Discussion Unit 4 Organisational Communication PDF

Title Discussion Unit 4 Organisational Communication
Author Mugabi Julius
Course Organizational Theory and Behavior
Institution University of the People
Pages 5
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Organisational Communication, The role of Technology and communication and how to over come work load....


Discuss the importance of technology in communication today. How can managers overcome the barriers to effective communication? How can organizational leaders prevent information overload from happening? [ CITATION Owe19 \l 2057 ] Defines communication as “the transmission and reception of ideas, feelings and

attitudes verbally or non-verbally to produce a favourable response”. Importance of technology in communication today Over the past period, technology has altered the methods that human beings use to communicate. Initially, the telegraph paved the way for the telephone. Currently, the internet cell phones and emails are at the summit of the most preferred methods of communication. Following the widespread use of technology in communication, the society and businesses have embraced the methods of passing information, which has emerged in line with technology. Methods of communicating via technology include Social networking, cell phone, email, blogs, online chat and video calls. [ CITATION Ibr16 \l 2057 ] Below are some of the merits of technology in communication today. Speed and Cost, The introduction of internet and the option of chat-ting and sending emails are probably the most noteworthy influence of technology on communication. The internet and computers have simplified the process of designing, editing and producing documents with minimum shortcomings. The created documents can then be sent to their respective destinations almost instantaneously, irrespective of the distance between the sender and the recipient. Quality, Communication quality has significantly improved due to availability and accessibility of helpful knowledge in various websites. [ CITATION Sto19 \l 2057 ] Pointed out most of the knowledge can effortlessly be accessed by a simple search on the internet using computers. Additionally, it is currently possible and easy to get the meaning of unfamiliar terminologies or obtain a translation of a manuscript from unknown to known language using computer applications and the inter-net. Accessibility, Technology has considerably diminished communication cost and this has translated to increased accessibility. Media related initiatives as news that have been captured live and online forums have introduced global participation, and access to information and news for lots of people [ CITATION Har11 \l 2057 ]

Nature of Communication, Technology has contributed to the alteration of topics into different communications; as people seek to pass on breaking news within the shortest time possible. Advancement in technology has simplified communication allowing voluminous messages to be sent at minimum cost. In this respect, people can change the nature of communication to adopt the form that will be easy to comprehend. Change in Style, The invention of cell phones simplified communication and allowed more and more people to communicate from any location. [ CITATION Sto19 \l 2057 ] Argued that communication cost was drastically diminished by the new gadgets, and this has contributed to the alteration of communication nature. Notably, exceptional quality communication obtained from cell phones from any location on the globe, which is accompanied by minimum cost have promoted written and verbal communication at the expense of face-to-face communication. How can managers overcome the barriers to effective communication? Clarify Ideas before Communication: The manager sending the communication should be very clear in his mind about what he wants to say. He should know the objective of his message and, therefore, he should arrange his thoughts in a proper order. Communicate According to the Need of the Receiver: The manager should prepare the structure of the message not according to his own level or ability but he should keep in mind the level, understanding or the environment of the receiver. Be Aware of Language, Tone and Content of Message: The manger should take care of the fact that the message should be framed in clear and beautiful language. The tone of the message should not injure the feelings of the receiver. As far as possible the contents of the message should be brief and excessive use of technical words should be avoided. Ensure Proper Feedback: The purpose of feedback is to find out whether the receiver has properly understood the meaning of the information received. In the face-to- face communication, the reaction on the face of the receiver can be understood. Consistency of Message: The information sent to the receiver should not be self- contradictory. It should be in accordance with the objectives, policies, programmes and techniques of the organisation. When a new message

has to be sent in place of the old one, it should always make a mention of the change otherwise it can create some doubts. Follow up Communication: In order to make communication effective the management should regularly try to know the weaknesses of the communication system. In this context effort can be made to know whether to lay more stress upon the formal or the informal communication would be appropriate. How can organizational leaders prevent information overload from happening? We can employ strategies in a manner that will be productive and even enjoyable and fight information overload:[ CITATION Jef21 \l 2057 ] Identify the Vital Information Carriers: In every profession, identify a small number of key information sources, including publications, websites, blogs, and hard news sources, that cover what's occurring in the field. You’ll really only need three to four sources; you’d be surprised at the amount of coverage overlap you’ll see. Streamline Your Intake Capacity: Once you recognize the kind of information you require and a handful of the best sources, you need to establish a methodical way of receiving, synthesizing, and applying such information that will benefit you, your team, and your organization. Beware of Information Crutches: Many people have a predisposition to collect and retain information that confirms what they already believe or know to be true. They don't need to save such information; the practice is more like a reflex action. With the vast amounts of information on the Internet today and the power of search engines, it's not necessary to hang on to much. Be Thoughtful When Sending Information; Sometimes the staggering amounts of information is due to our lack of organizing guidelines. Such guidelines could otherwise spare us from unnecessary, excessive exposure to information that does not support our current challenges. Design Responses; throughout the course of your workweek, you'll receive many different types of requests. Many are routine, so you can automate your responses by using your email's signature function. Most email software programs today support at least 20 different signatures. You can create and save signatures by category

that enable you to respond promptly and effectively to customers and clients. The signatures that you've developed can also be personalized to address the particulars of a specific inquiry. In conclusion technology has influenced communication through improved quality, diminished communicating cost, altered nature and style of communication. There are various ways of communication the utilize technology and they include email, blogs, video calls, cellular phones and online chats. It has also become apparent that one should seek to use technology when faced with the challenge of barriers in their communication. Technology also helps in facilitating recording and storage of verbal communication and retaining old contacts, as well. Notably, technology has a negative impact on the development of interpersonal skills and should be avoided in cases where such skills require being nurtured. On the same note, the same rule should apply when communicating with people who do not understand how certain communication gadgets operate. References Alhadlaq, I. (2016). How Technology Influences Communication. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research,, 960-963. Davidson,












https://www.td.org/insights/10-ways-to-overcome-information-overload Harankhedkar, H. (2011, September 14). Impact of Technology on Communication. Retrieved from http://www.buzzle.com/articles/impact-of-technology-on-communication.html Hargie, O. (2019). The Hand book of Communication skills. New York: Routledge. Storm, L. (n.d.). (2019, December 15). Positive Effects of Technology on Communication. Retrieved from http://science.opposingviews.com/positive-effects-technology-communication-1418.html...

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