Dr sebi guide PDF

Title Dr sebi guide
Author Pete John
Course Media History
Institution University of Toronto
Pages 3
File Size 27.9 KB
File Type PDF
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ForBEGI NNERS Al kal i neBegi nner s Bel owar eaf ewt i psyoucanuset obesuccessf ul wi t ht hi sl i f est yl e.Mysuccesscanbeat t r i but edt o f ol l owi ngsuggest i ons. *•Mak eafir m deci si oni ny ourmi ndt haty ouwi l l becommi t t edt of ol l owi ngt heNut r i t i onalGui deand sugges t i onsf r om Dr .Sebi 100%.I fy ouwantt osl owl yt r ansi t i oni nt ot hel i f est yl e,y ourpr ogr es swi l l besl owandnotasaffect i v e.Pr epar ey our sel fment al l yFI RSTbef or ey oust ar ty ournewwayof eat i ng. *•Pr epar at i oni sk eyt oex per i enci ngsuccess .Pr epar ebyr es ear chi ngont hei nt er netoraski ng f r i ends .Yout ubeDr .Sebi andspendsomet i mel i s t eni ngt ohi m di scussv ar i oust opi cs.Ispenthour s l i st eni ngt ohi svi deos ,somet i mesunt i l 23: 00i nt hemor ni ng.ReadaboutDr .Sebi andt hest udyt he sci encebehi ndt heel ect r i cal l i f est yl e.Connectwi t ht heAl kal i neVeganGi r l s ,Al kal i neVeganLi f est yl e Bef or eandAf t er ,Cel l ul arSmoot hi eDet ox ,,Dr .Sebiheal i ng&i nf or mat i on.Thesear esuppor t gr oupst ohel py oudur i ngyourt r ansi t i on.Il ear nedev er yt hi ngf r om y out ubeandt hes egr oupson Fac ebook .Ut i l i z et heSERACHt ool i nal loft hes egr oupst osear chouti nf or mat i on.Resear c ht he benefit soft hev ar i ousher bs,f r ui t s ,veget abl e,nut sandoi l s.ReadaboutDr .Sebi ’ sCel l Food. *•DOWNLOADt heNut r i t i onGui de.ONL Yeatf oodsf r om t heNut r i t i onal Gui de. *•Af t ery ouar ecer t ai nt haty ou’ r er eadyf orchange,pur chaset hei t emst haty ouwi l l needt ost or e andcooky ourf ood,her bs,f r ui t s,v eget abl e,oi l sandnut s .Pl easenot et hatt hi si sNOTaf astf ood l i f est yl eandpr epar i ngy ourmeal st ak et i meandeffor t .Ut i l i z i ngf r eshf oodsr equi r edi ffer enthandl i ng andpr ept i me.Res ear chwher et ofi ndy ourSpr i ngwat er ,her bs,f oodandot heri t emsi ny ourar ea. Knowt hatf r ui t sandv eget abl ear es easonal soyoumaynotbeabl et oal way shav et hem av ai l abl et o y ou.Don’ tf or gett ouset hei nt er nett ofindpr oduct s.Ut i l i z et hesear c ht oolt ol ear nwher et o pur c has ef ood,her bsi ny ourar ea.Av oi dwast i ngmoneybybei ngashar pshopperandonl ybuy enoughusebef or ef oodspoi l orgobad. *•Payat t ent i ont oy ourbody .Not i cesmal l subt l echangesandr ecor dy ourpr ogr es s.I fy ouf ol l ow t heNut r i t i onal Gui de100%,dr i nkt hegal l onofSpr i ngwat er / dayandst ar tt heDr .Sebi Cel lFoodi n week2,Iam cer t ai ny ouwi l l not i cechanges. *•BEPOSI TI VE.Ref r amef r om peopl ewhohav eadef eat edornegat i v eat t i t udet owar dst he l i f est yl e.Wheny oubecomechal l engedorf al l offt hewagon,don’ tbeaty our sel fup,j us tgety our mi ndr i ghtandgetbackonandJ USTDO I T! ! ! Week1Remov eAl l Dai r y Al l Wheat / Gl ut en( DO NOTeatany t hi ngoutofapack age.ALLf r es hf oods) Al l ani mal basedf oodsandpr oduct s( NO FI SHandNO CHI CKEN) NO Hybr i df r ui t sorv eget abl eot hert hanappr ov edAppl esandKal e( seel i st ) NO Hi ghFr uc t oseCor nSyr up NO Coffee NO Al cohol Avoi dAvoi deat i ngoutunl es si t ’ saDr .Sebii nspi r edRest aur antorFoodBar Consi derDETOXI NG usi ngaspeci ficgr oupofher bsandf oods.Res ear chDETOXi nanyoft he Fac ebookGr oups . Consi derMEDI TATI ONi nt hemor ni ng.I fy ouhav enev erdonemedi t at i on,st ar toutwi t h5mi nut esof j ustsi t t i ngqui et l ywi t h noback gr oundnoi s e.Googl emedi t at i ont ol ear nandunder s t andt hebenefi t s. . Thi si showIst ayf ocusedandgr ounded.

