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Course 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Christian Worldview and Manipulation (Optional) Professor Santeill.

I often refuse to dive deep into the scriptures with anyone because a certain degree of conviction falls on my heart. I know deep in my soul that I have a calling to minister the word of God I have been often referred to as Jonah. Nevertheless I feel a certain tug in my spirit in this course to iterate certain angles of the word of God. I must say I have never had a professor that was willing to encourage and uplift using the holy scriptures. I would like to thank you for that first and foremost. I contemplated if I would respond to this specific optional post and I had decided I would not. Then a verse of scripture came into my essence of spirit because no matter how hard I fought with myself I could feel the word of God giving me unrest. In the book of Jeremiah chapter 20 verse 9 Jeremiah was going through a great turmoil on the inside. These are the words he expressed because of that turmoil: then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak anymore in his name, but his word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearingness, and I could not stay! This is a complete replica of what goes through me when you speak of God in your post and most of surely I believe this course was meant for me for a specific reason. Matthew chapter 7 verse 15 through 17 conveys the following: beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep clothing, but inwardly they are raving wolves. You shall know them by their fruits, do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Here we find a wonderful illustration of how the Lord Jesus Christ attempts to cause his disciples which is the body of Christ to be aware of those who are false hearted and attempt to use manipulation in a negative sense to mislead us. If attention is paid close to the scriptures we realize he gave us a criteria to notice falsehood. He said we will know them by their fruits. Hear the word fruit is symbolic of actions. This is where critical thinking in the spiritual realm must be applied. The Lord has given us a measuring stick to measure someone's words and see if it lines up with their actions. The true intentions of the heart can only be known by God himself. Nevertheless he has given us a limited understanding on how to interpret one's intentions through their actions that they display amongst us. Allow me to be clear and firm so that no misunderstandings will transpire and no misperceptions of my words will manifest in the hearts of anyone. All forms of evil intent I do not condone nor do I attempt in any way to magnify them as being holy. Now did that disclaimer has been established I will attempt to give a broader perception of manipulation as it pertains to the word of God and a Christian world view. Our beloved

brother apostle Paul wrote to the church of Rome and attempted to get them to understand that no matter what they have went through in life Jesus Christ was still at the wheel! Romans chapter 8 verse 28 expresses this very beautifully: and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. I am convinced that every malice intent will work for the good of those who love our Lord Jesus Christ and it's called according to his purpose. For every battered woman God will use that situation to teach and uplift you out of it. For every child that was abused God will use that experience to teach and raise you from it. For every man who did not have a father and look to other men as a child who had valve intentions toward you, our Lord who suffered on the cross for us will use that situation of evil and Malice intent to bless you and raise you from it for his glory and his name sake. When I speak of manipulation even when it has malice intent of having the ability to do the greatest good we have to look no further than King David the father of King Solomon. In 2nd Samuel chapter 11 verse 1 we find one of the greatest lessons to mankind allow me to explain: the word of God reads as this, and it came to pass, after the year was expired, at the time when kings go forth to battle, that David sent joab and his servants with him, and all israel; and they destroyed the children of Ammon, and besiege Rabbah, but David tarried still at Jerusalem. Every scripture that I use that comes after that one will display how manipulation with malice intent was used for the glory of God. But first allow me to draw your attention back to verse 1, it clearly states that this was the time that Kings went to war / battle but David tarried still at Jerusalem. First let it be understood David had a responsibility as the king in this specific year he was supposed to be on the battlefield with the rest of the men. The one appointed time where the king was to display that he is a warrior David neglected his duties. My question is this before I continue, how many of us has neglected our duties we were somewhere where we knew we should not have been in all calamity transpired? The first verse teaches us that when God has appointed you to do or to be somewhere make haste to perform that commitment. As I will reveal because David avoided his commitments he fell into sin. Now from second Samuel chapter 11 verse 1 all the way through verse 27 something magnificent transpires. Because David was not at war as he was appointed to as king, he went out on his balcony and seeing a beautiful woman taking a bath by the name of Bathsheba, Bathsheba was a married woman to one of the greatest warriors Uriah. David could see her taking a bath through her window so he sent for his servant to go retrieve her so he could commit fornication. Shortly after Bathsheba realized that she was with child. So David sent for Uriah her husband with manipulation in his heart to ask Uriah how was the troops doing on the field. Uriah explain the situation and then David attempted to beguile him and said go home to your wife and spend time with her. Uriah being faithful to his troops on the field could not think to do such a thing. Instead Uriah slept at the gate

