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DISTANCE EDUCATION AND ICT DISTANCE EDUCATION AND ICT Foreword by Prof. M. P. Dube Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor U.P. Rajarshi Tandan Open University, Allahabad Editors Dr. G. K. Dwivedi Sr. Assistant Professor (Education) School of Education U.P. Rajarshi Tandan Open University, Allahabad Dr. Shruti ...


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Foreword by

Prof. M. P. Dube Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor U.P. Rajarshi Tandan Open University, Allahabad


Dr. G. K. Dwivedi Sr. Assistant Professor (Education) School of Education U.P. Rajarshi Tandan Open University, Allahabad

Dr. Shruti Sr. Assistant Professor (Statistics) School of Sciences U.P. Rajarshi Tandan Open University, Allahabad


DISTANCE EDUCATION AND ICT Editors: Dr. G. K. Dwivedi & Dr. Shruti

ISBN 978-14-43400-98-5 First Published in 2017 Copyright © UP Rajarshi Tandon Open University, Allahabad All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Disclaimer: The ideas and views given as an articles and papers, in present edited book, are of their authors own. Editors and the Publisher are not responsible for any of their statements.

Published by TRIDEV PUBLICATIONS 38, Future Center, Oottukuzhy, Trivendrum Kerala, India 695001 Phones: + Telefax: + email: website: www.

Contents Foreword Preface Introduction


Challenges in Distance Education: An Overview S. K. Dwivedi and Namita Gupta


A Study of Learning Styles of B.Ed. Trainees of UPRTOU Subhash Chandra and P.K. Sahoo



Road Map of ICT Development in Open and Distance Education



Atul Gurtu 4.

E-Learning in Distance Education: Its Challenges and Benefit


Alka Saxena and Sunil Kumar Upadhyaya 5.

ICT Revolution and Distance Education Afzal Ahmad


A Quality Assurance of Open and Distance Education through Information Communication Technology



Asif Kamal and Imran Ansari 7.

Modern Education Technology in Distance Education Programs Alka Verma



Distance Education ‘The Prime Mover of Inclusive Education’


Brahmanand Pratap Singh 9.

Relevance of e-learning in Distance Education Girish Kumar Dwivedi


10. Enhancing Human Skills through Distance Education Gaurav Sankalp


11. Distance Education: Issues and Challenges Jawed Ahmad and Shaheen Bano 12. Impact of E-Learning on Distance Education and Some Challenges



Jaya Mukerji 13. Attitude of Teacher of Higher Education towards ICT Support in Teaching Learning and Evaluation


Namita Sahoo 14. Importance of Distance Education in Health and Nutrition Neetu Mishra 15. Role of Technology in Open Learning System (An Innovative Issue)



Priya Soni Khare 16. ICT: Increasing Accessibility & Effectiveness of Distance Education Rashmi Singh


17. Role of Online Classes in Distance Education Shinjita Agrawal


18. Skill Based Education Through Distance Education Shruti 19. Changes and Challenges in Distance Education: In Special Reference to Students, Teachers and Universities Interrelationships



Vineet Narain Dubey 20. Role of ICT in Open and Distance Learning: Barriers and Suggestions


Vidhu Shekhar Pandey and Swangi 21. Distance Education and Job Opportunities in Agronomy


Jaibir Tomar List of Contributors


Foreword The role and the use of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Learners Support Services in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) are of paramount significance. The distance mode of education system responded positively and quickly to the revolution in ICT. The factors responsible for the change are minimum cost of imparting education; different programmes designed on need base priority, and presence of plenty of flexibility in mode of its administration. It has become now opinion of various experts that expanding education to large mass of learners, Internet technologies are the best suited cost effective mechanism to outreach the educational programs, than the conventional mode of education system. ICT has been instrumental in the evolution of distance education and has resulted in mode of delivery that enables a virtual multimedia learning environment. Distance mode education system is indeed a vital tool for social, intellectual, economic scientific, cultural and aesthetic development of the learners. This system and has significant potentials for overall development of the society. As distance mode of education system has expanded around the globe, various strategies, approaches, technologies have emerged to provide support to the learners. The need for exploring possibilities for next generation of ICT and distance mode education is realized in terms of establishing its credibility, competency and capability in the face of globalization of higher education. In this perspective a two day national seminar on “Issues and Challenges of Distance Education” was organized by U. P. Rajarshi Tandon Open University, Allahabad; on 05-06 September, 2015. It was largely attended by academicians of various disciplines across the country. The present book is an effort to provide educators, administrators, researchers and students with a way to gain some innovative perspectives on distance education and to evaluate both its strengths and weaknesses. Distance education need to be comprehensively evaluated and fully supported if they are made to be successful and fruitful. The goal of providing quality distance education which would be accessible to all needs to be emphasized

and vigorously pursued. The influence of ICT in ODL in a developing country has been critically evaluated in this book. Specifically this book examines how ICT have influenced or shaped the development of ODL in the India. It also examines the different stages of generations of distance education which are characterized mainly by the dominant technologies used for the delivery of instructional content and student support services. The different modes of ICT being used in ODL and their specific applications in the various facets of this mode of delivery have also been described. The current book also examines how quality education can be ensured in a technology driven system of teaching, and learning. ODL and e learning in India had undergone major transformation in both form and content. The main concern in our country should be on quality of higher education to all. I hope the present publication would go a long way in addressing societal concern of providing quality distance education.

