Dorf Bishop Modern Control Systems 12th c2011 txtbk PDF

Title Dorf Bishop Modern Control Systems 12th c2011 txtbk
Author Diana Martinez
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Design Examples and Design Problems (DP) CHAPTER 1 PAGE DP43 Velocity Control System 297 Example Hybrid Fuel Vehicles 22 DP4.4 Laser Eye Surgery 297 Example Wind Power 23 DP4.5 Pulse Generating Op Amp 298 Example Embedded Computers 24 DP4.6 Hydrobot 298 Example Smart Grid Control Systems 28 DP4.7 U...


Design Examples and Design Problems (DP) CHAPTER 1 PAGE 22 Example Hybrid Fuel Vehicles 23 Example Wind Power 24 Example Embedded Computers 28 Example Smart Grid Control Systems 30 Example Rotating Disk Speed Control Example Insulin Delivery Control System 31 32 Example Disk Drive Read System 46 CDP1.1 Traction Drive Motor Control 46 Automobile Noise Control DP1.1 Automobile Cruise Control 46 DP1.2 46 DP1.3 Dairy Farm Automation 46 DPI .4 Welder Control 46 DPI .5 Automobile Traction Control 47 DP1.6 Hubble Telescope Vibration 47 DPI.7 Nanorobotics in Medicine 47 DP1.8 Human Transportation Vehicle CHAPTER 2 Example Photovoltaic Generators Example Fluid Flow Modeling Example Electric Traction Motor Control Example Mechanical Accelerometer Example Laboratory Robot Example Low-Pass Filter Example Disk Drive Read System CDP2.1 Traction Drive Motor Control Selection of Transfer Functions DP2.1 DP2.2 Television Beam Circuit DP2.3 Transfer Function Determination DP2.4 Op Amp Differentiating Circuit Grandfather Clock Pendulum DP2.5 CHAPTER 3 Example Modeling the Orientation of a Space Station Example Printer Belt Drive Example Disk Drive Read System CDP3.1 Traction Drive Motor Control Shock Absorber for Motorcycle DP3.1 Diagonal Matrix Differential DP3.2 Equation Aircraft Arresting Gear DP3.3 Bungi Jumping System DP3.4 State Variable Feedback DP3.5 CHAPTER 4 Example English Channel Boring Machines Example Mars Rover Vehicle Example Blood Pressure Control Example Disk Drive Read System CDP4.1 Traction Drive Motor Control DP4.1 Speed Control System DP4.2 Airplane Roll Angle Control

91 94 104 106 109 111 128 155 155 155 155 155 156

193 200 209 230 230 230 230 230 231

254 257 259 273 296 296 297

DP43 DP4.4 DP4.5 DP4.6 DP4.7 DP4.8

Velocity Control System Laser Eye Surgery Pulse Generating Op Amp Hydrobot Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Mobile Remote-Controlled Video Camera

CHAPTER 5 Example Hubble Telescope Pointing Example Attitude Control of an Airplane Example Disk Drive Read System CDP5.1 Traction Drive Motor Control Jet Fighter Roll Angle Control DP5.1 DP5.2 Welding Arm Position Control DP5.3 Automobile Active Suspension DP5.4 Satellite Orientation Control Deburring Robot for Machined DP5.5 Parts DC Motor Position Control DP5.6 Three-Dimensional Cam DP5.7 DP5.8 Spray Paint Robot CHAPTER 6 Example Tracked Vehicle Turning Example Robot-Controlled Motorcycle Example Disk Drive Read System CDP6.1 Traction Drive Motor Control Automobile Ignition Control DP6.1 DP6.2 Mars Guided Vehicle Control DP6.3 Parameter Selection Space Shuttle Rocket DP6.4 DP6.5 Traffic Control System DP6.6 State Variable Feedback Inner and Outer Loop Control DP6.7 DP6.8 PD Controller Design CHAPTER 7 Example Wind Turbine Speed Control Example Laser Manipulator Control Example Robot Control System Example Automobile Velocity Control Example Disk Drive Read System CDP7.1 Traction Drive Motor Control Pitch Rate Aircraft Control DP7.1 Helicopter Velocity Control DP7.2 Mars Rover DP7.3 Remotely Controlled Welder DP7.4 High-Performance Jet Aircraft DP7.5 Control of Walking Motion DP7.6 Mobile Robot with Vision DP7.7 OP Amp Control System DP7.8 Robot Arm Elbow Joint DP7.9 Actuator

297 297 298 298 298 299 343 346 360 379 379 379 379 380 380 380 381 381 404 406 421 438 438 439 439 439 439 439 440 440 497 500 502 505 516 543 543 543 544 544 544 545 545 545 546

