Disorder Paper-Done - Grade: A PDF

Title Disorder Paper-Done - Grade: A
Author Bryce Chavez
Course Physiological Psychology
Institution University of Phoenix
Pages 12
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Running head: DISORDER PAPER


Disorder Paper Bryce Chavez PSYCH/630 9 September 2019 Nicole Jung



Disorder Paper “After a century of studying schizophrenia, the cause of the disorder remains unknown” Schizophrenia is a disorder that we still do this day do not know the cause or how it comes to affect the human brain as it does. In this paper, there will discussions about three different treatments for schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a very serious disorder/mental illness that is very hard to understand and it is uncurable. This paper will discuss the symptoms and treatments as well as the medication that is used to help these individuals with schizophrenia. As well as which treatment is the best or the most appropriate to use for each case of schizophrenia. What is Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is when an individual cannot separate reality from fantasy or they are believing that they can hear the voices in their head. There is a heavily stigmatized in the American culture that schizophrenia is more often confused with multiple personality disorder or Multiple personalities. There is propensity that can cause severe danger to others and the individual. Individuals that have schizophrenia can appear to be agitated, withdrawn, or even unresponsive there can also be an inciting additional fear when they are within the general public. The word schizophrenia means “split mind” but that does not mean the mind is split or that the individual has multiple personalities. However, people often say that they feel schizophrenic which means that they are having mixed feelings about something. One of the strongest pieces of evidence that schizophrenia is a biological disorder that also appears to be heritable. Which means if that there is a trait that is produced by a single gene then we would see or expect to see this disorder in about 75% of children that have two parents that have schizophrenia then that would mean the gene is dominant. However, if they were recessive then that would mean all children that have two parents with schizophrenia would also have it as well. “However, the actual incidence is less than



50 percent, which means either that several genes are involved or that having a “schizophrenia gene” imparts a susceptibility to develop schizophrenia, the disease itself being triggered by other factors” (Carlson, 2013). There are strong results that provide very strong evidence that if someone is carrying the schizophrenia gene will not become schizophrenic. According to Carlson (2013), There is one rare mutation that involves the gene that is known as DISC1 (Disrupted in schizophrenia 1) this gene is involved with a regulation that of the embryonic and adult neurogenesis with is a neuronal migration that is during the embryonic development. Symptoms Positive Positive symptoms that of schizophrenia can make themselves known because of their presence. They are included in thought disorders, hallucinations, and delusions. Thought disorders are disorganized, irrational thinking which is probably the most important symptoms that of schizophrenia. Schizophrenics have a very hard time rearranging their thoughts in a logical and being able to sort them out in plausible conclusions from the absurd ones. When having conversations with a schizophrenic patient they can jump from one topic to another as new association come or sometimes, they can utter meaningless words or can choose words that simply rhyme than for the meaning of the word. Delusions are certain beliefs that are either contrary to fact. The delusions are the persecution of false beliefs that others or oneself are plotting or conspiring against themselves. The delusion that of grandeur are the false belief in one’s power and importance. The individual can be convicted that they have some godlike powers or some kind of special knowledge that no one else possesses. Then there are delusions that of control and they are related to delusions of



persecution. This is when the individual believes that they are either being controlled or watched by the government or aliens for an example. Negative Affect is to refer to the expression that of the emotions of the individual. People that have schizophrenia they are often to show something that is referred to as affective flattening which means that people that have schizophrenia do not show emotions or a full range of emotional expression like others do. They also may be relatively immobile and unresponsive with facial expressions they will also have poor eye contact with very little body language or even movement Alogia People that have schizophrenia and are suffering from the negative symptoms they have difficulty with speaking or can show less speech overall and have less ease with choosing words and they are known as verbal fluency. Avolition People that have Schizophrenia can be described as a loss of motivation which means that they have lost the will or desire to participate in activities or to do things. This can be seen or displayed as the individual will sit somewhere for long periods of times without showing much interest in their surroundings. It can also involve that they will not display any kind of interest in work or social activities that of with others. “They may take a rigid, uncomfortable-looking position and then not move for hours or days, resisting efforts by others to move them. They may allow themselves to be moved into new positions, but do not move on their own. Most of the time, this is not an act or a show but rather a genuine symptom of the illness that the person