Prof. M. P. Dube Vice-Chancellor UPRTOU, Allahabad

Preface It is known that, the distance Education and ICT are most powerful tools for the growth of any individual as well as for the development of any society. It can inculcate knowledge, skill and attitude among individuals and prepare them to bear their societal responsibilities very well. So it is very necessary that each and every person of any society (rural or urban) may be well educated. For this distance education plays a very important role in the field of higher education as well as in schooling system also. The ICT also plays a crucial role in spreading education into the rural and urban masses. Now a day’s distance education and ICT, both are very popular among the present generation. In this radiance a two day national seminar on “Issues and Challenges of Distance Education” was organized by U. P. Rajarshi Tendon Open University, Allahabad; from 05-06 September, 2015, which was provided a platform for the academicians and researchers to discuss the theoretical and application oriented problems in the Distance Learning Module. It was attended by various academicians of various disciplines from 8 states of the country and one from Uthopia also. This book is includes twenty one chapters, which was presented on different very crucial and significant themes of the seminar. With huge gratification we convey our bottomless gratitude to Prof. M. P. Dube (Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, U. P. Rajarshi Tandon Open University, Allahabad), whose overall inspiring guidance and scholarly help for conducting above two days National Seminar and for publishing of this book. We also avail this chance to state our truthful thanks to Dr. G. S. Shukla (Registrar, UPRTOU, Allahabad) and Mr. S. P. Singh (Finance Officer, UPRTOU, Allahabad) for their support and helping approach.

We give our immense gratitude to our parents and all elders and all youngers in family for their blessings and affections for shaping this book in to this form. We will also like to pay our genuine thanks to our friends, well-wishers and also the publisher of this book. We also pay our regards to all direct or indirect contributors. We hope the present publication will serve as useful source of information and references for researchers, academicians and policy makers who are working in the fields of distance education and also will open a new opportunity for the readers and researchers in the field of distance education.

Dr. G. K. Dwivedi & Dr. Shruti Editors

Introduction G. K. Dwivedi & Ranjana Srivastava

Knowledge is the richest gift of God to mankind. It’s the essence behind all the objective and goals to be achieved. The more knowledge the person posses the more valuable he becomes for his organization and ultimate to the society. To create a knowledgeable workforce we need a system/ medium which is easily accessible to all. In this direction the open distance education is providing a basic platform in creating knowledgeable workforce. ICT and distance education are become integral parts of every sphere of life. Growth of ICT along with distance education became very fast in 2-3 decades. One of the most significant developments in the field of education is the acceptance, spread and growth of distance education through open learning systems in most parts of the world with the help of ICT. Distance Education programmes have often used a combination of educational media, old and new, varying from print to broadcasts to audio and video. International experience shows that distance education and open learning tend to complement each other. This was an acceptance of the fact that distance education was no longer primarily associated with the printed word and had successfully incorporated the use of multi- media in the teaching- learning process. Distance education is now internationally recognized and accepted as an alternative channel for providing broader access to education in a costeffective manner; wider and diversified curricula and a means for continuing life-long education. Increasingly new categories of clients are seeking better education. It is the most popular up-coming medium for higher education. This is also a time of convergence between the worldwide need to extend and develop educational opportunities and the development of new communication technologies viz. sophisticated printing methods, audio based technology, video technologies; computer based technologies; and satellite communication, making it possible for learners to get access to the world's knowledge from the remotest and most inaccessible areas.

ICT encompasses both the internet-enabled sphere as well as the mobile one powered by wireless networks. It also includes antiquated technologies, such as landline telephones, radio and television broadcast -- all of which are still widely used today alongside cutting-edge ICT pieces such as artificial intelligence and robotics. Some components, such as computers and telephones, have existed for decades. Others, such as smart phones, digital TVs and robots, are more recent entries.ICT has the real potential, power and danger of ICT can be found. The main objective of this book is to provide a platform to discuss mainly roadmap of ICT in the development of distance education. In the present time where daily new challenges are being faced by educationists, administrators and policy makers, it is very important to focus and debate on various important topics like issues, challenges, potential, status and problems of ICT and distance education. This book consists of twenty one chapters mainly focusing on IT revolution and new trends of distance education respectively. In few chapters authors tried to explain modern educational technologies for improving quality of distance education through different approaches like human skills, accessibility and effectiveness of distance education etc, in few chapters’ authors discussed about role of online classes, learning styles, educational advancement schemes along with major problems. This book aims to bring together teachers, IT workers, applied statisticians and researchers on one platform to understand the role of ICT and distance education. It is also aimed to enhance the understanding and to develop their skills towards new ICT techniques in enhancing distance education. It is worthwhile to mention that in this book a modest attempt has been made to throw some light on some important aspects like impact of e – learning on distance education. The editors feel that it may open new horizons for better understanding of relevance of on line learning and quality assurance in distance education.