DP7.10 DP7.11 DP7.12 DP7.13 DP7.14

Four-Wheel-Steered Automobile Pilot Crane Control Planetary Rover Vehicle Roll Angle Aircraft Autopilot PD Control of a Marginally Stable Process

CHAPTER 8 Example Maximum Power Pointing Tracking Example Engraving Machine Control Example Control of a Six-Legged Robot Example Disk Drive Read System CDP8.1 Traction Drive Motor Control DP8.1 Automobile Steering System DP8.2 Autonomous Planetary Explorer-Ambler Vial Position Control Under a DP8.3 Dispenser DP8.4 Automatic Anesthesia Control Black Box Control DP8.5 DP8.6 State Variable System Design DP8.7 PID Controller Design CHAPTER 9 Example PID Control of Wind Turbines Example Remotely Controlled Reconnaissance Vehicle Example Hot Ingot Robot Control Example Disk Drive Read System CDP9.1 Traction Drive Motor Control DP9.1 Mobile Robot for Toxic Waste Cleanup DP9.2 Control of a Flexible Arm DP9.3 Blood Pressure Regulator DP9.4 Robot Tennis Player DP9.5 Electrohydraulic Actuator DP9.6 Steel Strip-Rolling Mill DP9.7 Lunar Vehicle Control DP9.8 High-Speed Steel-Rolling Mill DP9.9 Two-Tank Temperature Control DP9.10 State Variable Feedback Control DP9.11 Nuclear Reactor Control CHAPTER 10 Example Rotor Winder Control System Example The X-Y Plotter Example Milling Machine Control System Example Disk Drive Read System CDP10.1 Traction Drive Motor Control DPI 0.1 Two Cooperating Robots DPI 0.2 Heading Control of a Bi-Wing Aircraft DPI 0.3 Mast Flight System DP 10.4 High-Speed Train Tilt Control DP10.5 Tape Transport Speed Control DPI 0.6 Automobile Engine Control

546 547 547 548

DPI 0.7 DP10.8 DP10.9 DP10.10 DP10.11


583 585 588 602 628 628 628 628 628 630 630 631 674 678 681 700 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 738 738 738 739 739 783 787 790 802 826 826 826 826 826 828 828

Aircraft Roll Angle Control Windmill Radiometer Control with Time Delay Loop Shaping Polymerase Chain Reaction Control

CHAPTER 11 Example Automatic Test System Example Diesel Electric Locomotive Example Disk Drive Read System CDP11.1 Traction Drive Motor Control DP11.1 Levitation of a Steel Ball DPI 1.2 Automobile Carburetor DPI 1.3 State Variable Compensation DP11.4 Helicopter Control DP11.5 Manufacturing of Paper DP 11.6 Coupled-Drive Control DPI 1.7 Tracking a Reference Input CHAPTER 12 Example Aircraft Autopilot Example Space Telescope Control Example Robust Bobbin Drive Example Ultra-Precision Diamond Turning Machine Example Digital Audio Tape Controller Example Disk Drive Read System CDP12.1 Traction Drive Motor Control DP12.1 Turntable Position Control DP12.2 Robust Parameter Design DP12.3 Dexterous Hand Master DP12.4 Microscope Control DP12.5 Microscope Control DPI 2.6 Artificial Control of Leg Articulation DP12.7 Elevator Position Control DP12.8 Electric Ventricular Assist Device DP12.9 Space Robot Control DP12.10 Solar Panel Pointing Control DP12.11 Magnetically Levitated Train DP12.12 Mars Guided Vehicle Control DP 12.13 Benchmark Mass-Spring CHAPTER 13 Example Worktable Motion Control Example Fly-by-wire Aircraft Control Example Disk Drive Read System CDP13.1 Traction Drive Motor Control DP13.1 Temperature Control System DP13.2 Disk Drive Read-Write Head-

DP13.3 DP13.4 DPI3.5 DPI 3.6

Positioning System Vehicle Traction Control Machine-Tool System Polymer Extruder Control Sampled-Data System

828 828 829 830 830 873 876 888 903 903 903 903 904 904 905 905 935 935 938 940 943 958 974 974 974 974 975 976 976 977 978 978 979 979 979 979 1009 1011 1023 1034 1034

1034 1034 1035 1035 1035

Modern Control Systems TWELFTH EDITION

Richard C. Dorf University of California, Davis

Robert H. Bishop Marquette University

Prentice Hall

Upper Saddle River Boston Columbus San Francisco New York Indianapolis London Toronto Sydney Singapore Tokyo Montreal Dubai Madrid Hong Kong Mexico City Munich Paris Amsterdam Cape Town