cannot help. Catatonia is observed less today than in past years because of advances in treating schizophrenia” (Seabhs, 2019). Cognitive Cognitive dysfunction is the core of the feature of schizophrenia these deficits from moderate to severe across several domains that including attention, working memory, verbal learning memory, and executive functions. Deficits are pre-date to the onset that is of frank psychosis. Over many decades there has been a focus on these deficits and has increased dramatically. With recent studies for treatments that of pharmacological and behavioral there have been suggestions that cognitive deficits are malleable. Other researches have called questions about the meaningfulness that of the cognitive changes in schizophrenia. There are traditional characteristics signs and symptoms that of psychosis that is less stable than the cognitive impairment.

Types of Schizophrenia Paranoid Schizophrenia This type of schizophrenia is when the individual paranoia is extreme and that they may act on it. Paranoid schizophrenia is characterized by the predominantly positive symptoms of schizophrenia. Paranoia is something that all humans have for an example a woman is walking down the road in the dark, she may or may not get paranoid because the brain will play tricks and that is when the paranoia kicks in. Now when an individual has paranoid schizophrenia is like ten times worse than a regular person with paranoid. “A patient may hear a voice or voices in their head that they do not recognize as their thoughts or internal voice. These voices can be demeaning or hostile, driving a person to do things they would not do otherwise” (Paranoid



Schizophrenia: Overview of Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments, 2019). There is an odd or untypical behavior that is a flow that leads to results of these delusions and hallucinations. Some individuals will schizophrenia think that the government is out to get them and this would lead to the boarding up their houses and not leaving their homes. Catatonic Schizophrenia Catatonia has been regarded as a primarily as a subtype that of schizophrenia. In the past decades, there have been descriptions that of catatonia as a syndrome in patients with mood disorders, medical disorders and toxicities that have put the syndrome into a new light. Although nature and the proper diagnostic classification and the treatment of catatonic schizophrenia is under debate because there are no population-based studies that of the conditions in which there was a date that was collected prospectively. The number of suicide attempts that were recorded was 44% that of the patients with catatonic schizophrenia that is compared to the 25% that of the other schizophrenia types. As for findings people that are hospitalized with catatonic schizophrenia has more than likely attempted suicide more so than those with the other schizophrenia. Catatonic schizophrenia is also considered biologically distinct from the other types of schizophrenia. Schizoaffective disorder Schizoaffective disorder is the type that is a combination disorder that has the symptoms of schizophrenia with a mood disorder that is most likely a major depression or a bipolar disorder. This kind of schizophrenia is a chronic and happens in intermittent episodes. These moods are affective symptoms that occur at the same times as the symptoms of schizophrenia. There are two major subtypes of this disorder and they are bipolar type and depressive type. Bipolar type is when there is a manic episode that is part of the presentation of symptoms. There is a major



depressive episode that can also happen with this subtype. Depressive type is only given when there is a major depressive episode that is a part of the symptoms. Symptoms (1)

Hallucinations- seeing things that are not there as well as hearing things that are not there such as voices.


Delusions- believing in something false or fake.


Disorganized thinking- the individual is unable to answer the question or only answers them in partially answer as well as responding to questions that are unrelated answers.


Manic Behavior- this is mainly for the bipolar subtype this is when the individual can experience feeling that of euphoria, racing thoughts, risky behavior such as sexual or financial or there is a sudden increase in the energy or the behavior that is out of character.


Depressed mood- this is mainly for the depressive type but this is when the individual starts to feel the feelings of worthlessness, sadness and other symptoms that of depression


Impaired functioning- this is when the individual cannot function in a social, work or school-like.