of his King because he loved David. How many of you have loved somebody and it was only to your detriment? How many of us had a King David in our life at one time or another? When David woke up he noticed that Uriah did not go home to lay with his wife as he attempted to manipulate him to do so that he could pass off the child as uriah's. David asked Uriah why did you refuse to go lay with my wife. Uriah explained to King David that he could do no such thing because that would be unrighteous while the men I struck dead in the field of battle. David attempted again to manipulate Uriah to go and lay with his wife but again Uriah slept at the gate of his King out of loyalty! When Uriah finally went to war David consulted one of his generals. David orchestrated the death of Uriah in such a malice and intent way. He told his general put Uriah on the front line and when the enemy approaches have the troops pulled back so that they may slay Uriah where he stands. Out of all of these things the child that David had with Uriah God had spoke to David and let him know through the prophet Nathan that the child will not survive birth. The Lord sent the prophet Nathan to Uriah in such a holy and divine manner! The prophet Nathan approached David and said okay there is a man and he is a rich man who had a guess coming from far away. He had multitude of sheep and multitude of oxen to slay to make a feast for his guest. The prophet Nathan also informed David that this mighty king had a servant who had only one sheep that he loved. The prophet Nathan said unto David, the king's servant sheep ate with him, and he slept with him, and the poor man that was the servant treated the sheep as a part of his very own family. The prophet Nathan again expressed to David that the rich King refuse to slay one of his many sheeps for his guests but instead went to his servant and slayed the only precious sheep that he had and served them up to his guests for a feast. the prophet Nathan turned to David and looked at him sternly in the eye and said Old King David what do you say should be done with a man such as this? David reply to the prophet Nathan the king should be killed and he should pay sevenfold of what he owe. The prophet Nathan informed David Old King David that King is you! You murdered Uriah on the battlefield and you took his wife whom he loved because of thou has done these things, curse so be the womb by child shall not survive birth. Now because of David's malice intent behind his manipulation a child lost his life a man was murdered. But we must remember all things work for the good of those who love God and it's called according to his purpose and his will! Not many understand didn't Bathsheba gave birth to King Solomon shortly after that child did not make it. It was King Solomon who built the temple of God. It was in that Temple that the presence of God was first known as the shekinah Glory! It was through King Solomon that we have the Proverbs that we read today and receive guidance/healing in a sense of self and relationship with God almighty! I am only attempting to show that we're one malice intent of manipulation was meant for evil God used it for good for

those who love him and it's called to his purpose and will. What would have happened if David would not have attempted to manipulate Uriah? We would not have the book of Proverbs. We would not even be having this conversation so that I understanding maybe you reached. I am convinced that someone may read this post and get a deeper understanding of God. All of this stems from conversating about Davis manipulation. Now am I saying we should send that God's grace and mercy may be manifest? God forbid! Allow me to be clear Galatians chapter 6 verse 7 through 8 clearly states the following: be not deceived; God is not mocked for whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap. For he that sold to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sore to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting. Therefore whatever you so through your actions like the false prophet that show you all so reap like the false prophet cast into the lake of fire along with the beast and the image of the beast described in the book of Revelations. David reap what he sowed the word of God expresses how deep and sorrowful David was as the baby perished. Again thank you for allowing such a beautiful and informative conversation to transpire concerning manipulation and how it relates to a Christian worldview. Allow me to say if I misquoted the word of God and if there is any imperfections in this post the blame lies not on God the maker of heaven and Earth it is due to my imperfections amen.

Sincerely Leonard Charles Johnson Jr....

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