Dissection lab - App Assignment write ups PDF

Title Dissection lab - App Assignment write ups
Author Nicole Leckie
Course Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary School Science
Institution University of Victoria
Pages 6
File Size 163.3 KB
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App Assignment write ups...


EDCI 767 A01

Annalee Tyler V00684187

EDCI 767: The Great app assignment Critical Review of "Dissection Lab (V 1.2)” Annalee Tyler V00684187 Professor: Dr. D Blades Section A01

EDCI 767 A01

Annalee Tyler V00684187 App Review: Dissection Lab

Dissection Lab (Version 1.2) is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play and is

developed by Navtek Solutions for smartphones, tablets and computers. It is described to be an alternative to dissections in the classroom to address many issues brought up by animal-activist groups, ethical stances of students, parents and schools etc (Navtek Solutions, 2013). Figure 1: Visual Representation of Dissection from Navtek Solutions website. (Navtek Solutions, 2013) The app is free to download and includes one free module, the frog. Six other modules are available including: rat, cockroach, earthworm, starfish and shark, which are an additional price at $1.39 each/ 6 months or $6.49 /6 months and $12.49/year for all six modules. In each module their is a step-by-step dissection, general information about the animal including an animal and human comparison, external anatomy, internal anatomy and a quiz. All images are virtual, with the exception of real photos in the quiz.

EDCI 767 A01

Annalee Tyler V00684187

After using the app for a week (the frog) I could see applications in Biology 12 (Anatomy and Physiology), and Biology 11 (Life Sciences 11). Even though Biology 12 focuses on the human body, animals dissections are useful because body systems of various animals can be similar enough to give us a general understanding and insights to the Human Body. It also allows students to also make comparisons to the human body. Dissection Lab would be a great alternative for students that are unable to participate in the dissections due to various reasons. In Biology 11, its would be a useful tool to understand the “Big idea” that animals are grouped together based on common characteristics and additionally the topic of evolution. Due to limited resources and time, it may be hard to carry out dissections on seven different animals in a high school course, therefore Dissection Lab would be a great alternative as its allows students to carry out every dissection in a reasonable time frame. Some positive aspects of Dissection lab are: • The layout of the app is very clear and easy to follow • No major glitches and advertisements to distract from learning • There is a a lot of information beyond the dissection provided, that would support and align with observations made in a live classroom dissection. • The step-by-step is very easy to follow and provides clear labelling of parts. • A human comparison is present in every animal module • Models are 3-D and have 360 degree visualization • Scientific classification information is provided • Learning by “doing” rather then observing a dissection online or via textbook. • There is voice instruction and text instruction that makes the app accessible.

EDCI 767 A01

Annalee Tyler V00684187

Having an option for students that have issues with dissections due to factors such as veganism, religious beliefs and absence (medical, family etc) is a very important tool for the classroom. This app allows these students to participate and learn, and not risk missing out on valuable information. It is also a great tool for inquiry and furthering your understanding on animal anatomy, evolution, animal adaptations etc. Dissections can be very intimidating, especially in introductory courses and that may deter some students from taking Biology, just so they can avoid dissections. This app would be a good introduction to dissections, to ease students in and peak their interest. Navtek Solutions state that there are many benefits to the app compared to live dissections including: repeatability, always available, reduced student inhibitions, economical, safe, and environmentally friendly. However there are some limitations to this app including: • The lack of “real life photos” (except for the quiz portion). This is important to have, because sometimes virtual models are not a great representation of the actual animal. • The step-by-step method does not allow students to critically examine their actions, or apply their knowledge very well. That app does not allow them to make mistakes and learn form them. Additionally, there is a risk students will move through the dissection very fast as they don’t have the option to make choices. • When performing steps such and visual observations, pinning and cutting with the scalpel, it is really hard to relate what it actually feels like, or what is sounds or smells like. Experiencing these sensations are important for furthering your understanding of the anatomy in terms of qualities such as density and elasticity. • The information about the different animals could be in greater detail, and use more scientific terminology especially if this app is being used in senior sciences. For example information

EDCI 767 A01

Annalee Tyler V00684187

about distinguishing female and male based on external anatomy was lacking in the Frog module. Information about evolution, adaptations and comparisons to similar members in the amphibian class was also missing. • Utilization of the terms “warm-blooded” and “cold-blooded” are used, which has the potential to lead to misconceptions. That app does provide some information and also utilizes terms such as “poikilothermic”, however as a teacher you would need to ensure students understand the terminology. • I did notice a few spelling and grammar mistakes Even though there are some issues with this App I believe it could still be a useful tool in the classroom as long as the teacher provides some additional resources for the students to use. If I was wanting a student to have an alternative option to a frog dissection I would get them to use the app, but additionally assign other activities such as, observing a fellow classmate’s dissection (if they were open to it), exploring photos of live dissections for comparison and finally completing a critical analysis on the dissection app including the general information (habitat, lifecycle etc) and the dissection component. This would insure that any information in the app, was not being misinterpreted. Additionally, the app provides a follow up quiz with actual photos of the anatomy, and students should be required to complete it to support what they learned. I think it is important for each teacher to critically examine resources they use in the classroom, and I believe critically examining the app would be a great activity for the whole class to complete after they have done an in-class dissection. The consensus on Dissection Lab is that it is a useful, inexpensive tool, however optimal use would be using it alongside other resources and following up with critical examination. I believe that it is not at the point of being a replacement for live dissections, based on my compar-

EDCI 767 A01

Annalee Tyler V00684187

isons from my experiences and on youtube, however it is a good alternative. Before using it in the classroom, I would further explore what it is like to use on a tablet and also pay to utilize each module, because I believe that may improve the performance and make it more comparable to an actual dissection. I would also perform a comparison to other dissection software and apps, to see which one would work best for the class. It is important to have virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) options in the classroom as society increasingly relies on technology. Not only do apps like Dissection Lab teache students about Biology, they also teach students about VR and AR and how to critically compare it to the real world.

References Navtek Solutions. (2013). Dissection Lab. accessed October, 13, 2018. Retrieved from http://www.navteksolutions.com/educationsector.html...

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