Problems Managing of personal care- When the individual cannot take one of oneself such as cleanliness, self-care, and physical appearance. Medication There are typical antipsychotics that are exerted to their actions that are predominantly

through dopamine D2 receptors that are antagonism. There is exemplified of these first-



generation antipsychotics that can be generally categorized by the several chemical class which is phenothiazine such as “chlorpromazine, perphenazine, fluphenazine, trifluoperazine and levomepromazine” (Snyder & Vanover, 2016). Then the second chemical class is thioxanthene which is “chlorprothixene, clopenthixol and thiothixene” (Snyder & Vanover, 2016). The third chemical class is diphenylbutylpiperidines which are “pimozide, fluspirilene and penfluridol” (Snyder & Vanover, 2016). The first-generation typical antipsychotics have yet to possess the prominent serotonin that is binding affinity which is considered as the forerunner that of the atypical antipsychotics. The most commonly used typical antipsychotic is called haloperidol because the properties have been extensively reviewed that of in articles and compared with many different representative examples that of newer generations of antipsychotics. The dopamine D2 receptors have successfully been an effective treatment for reducing the positive symptoms that of psychosis in schizophrenia patients. However, this kind of activity as well reduces or limits that utility of the agents such as haloperidol because of the propensity that is the motor abnormalities that are including acute Parkinson like movements deficits and dystonia.

Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) This kind of therapy is commonly known as talk therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is used to treat many different types of issues. CBT is a use full tool when someone is trying to address an emotional challenge. CBT can manage symptoms that of mental illness and can prevent a relapse of the mental illness symptoms. Here are some of the mental disorders that can be treated using CBT. “Depression, Anxiety disorders, Phobias, PTSD, Sleep disorders, Eating



disorders Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Substance use disorders, Bipolar disorders, Schizophrenia & Sexual disorders” (Cognitive behavioral therapy, 2019). There are many different risks but the major risk of CBT is that the individual will become uncomfortable at times because CBT can and will explore “painful feelings, emotions, and experiences” (Cognitive behavioral therapy, 2019). During CBT there are times where the individual will be expected to confront situations that the individual would rather avoid such as getting on a roof because of the fear of heights. CBT is one of the recommended treatments for schizophrenia because of the effectiveness of reducing the symptoms of schizophrenia

Individual psychotherapy There has been advent that of psychotherapy for the treatment of the psychological distress in a manner that one might intervene with a person that has schizophrenia can be severed as a matter of debate. There are notes that individuals with schizophrenia have been commonly receptive that of the possibility of the treatment and have been able to have some form of recovery. There is psychoanalytic psychotherapy that has been emerged as a treatment for helping individuals with schizophrenia to develop a healthier sense of self and can understand that the use of therapy relationships means that there is understand affective states that the communication processes in the relationships that of out of therapy. There are five different models that psychotherapy integration. Within the first of the five models, there is a present that can offer to psychotherapy approach for the intervention that is following the first episode that psychosis that can draw on the cognitive, interpersonal and the developmental theoretical approaches that are affected in



regulations. These are also emphasized as assisting the individual to be able to restore the disrupted personal narrative. There is also available research that is on psychotherapy that of schizophrenia has done a little too slow that is a mean spirited and profit-driven erosion that of the compassionate care that of psychiatry’s most vulnerable patients. “While some form of individual psychotherapy in combination with pharmacologic management represents the most common treatment provided for outpatients with schizophrenia, remarkably few empirical guidelines are available (2). Important articles by Hogarty and colleagues in this issue of the Journal provide substantive and clinically pertinent progress” (We Can Talk: Individual Psychotherapy for Schizophrenia, 2019).

Conclusion Schizophrenia is one of the most serious mental illness in the United States. After much understanding of schizophrenia that some people have it is having a very hard time understanding what is going on with them. That is why their psychologist and therapist that dictated their time to help these people with schizophrenia and help them.



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We Can Talk: Individual Psychotherapy for Schizophrenia | American Journal of Psychiatry. (2019). American Journal Of Psychiatry. Retrieved from https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/ajp.154.11.1493 science | Definition, Disciplines, & Facts. (2019). Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 2 September 2019, from https://www.britannica.com/science/science


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