (EI) or Emotional Intelligence. As I mention before, emotional intelligence is key, especially when computers start interacting with humans. Even though artificial intelligence do not have real feelings or emotions like humans do, but when computers mimic and start reading “emotions by analyzing data, including facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, force of keystrokes, and more to determine a person’s emotional state and then react to it , we call this artificial emotional intelligence.” (Marr, 2016). Technology is indeed fascinating, and who knows? Maybe a computer will probably outsmart a human in like 20-50 years per say, but only time will tell.


Gendler, A. (2016, April 25th). The Turing Test. Can a Computer Pass for a Human? [Video}.YouTube. Retrieved January 20th, 2022 from: https://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=3wLqsRLvV-c

Marr, B. (2016, April). What is Artificial Emotional Intelligence? Retrieved January 20th, 2022 from: https://bernardmarr.com/what-is-artificial-emotionalintelligence/...

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