1 Challenges in Distance Education: An Overview S. K. Dwivedi and Namita Gupta

Introduction Distance learning and its relationship to emerging computer technologies have together offered many promises to an educational field (Doug Valentine, 2002). Today, the concept of distance education is wellunderstood and approaching importance in future education. With advances in software and communication expertise, distance education is being adopted by organizations as well as universities. Distance learning, distance education, virtual education, and eLearning are similar models (Kim and Shih, 2003). Distance education aims at learning process for a considerable period of time but during last more than two decades it has attracted the attention by many institutions and individuals at national and at global level. The main objectives of distance education are to provide educational opportunities to all in the society and enhance. It may be considered as an alternative way for the formal education system. In our country, distance education is also known as correspondence course. The objective of the distance education is to motivate the

DISTANCE EDUCATION AND ICT learners to fulfill their demands in the field of education. Now-a-days, it is the era of science and technology and we can propagate the distance education on masses by involving correspondence, teleconferencing and by using computers techniques. The Internet and Grid technology are now providing entirely new or effective supplementary resources for organizations to communicate and comportment connections with their constituents. (Kim and Shih, 2003). Present study will focuses on the distance education, its current status with examine the challenges that need to overcome to fully realize the potential of distance education and also the future possibilities in modern distance education. History of Distance Education Distance education used to define a number of instructional conditions. Although it is thought of as a new term, distance education has been around for well over 100 years. Today, the Internet and compressed video have taken distance learning in new directions, allowing distance education to occur in real time (Doug Valentine, 2002). Definitions of Distance Education/ Learning (Doug Valentine, 2002) The distance education/ learning including different learning environments and distance education/ learning are derived as followsGreenberg (1998) defines contemporary distance learning as “a planned teaching/learning experience that uses a wide spectrum of technologies to reach learners at a distance and is designed to encourage learner interaction and certification of learning.”

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Teaster and Blieszner (1999) describe as “the term distance learning has been applied to many instructional methods. However, its primary distinction is that the teacher and the learner are separate in space and possibly time.” Desmond Keegan (1995) derived as “distance education and training result from the technological separation of teacher and learner which frees the student from the necessity of traveling to “a fixed place, at a fixed time, to meet a fixed person, in order to be trained.” It is clear from the above given definitions that the student and teacher are separated by interplanetary, but not necessarily by period. Model of Distance Education The model of distance education includes strategies, individuals and tools. These are the essential constituents and affect the development of distance learning programs (Kim and Shih, 2003).

Fig.: Elements of Distance Education

ISBN 978-14-43400-98-5 3

DISTANCE EDUCATION AND ICT Problems of Distance Education There are some problems that are associated with the distance education. These are enlisted as follows: Quality of Instruction This is major issue of distance education/ learning programs. Quality of instruction depends on the attitude of the management and the instructor. According to Palloff and Pratt (2000), “technology does not teach students, effective teachers do”. Omoregie (1997) suggests that the usefulness of distance learning is based on planning, the trainer indulgent towards the needs of the students. If the administration and instructors are lacking in right commitment, it is bound to have an impact on the entire distance learning experience (Doug Valentine, 2002).

Fig: 1- Showing Problems of Distance Education Cost Effectiveness According to Phelps et al. (1991), “The possible cost efficiency of using online tools in distance education is still uncertain”. For effective distance education, the supervisor delivering the instruction should be well trained (Doug Valentine, 2002).

ISBN 978-14-43400-98-5 4

DISTANCE EDUCATION AND ICT Misuse of Technology This problem arises due to lack of exercise, instructor’s assertiveness about using the technology and others by hardware difficulties. It seems to be manifest that instructors need to be trained to use distance learning technology, but too often they are not. According to Greenberg (1998), the technology’s advancement does not lead to operative distance education. Its practices depend on resourceful, well-versed instructors. Bates (1995) also suggested that newer equipment are not intrinsically better than old ones and different lessons learned from the application of older technologies will still apply to any newer technology. Palloff and Pratt (2000) also described that the instructors must be trained “not only to use technology, but also to shift the way in which they organize and deliver material”(Doug Valentine, 2002). Role of the Technicians It is also important factor that indirectly impact the learning environment by “orientatin...

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