Vice President and Editorial Director, ECS: Marcia J. Horton Senior Editor: Andrew Gilfillan Associate Editor: Alice Dworkin Editorial Assistant: William Opaluch Vice President, Production: Vince O'Brien Senior Managing Editor: Scott Disanno Production Liaison: Jane Bonnell Production Editor: Maheswari PonSaravanan,TexTech International Senior Operations Supervisor: Alan Fischer Operations Specialist: Lisa McDowell Executive Marketing Manager: Tim Galligan Marketing Assistant: Mack Patterson Senior Art Director and Cover Designer: Kenny Beck Cover Images: Front: Scarlet macaw flying/Frans Lanting/Corbis; Back: Courtesy of Dr. William Kaiser and Dr. Philip Rundel of UCLA, and National Instruments Art Editor: Greg Dulles Media Editor: Daniel Sandin Composition/Full-Service Project Management: TexTech International Lab VIEW is a trademark of National Instruments. MATLAB is a registered trademark of The Math Works, Inc. Company and product names mentioned herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright © 2011,2008,2005,2001 by Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright and permissions should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use materials from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Higher Education, Permissions Department, 1 Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. The author and publisher of this book have used their best efforts in preparing this book. These efforts include the development, research, and testing of the theories and programs to determine their effectiveness. The author and publisher make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these programs or the documentation contained in this book. The author and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performance, or use of these programs. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Dorf, Richard C. Modern control systems / Richard C. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop. — 12th ed. p. cm. ISBN-13:978-0-13-602458-3 ISBN-10:0-13-602458-0 1. Feedback control systems. I. Bishop, Robert H. II. Title. TJ216.D67 2010 629.83-dc22 2010015651 Prentice Hall

is an imprint of 10

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ISBN-13:978-0-13-602458-3 ISBN-10: 0-13-602458-0

Of the greater teachers— when they are gone, their students will say: we did it ourselves. Dedicated to Lynda Ferrera Bishop and Joy MacDonald Dorf In grateful appreciation

Contents Preface xi About the Authors xxii CHAPTER


Introduction to Control Systems 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11


Mathematical Models of Systems 49 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11


Introduction 2 Brief History of Automatic Control 5 Examples of Control Systems 10 Engineering Design 17 Control System Design 18 Mechatronic Systems 21 Green Engineering 25 The Future Evolution of Control Systems 27 Design Examples 28 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System 32 Summary 34 Skills Check 35 • Exercises 37 • Problems 39 • Advanced Problems 44 • Design Problems 46 • Terms and Concepts 48

Introduction 50 Differential Equations of Physical Systems 50 Linear Approximations of Physical Systems 55 The Laplace Transform 58 The Transfer Function of Linear Systems 65 Block Diagram Models 79 Signal-Flow Graph Models 84 Design Examples 90 The Simulation of Systems Using Control Design Software 113 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System 128 Summary 130 Skills Check 131 • Exercises 135 • Problems 141 • Advanced Problems 153 • Design Problems 155 • Computer Problems 157 • Terms and Concepts 159

State Variable Models 3.1 3.2


Introduction 162 The State Variables of a Dynamic System 162



3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11


Feedback Control System Characteristics 234 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11


The State Differential Equation 166 Signal-Flow Graph and Block Diagram Models 171 Alternative Signal-Flow Graph and Block Diagram Models 182 The Transfer Function from the State Equation 187 The Time Response and the State Transition Matrix 189 Design Examples 193 Analysis of State Variable Models Using Control Design Software 206 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System 209 Summary 213 Skills Check 214 • Exercises 217 • Problems 220 • Advanced Problems 227 • Design Problems 230 • Computer Problems 231 • Terms and Concepts 232

Introduction 235 Error Signal Analysis 237 Sensitivity of Control Systems to Parameter Variations 239 Disturbance Signals in a Feedback Control System 242 Control of the Transient Response 247 Steady-State Error 250 The Cost of Feedback 253 Design Examples 254 Control System Characteristics Using Control Design Software 268 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System 273 Summary 277 Skills Check 279 • Exercises 283 • Problems 287 • Advanced Problems 293 • Design Problems 296 • Computer Problems 300 • Terms and Concepts 303

The Performance of Feedback Control Systems 304 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11

Introduction 305 Test Input Signals 305 Performance of Second-Order Systems 308 Effects of a Third Pole and a Zero on the Second-Order System Response 314 The 5-Plane Root Location and the Transient Response 320 The Steady-State Error of Feedback Control Systems 322 Performance Indices 330 The Simplification of Linear Systems 339 Design Examples 342 System Performance Using Control Design Software 356 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System 360





The Stability of Linear Feedback Systems 386 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8


The Concept of Stability 387 The Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion 391 The Relative Stability of Feedback Control Systems 399 The Stability of State Variable Systems 401 Design Examples 404 System Stability Using Control Design Software 413 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System 421 Summary 424 Skills Check 425 • Exercises 428 • Problems 430 • Advanced Problems 435 • Design Problems 438 • Computer Problems 440 Terms and Concepts 442

