Immune Quest Practice Materials PDF

Title Immune Quest Practice Materials
Course Immunology Advanced Studies
Institution University of Glasgow
Pages 6
File Size 157 KB
File Type PDF
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ImmuneQuest Practice Materials, Important points added wherever mentioned. Important for SAQs and MCQs...



About: Students build and control a virtual immune system to defend their human host from increasingly cunning microbes. Each successive level introduces new immunity components and capabilities that enables students to create more complex immune responses. Learning by doing! ImmuneQuest effectively captures the functional interactions between the immune functions that are difficult to convey in linear learning formats. Concepts covered in Part 1: First Responders Innate Immunity •

One of the first lines of defense in the innate immune system

Receptor mediated phagocytosis

Recognition of microbes – Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMPs)

Only a finite number of pattern recognition receptors to detect PAMPs

Macrophage activation via signaling molecules from other immune cells and PAMPs

Destruction of ingested microbes within phagolysosomes

Activated macrophages release toxic molecules through vesicles

Activated macrophages action also damages host tissues

Instructions: 1. One team member will download ImmuneQuest at (top orange tap) 2. Display on large monitor so that every student can participate. 3. Put in course code U2C7 and team name. Must receive a score to get course credit. 4. Answer below questions while you are playing the game.

Tips: •

Follow all directions, earn power ups, upgrades and click on cubes for more info.

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Use all immune cells to help you search for pathogen

Every movement uses up action level

Every turn you take results in damage to host because microbe has more time to spread

When you use a new macrophage make sure you enable phagocytosis button to eat debri

Alternate between macrophages by clicking on them. Each macrophage has its own action level.

Use map to look for pathogens

When a macrophage phagocytosis a microbe or debri containing PAMPS it will glow.

Switch from resting to activate state when able to.

Internal kill as soon as volume meter fills up. Can’t phagocytose when it is full.

Power up when action levels are low

ImmuneQuest Questions 1-16 1. What is the function of phagocytosis?

2. What is the leading cause of hospital associated infections?

3. What is a mechanism that some bacteria use to avoid detection from phagocytes?

4. Which of the following is true? a. Macrophages must first recognize specific parts of debris or microbes with receptors in order to phagocytose them. b. Macrophages can phagocytose anything lying around in tissue.

5. How do phagocytes detect pathogens? Give an example.

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PHAR403 DAY 2A INNATE IMMUNE SYSTEM FUNCTION 6. What are PAMPS and where are they found?

7. What are toll like receptors and how do they function?

8. Unlike the adaptive part of the immune system, the innate immune system can recognize only a finite set of microbial molecular patterns. About how many PAMPS can the innate immune system recognize? a. 10 b.100 c. 1,000 d. 1,000,000

9. How can macrophages activate themselves?

10. Which of the following is not involved in macrophage activation? a. Interferon gamma b. Red blood cells c. TNF alpha d. T helper cells e. PAMPS

10. Activated macrophages may inflict damage on the host. True or false? Please explain.

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PHAR403 DAY 2A INNATE IMMUNE SYSTEM FUNCTION 11. Where are PAMP receptors located on immune cells? a. Within the cell membrane b. Within intracellular vesicles, like phagosomes and endosomes c. In the nucleus d. Both A and B

12. What is a phagolysosome and how does it work?

14. Salmonella is an intracellular bacteria how does it escape phagocyte detection?

15. Which of the following is true? a. Just like your virtual macrophage, actual macrophages collect lots of microbes, wait to fill up and kill them all at once. b. Macrophages are continuously phagocytosing and killing microbes simultaneously

16. What would help your macrophage eliminate the pathogen? Please explain

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PHAR403 DAY 2A INNATE IMMUNE SYSTEM FUNCTION 17. Consider the following statement. Activated macrophages can not clear pathogens without activating adaptive immunity. Is the statement true or false? Justify your answer.

18. Describe the 4 steps of how the innate immune system protects against pathogens.

19. What is the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) and what are the differences between MHC class I and MHC class II?

20. Describe the process of how a virally infected cell would be able to communicate with a CD8+ T cell that it is infected. Include details of how antigen is processed.

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PHAR403 DAY 2A INNATE IMMUNE SYSTEM FUNCTION 21. Describe the process of how a professional antigen presenting cell takes up a microbe or antigen and presents it to a CD4+ T cell. Include details of how antigen is processed.

23. Describe the function of each of the below complement proteins. a. C3b

b. C3a and C5a

c. C9

d. Regulatory proteins (Complement receptor 1, Membrane co-factor protein, decay accelerating factor, factor I and factor H)

e. C1q

21. Why must the adaptive immune response precede the classical complement pathway?

PHAR403 Hernandez 6|6...

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