Drug card wk five metoprolol PDF

Title Drug card wk five metoprolol
Author riad tabbouche
Course Fundamentals Of Nursing
Institution Herzing University
Pages 2
File Size 132.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Download Drug card wk five metoprolol PDF


Name: Metoprolol____________________ CLASSIFICATION:__Beta -Adrenergic Blockers_______________________________________ GENERIC:_metoprolo (Rx)_______________________________________TRADE:_Lopressor__________________________ ________________ MECHANISM of ACTION:


Lower sB/Pbyβbl oc ki ngeffe c t s ;r educ ese l e va t edr e ni npl as ma Mi l dt omoder a t ehype r t e ns i on, ac ut eMIt or e duc ec ar di ovas c ul ar l e ve l s ; bl oc ksβadr ener gi cr ec ept or si nbr onc hi al ,vas c ul ar mor t al i t y ,angi nape c t or i s ,NYHAc l as sI I ,I I Ihe ar tf ai l ur e , s moot hmus c l eonl yathi ghdos e s ;ne ga t i vec hr onot r opi ceffe c t c ar di omyopa t hy 2

SIDE EFFECTS: CNS: Insomnia, dizziness, mental changes, hallucinations, depression, anxiety, headaches, nightmares, confusion, fatigue CV: Hypotension, bradycardia, HF, palpitations, dysrhythmias, cardiac arrest, AV block, pulmonary/peripheral edema, chest pain EENT: Sore throat; dry, burning eyes GI: Nausea, vomiting, colitis, cramps, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, dry mouth, hiccups GU: Impotence HEMA: Agranulocytosis, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia, purpura INTEG: Rash, purpura, alopecia, dry skin, urticaria, pruritus RESP: Bronchospasm, dyspnea, wheezing

DOSAGE & ROUTE: PO. IV. •Adul t :PO 50mgbi dor100mg/da y;ma y gi veupt o100450mgi ndi vi deddos e s ;EXTREL25100mgdai l y ,t i t r at e a twee kl yi nt er val s ;max400mg/da y .Adul t :I VBOL( ea r l yt r e a t ment )5 mgq2mi n×3,t hen50mgPO 15mi naf t erl as tdos eandq6hr×48hr .

CONTRAINDICATIONS/INTERACTIONS: Hyper s e ns i t i vi t yt oβbl oc ke r s ,c ar di oge ni cs hoc k,hear tbl oc k( 2nd,3r d de gr e e) ,s i nusbr adyc ar di a ,s i c ks i nuss yndr ome Precautions: Pregnancy, breastfeeding, geriatric patients, major surgery, diabetes mellitus, thyroid/renal/hepatic disease, COPD, CAD, nonallergic bronchospasm, bronchial asthma, CVA, children, depression, vasospastic angina, pheochromocytoma Black Box Warning: Abrupt discontinuation I nc r ea s e: hypogl yc emi ceffec t s —i ns ul i n,or alant i di abet i c s I nc r ea s e: me t opr ol oll e ve l —c i me t i di ne I nc r eas e:e ffec t sofbe nzodi aze pi nes Dec r eas e:ant i hyper t e ns i veeffec t —s al i c yl a t e s ,NS AI Ds Dec r eas e:me t opr ol oll e ve l —bar bi t ur a t e s Dec r eas e:e ffec t sof —xant hi ne s Drug/Food Increase: absorption with food

CLIENT TEACHING: •Tot akei mmedi a t el yaf t ermeal s ;t ot akemedi c a t i ona t ac k Box NURSING INTERVENTIONS: Assess: Bl upt wi t hdr awal :ma y c aus e MI , vent r i c ul ar be dt i met opr e venteffec tofor t hos t at i chypot ens i on War ni ng:Abr dys r hyt hmi as ,myoc ar di ali s c hemi a; t aperdos eove r714da ys Bl ac kBoxWar ni ng:Nott odi s c ont i nuepr oduc tabr upt l y;t ot aperove r2 wk;ma yc aus eangi na Hypertension/angina: ECG directly when giving IV during initial treatment •Nott ous eOTCpr oduc t sc ont ai ni ngαadr ener gi cs t i mul ant s( nas al I &O,wei ghtdai l y;c hec kf orHF( wei ghtgai n,j ugul arve nous dec onge s t ant s ,OTCc ol dpr epar at i ons )unl es sdi r ec t e dbypr es c r i ber ;t o di s t ent i on,c r ac kl e s ,edema, dys pne a) a v o i d a l c o h o l , s mo k i n g , s o d i u m i n t a k e Moni t orB/Pdur i ngi ni t i alt r ea t ment ,per i odi c al l yt her ea f t er ; epor tbr adyc ar di a ,di zzi ne s s ,c onf us i on,depr es s i on,f e ve r ,s or et hr oa t , pul s eq4hr ;not er at e ,r hyt hm,qual i t y;api c al /r adi alpul s ebe f or e•Tor SOB,dec r eas edvi s i ont opr e s c r i ber admi ni s t r at i on;not i f ypr es c r i be rofanys i gni fic antc hange sor •Tot akepul s e ,B/Pathome ;whent onot i f ypr e s c r i ber pul s e...

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