Discussion Assignment 2 PDF

Title Discussion Assignment 2
Course Online Education Strategies
Institution University of the People
Pages 4
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Discussion Assignment 2

Wr i t i ngcol l egel evelassi gnment scanbe i nt i mi dat i ng,buti tdoesn’ thavet obe.Thi sweek, l et ’ shaveadi scussi ononwr i t i ngst r at egi es.Fort hi s assi gnment ,wr i t eatl east250wor ds-butnotmor e t han500wor ds-answer i ngt hef ol l owi ng: 1.I magi net haty ouhav ebeenas k edt os peakt oy our cl assmat esandshar ey ourmos thel pf uls t r at egy f orcol l egel ev el wr i t i ng.Whatwoul dt hatst r at egy be ? 2.Wheny ouwr i t e,whati st hedi ffer encebet weenwr i t i ng apaperandwr i t i ngadi scus si onpos t ?Howdoes t hewr i t i ngpr ocessdi fferf ort heset wot ypesof as si gnment s ?Fur t her mor e,whati st hedi ffer ence bet weenwr i t i ngani ni t i al di scussi onpostanda r espons et ooneofy ourcl assmat es ? YourDi scussi onshoul dbeatl eas t250wor dsi nl engt h, butnotmor et han500wor ds.Us eAPAc i t at i onsand r ef er encesf ort het ext bookandanyot hersour cesused. ( Las tweek ,y oul ear nedhowt oci t eebook s,sobes ur e t oatl eas tci t et het ext booki ny ourdi scussi onpostt hi s eAPATut or i al si nt he week. )Ref ert ot heUoPeopl LRCf orhel pi nAPAci t at i ons .

Academic Writing, also known as college-level writing, can seem hard for many students who have just got exposed to it for the first time. Yet it is never meant to be such a painful nor rigorous process. It is through a set of tips that integrate together in a chain like that can simplify it as a task. The best advice that I kept hearing over the years and I myself keep rehearsing is Practice. Practice is a deep word, where would one start though? Practice includes a set of criteria beneath it that makes any piece of college-level writing a successful one. It incorporates in its first stage, but not limited to, correct use of grammar, proper sentence structure, coherence of ideas, flow of paragraphs and usage of references and citation from authorised sources. In the second stage, reading what is written from a reader's perspective ensuring that it is easy to understand conveying the message in a clear way and doing any further modifications as required. The third stage is to have a second eye to examine what is written and get feedback and again implement any needed adjustments. At this stage the academic paper is ready for submission. This may seem as quite a laborious process but with consistent practice it becomes much easier. Writing a paper basically integrates all sets of criteria for an academic paper, conveying my opinion but in alignment with a scientific proof be it a scholar journal, a well-known organisation or any popular newspaper.

(Purdue Writing Lab, 2020). However, a discussion post is more about conveying my own thoughts and ideas in respect to a topic without any reference. A discussion doesn't follow an APA unlike an academic paper. Upon writing a discussion post, one would still want to have a consistency of ideas and flow of paragraphs with a clear and unsophisticated language. (Excelsior Writing Lab, 2020) According to Science Direct (2010) a response to one of my peers, namely peer assessment, has to be expressed in a constructive feedback manner. It should be in a proper language bearing in mind the cultural differences. One would want to appreciate in positive words the effort that his/her peer exerted with a positive tone, evaluate the various issues whether they are of positive or negative aspect while abiding to peer feedback rubrics. If there were errors, in terms of grammar or structure, I would refer them to the writing centre for further help. I would ask them if there is an unclear idea or sentence and what they wanted to convey. It is by giving constructive feedback to one another that we ourselves learn before helping our peer to improve. Holistically this is entirely motivational for all of us to want to improve and always do our best.


Excelsior Online Writing Lab. (2020). The writing process. https://owl.excelsior.edu/writing-process/ Purdue Online Writing Lab. (2020). Academic writing. https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/academic_writing/index.html Science Direct. (2010) Peer Assessment. Peer Assessment - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/social-sciences/peerassessment....

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