The Root Locus Method 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11


Summary 364 Skills Check 364 • Exercises 368 • Problems 371 • Advanced Problems 377 • Design Problems 379 • Computer Problems 382 Terms and Concepts 384


Introduction 444 The Root Locus Concept 444 The Root Locus Procedure 449 Parameter Design by the Root Locus Method 467 Sensitivity and the Root Locus 473 PID Controllers 480 Negative Gain Root Locus 492 Design Examples 496 The Root Locus Using Control Design Software 510 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System 516 Summary 518 Skills Check 522 • Exercises 526 • Problems 530 • Advanced Problems 539 • Design Problems 543 • Computer Problems 549 Terms and Concepts 551

Frequency Response Methods 553 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6

Introduction 554 Frequency Response Plots 556 Frequency Response Measurements 577 Performance Specifications in the Frequency Domain 579 Log Magnitude and Phase Diagrams 582 Design Examples 583



8.7 8.8 8.9


Stability in the Frequency Domain 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12


Frequency Response Methods Using Control Design Software 596 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System 602 Summary 603 Skills Check 608 • Exercises 613 • Problems 616 • Advanced Problems 626 • Design Problems 628 • Computer Problems 631 • Terms and Concepts 633


Introduction 635 Mapping Contours in the s-Plane 636 The Nyquist Criterion 642 Relative Stability and the Nyquist Criterion 653 Time-Domain Performance Criteria in the Frequency Domain 661 System Bandwidth 668 The Stability of Control Systems with Time Delays 668 Design Examples 673 PID Controllers in the Frequency Domain 691 Stability in the Frequency Domain Using Control Design Software 692 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System 700 Summary 703 Skills Check 711 • Exercises 715 • Problems 721 • Advanced Problems 731 • Design Problems 735 • Computer Problems 740 • Terms and Concepts 742

1 0 The Design of Feedback Control Systems 743 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15

Introduction 744 Approaches to System Design 745 Cascade Compensation Networks 747 Phase-Lead Design Using the Bode Diagram 751 Phase-Lead Design Using the Root Locus 757 System Design Using Integration Networks 764 Phase-Lag Design Using the Root Locus 767 Phase-Lag Design Using the Bode Diagram 772 Design on the Bode Diagram Using Analytical Methods 776 Systems with a Prefilter 778 Design for Deadbeat Response 781 Design Examples 783 System Design Using Control Design Software 796 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System 802 Summary 804 Skills Check 806 • Exercises 810 • Problems 814 • Advanced Problems 823 • Design Problems 826 • Computer Problems 831 • Terms and Concepts 833




The Design of State Variable Feedback Systems 834 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.10 11.11 11.12


Introduction 835 Controllability and Observability 835 Full-State Feedback Control Design 841 Observer Design 847 Integrated Full-State Feedback and Observer 851 Reference Inputs 857 Optimal Control Systems 859 Internal Model Design 869 Design Examples 873 State Variable Design Using Control Design Software 882 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System 888 Summary 890 Skills Check 890 • Exercises 894 • Problems 896 • Advanced Problems 900 • Design Problems 903 • Computer Problems 906 • Terms and Concepts 908

1 2 Robust Control Systems 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 12.10 12.11 12.12



Introduction 911 Robust Control Systems and System Sensitivity 912 Analysis of Robustness 916 Systems with Uncertain Parameters 918 The Design of Robust Control Systems 920 The Design of Robust PID-Controlled Systems 926 The Robust Internal Model Control System 932 Design Examples 935 The Pseudo-Quantitative Feedback System 952 Robust Control Systems Using Control Design Software 953 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System 958 Summary 960 Skills Check 961 • Exercises 965 • Problems 967 • Advanced Problems 971 • Design Problems 974 • Computer Problems 980 • Terms and Concepts 982

1 3 Digital Control Systems 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5



Introduction 985 Digital Computer Control System Applications 985 Sampled-Data Systems 987 The z-Transform 990 Closed-Loop Feedback Sampled-Data Systems 995



13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13


Performance of a Sampled-Data, Second-Order System 999 Closed-Loop Systems with Digital Computer Compensation 1001 The Root Locus of Digital Control Systems 1004 Implementation of Digital Controllers 1008 Design Examples 1009 Digital Control Systems Using Control Design Software 1018 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System 1023 Summary 1025 Skills Check 1025 • Exercises 1029 • Problems 1031 • Advanced Problems 1033 • Design Problems 1034 • Computer Problems 1036 • Terms and Concepts 1037



References 1056 Index 1071 4 ^ WEBRESOURCES APPENDIX B

MathScript RT Module Basics


Symbols, Units, and Conversion Factors


Laplace Transform Pairs


An Introduction to Matrix Algebra


Decibel Conversion


Complex Numbers


z-Transform Pairs Preface


Discrete-Time Evaluation of the Time Response


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