EatFr ui tf orbr eakf as tunt i l 12: 00noon(pl any ourdaycar ef ul l yt oav oi dget t i nghungr y) .I ti sv er y i mpor t antt ohav eenoughf r ui tt oeatev er yt wohour s Lunch sal adwi t happr ov edt oppi ngs,t omat oes ,gr eenoni ons ,r ed,gr een,y el l oworr edpepper s,addhemp and/ orsesameseed.Youcanaddwal nut sorbr azi l nut s Di nner eatqui noacookedwi t hgr apeseedoi l ,oni onpowder ,seasal tt ot ast eandaspr i nkl eofc ay enne pepper Chi ckpeascook ewi t hgr apeseedoi l ,oni onpowder ,or egano,seasal twi t horwi t hout cay ennepepperf ort ast e Exper i mentwi t hcook edf oods .Reser v ecook edf oodsf ordi nnert oav oi dhavi ngt owar m upf ood. NO MI CROWAVE! ! ! Dr i nk( 2)64ozofSpr i ngWat er( seet heappr ov edwat er swi t ht hehi ghestpH Dr i nkwat erconst ant l y . Wat erDr i nk16ozofwat ert hemi nut ey ougetoutofbed.Keepabot t l eofwat erneary ourbedat ni ght Dr i nkat9: 00 Dr i nkat11: 00 Dr i nkat1: 00 Dr i nkat3: 00 Dr i nkat5: 00 Dr i nkat7: 0016ozofwat er Tr ynott oeatordr i nkaf t er7: 00PM.I fy ouhav eaccesst oCoconutwat ery oucandr i nkt hat .Fr esh coconutwat er . Moni t or i ngPl aycl oseat t ent i ont oy ourbodyf orchanges .Thi ngsl i k ear educt i oni nbl oodpr essur e, s ki ncl ear i ngup,t eet har ewhi t er ,nomor ebl eedi nggumswheny oufloss ,smel l ofy ourwas t e di sappear s ,sl eepi ngbet t er ,ment alcl ar i t yi mpr ov es ,l essanxi et y ,vi si oni mpr ov es ,medi cal s ympt omsdi sappear set c.I fy out ak emedi cat i onf orhi ghbl oodpr essur e,moni t ory ourbl ood pr essur eonceperweek.I fy ous t ar tnot i ci ngt haty ourpr es sur ei sgoi ngdown,i nf or my ourdoct or . Taper i ngoffcanbegi n. Oi l pul l t wi cedai l y(y oucanusecoconutoi l andcl ov e) UseDr .Sebi ' sBodyRhy t hm Gui det ounder st andhowt hebodyf unc t i onsi na24hourper i od Si deNOTESOncey oupur chaseal l oft hei t emsy ouneed,t hecostf ort hi sl i f est y l ebec omesmuch l ess Tr yt ousegl asscont ai ner smuchaspossi bl e100% NO mi cr owav i ngoff ood.Themi cr owav eKI LLS t hef ood. Wal mar tsel l st hemasonj ar st ost or et easandsmoot hi esBedBat h&Bey ondhasev er y t hi ngy ou needi nt er msofst or agecont ai ner s Pur c haseast eeperorcer ami ct eapotwi t hst r ai neri nsi de DO NOTuseal umi num f oi l .UseCastI r on,St eel orGl asspot st ocook.DO NOTusecoat edpot s andpansl i k et eflonPur c has eagoodBl ender / Jui cer / FoodPr ocessor Pur c hasepHst r i psorapHmet ert ot esty ourwat er .St r i pst ot esty ourur i ne. Pur c haseEssent i al Oi l s.I fy ouar ecur r ent l yt aki ngpr es cr i bedmedi cat i ons,l ety ourdoct orknowy ou hav est ar t edt heneweat i ngl i f est yl e.Paycl oseat t ent i ont oy ourbody .Getbl oodwor kbef or ey our s t ar ty ourAl kal i neVeganLi f es t yl e.Thi swi l l hel py ourphy si ci annot i cet hechangesandbel ess appr ehensi v eaboutr emovi ngmedi cat i onswheny ourbl oodv al uesi mpr ov e. Wei ghtl ossi sbydef aul t .I fy ous t i ckt ot heNut r i t i onal Gui de,y ouwi l laut omat i cal l yl oosewei ght . Readaboutdet ox i ficat i onsi gnsands ympt oms ....

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