Document 20 - practice materials PDF

Title Document 20 - practice materials
Course English Composition II
Institution Metropolitan Community College, Nebraska
Pages 2
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practice materials...


[Last Name] 1 Mallory Becker Nicole Franta Psyc

“Revitalizing Yutan Legion Baseball” 1. What problem is the proposal addressing? Where is it? What caused it? Who is responsible for it? How urgent is it? Consider what you learned in Comp I about description and specific details and examples. How are those being used to illustrate the problem? The problem is about the Yutan Legion Baseball teams. The numbers of kids who are playing has dropped tremendously. Another issue is many of the baseball teams have coaches who are not trained properly. I would say it's urgent. Kids are starting to lose interest in baseball, and I feel like things like camp, and mentors would get kids to come back. They would be more interested in the sport if they had other people to look up to who do the same thing. Also, having trained coaches would potentially help the teams as well. Instead of having parents who are potentially showing favoritism to their child that is on the team.

2. What solutions does the author propose? Make a bulleted list and describe the solutions in your own words. How much will these solutions cost? Is this a reasonable cost, and how did you determine this? Getting more kids to join the team and staying on the team would be super beneficial for their academic performance and would get them out of the house! • Instead of sports being about money, and trophy's, it can be more like having a place for the kids to have a sense of belonging. • Easy, and fun way to throw in exercise. • If legion players became more involved, they could be mentors to the kids. • Having a skilled coach can set the kids up with appropriate skills training in the game and in life general. A lot of these solutions wouldn’t cost a thing. If people donate their time that has already had previous experience with baseball that alone could help new players tremendously. The only thing that I see would cost is going forward with hiring a trained coach instead of having a parent donate their time. I feel that most people are coaching a team knowing that it is something they are doing in their own time. •

3. Who is the policy-making body? In what ways do you see the proposal speaking directly to this person/group? What prior knowledge does the policymaking body have, or not have, that is referenced in the proposal? This audience is intended for anyone who cares about the local team. I would say it also is for all families who want their kids to play baseball but want to see change first. The person to write this essay got exactly what they wanted to say out about this certain topic. There baseball teams in their local town are struggling and he wants to see change. Certain things need to be done with Yutan’s youth program or they are just going to continue losing kids’ interest in playing baseball or any sport for that matter.

[Last Name] 2

“Improving Staff Support and Training at Little Learners Academy” 1. Compare and contrast the “Supporting Arguments/Benefits of Change” sections in the two proposals. How are they similar? How are they different? Use examples to explain to explain how each of these sections, while both essentially supporting arguments, are fundamentally different. They are similar because both are deal with how something is affecting the kids and what can be done to make it better. Both papers demonstrate that if there was better training there would be a better outcome. Another way they are similar is they both need proper training for the people involved. You can tell both papers truly have a passion for kids and how these issues can affect them. The clear fact of how they are different is one paper is about a school/daycare and one is about baseball. The Yutan Youth paper is more focused on how to bring more kids in and have them stay in. The Little Learners paper is more focused on how they lose so many staff because of not appropriate training for them. Both need something done to keep the program going.

2. What solutions does the author propose? How much will they cost? Is this a reasonable cost, and how did you determine this? Compare the cost of solutions for each proposal. How does the policy-making body for each proposal change the kinds of solutions and cost of solutions that might be considered? • Getting appropriate training for staff could help the company tremendously. • They already have a staff coordinator so if that person could possibly train employees, they wouldn’t need to put additional money into the company. • Also, the hiring manager could do a more in debt interview with the people they hire so they can get people who are properly qualified for the position. • Keeping staff will be healthier for the students at the school and for the parents to feel a lot better about leaving their kids in school. • Providing more training for the staff would also be something that is free and they could do it within the people who already work at the company and have experience. 3. Who is the policy-making body? Look carefully at the solutions and discuss what things the writer needed to be careful about in order to not alienate the audience. Are there places where the author was not careful enough? Obviously even writing this paper could trigger some of the potential parents that have kids in school. It's hard already for the parents to trust putting their kids somewhere new. This paper was very well written and showed so much concern for not only the company but especially the kids. If I was reading this paper and had kids in this school, I would love that this employee is so worried about having employees come in and out of work. Training obviously needs to be done and that’s not necessary a bad thing....

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