DSA Experiment 12 (Aryan Dubey 06) Code and Output PDF

Title DSA Experiment 12 (Aryan Dubey 06) Code and Output
Author Tanmay Mahajan
Course Data Structures
Institution University of Mumbai
Pages 30
File Size 633.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 113
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Name: Aryan Dubey Roll No: 06 Class: D10B

DSA Experiment No – 12

Code: //Doubly Circular Linked List. #include #include struct node { int data; struct node *llink, *rlink; }; struct node * newNode() // Function for Memory Allocation. { struct node *n; n =(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); return n; } struct node *head = NULL, *end = NULL, *ptr; int item, nodes = 1; int c1, z = 1, t; void create()// Function for Linked List Creation. { int c; printf("\nLinked List Creation:"); do

{ struct node *temp; temp = newNode(); printf("\nEnter element no %d to be inserted in the doubly circular linked list : ",nodes); scanf("%d",&temp->data);

if(head==NULL) { head=temp; temp->rlink = NULL; temp->llink = NULL; } else { ptr=head; while(ptr->rlink!=NULL) { ptr=ptr->rlink; } ptr->rlink = temp; temp->llink = ptr; temp->rlink = NULL; end = temp; } nodes ++; printf("Enter 1 to add another node or 0 to go to MENU : "); scanf("%d",&c); }while (c!=0); end->rlink = head;

head->llink = end; printf("\nDoubly circular linked list successfully created with %d nodes.",nodes - 1); display(); } void insertAtHead() //Function for inserting element at the head node. { struct node *temp; temp = newNode(); printf("\nEnter the value to be inserted as the new head node : "); scanf("%d",&item); temp->data = item; temp->rlink = head; temp->llink = end; end->rlink = temp; head = temp; printf("\n%d successfully inserted as the head node.",head->data); nodes ++; display(); } void insertBefore()// Function for inserting before a value. { display(); struct node *temp, *preptr; temp = newNode(); int x; printf("\nEnter the element before which value is to be inserted: "); scanf("%d",&x); if (x == head->data) {

insertAtHead(); } else { ptr = head; preptr = head; while(ptr->data != x) { preptr = ptr; ptr = ptr->rlink; } printf("\nEnter the value to be inserted: "); scanf("%d",&temp->data); preptr->rlink = temp; ptr->llink = temp; temp->llink = preptr; temp->rlink = ptr; printf("\n%d successfully inserted before %d.",temp->data,x); nodes ++; display(); } } void insertAfter() //Function for Inserting element after a Value { display(); struct node *temp, *postptr; temp = newNode(); int x; printf("\nEnter the element after which the value is to be inserted: ");

scanf("%d",&x); ptr = head; while (ptr->data != x) { ptr = ptr->rlink; } if (ptr->rlink == NULL) { insertAtEnd(); } else { printf("\nEnter the value to be inserted: "); scanf("%d",&temp->data); postptr = ptr->rlink; postptr->llink = temp; ptr->rlink = temp; temp->rlink = postptr; temp->llink = ptr; printf("\n%d successfully inserted after %d.",temp->data,x); nodes ++; display(); } } void insertAtEnd() // Function for Inserting at the end of the list. { struct node *temp; temp = newNode(); printf("\nEnter the element to be inserted at the end: ");

scanf("%d",&item); temp->data = item; ptr = head; while (ptr->rlink != head) { ptr = ptr->rlink; } ptr->rlink = temp; temp->llink = ptr; temp->rlink = head; head->llink = temp; end = temp; printf("\n%d successfully inserted at the end",end->data); nodes ++; display(); } void insertByPosition()// Function for Inserting at a particular Position. { struct node *temp, *postptr; temp = newNode(); int pos, y; display(); countNodes(); printf("\nNote: If you want to insert before the head node enter position as 0 and if you want to insert after the end node enter position as %d.\nEnter a position where you want to insert an element: ",nodes - 1); scanf("%d",&pos); if(pos < 0) { printf("\nPlease enter a position between 0 and %d",nodes -1);

} else if (pos > nodes -1) { printf("\nPlease enter a position between 0 and %d",nodes -1); } else if (pos == 0) { insertAtHead(); } else if (pos == nodes -1) { insertAtEnd(); } else { printf("\nEnter the element you want to insert: "); scanf("%d",&y); temp->data = y; ptr = head; int w = 1; while (w != pos) { ptr = ptr->rlink; w ++; } postptr = ptr->rlink; postptr->llink = temp; ptr->rlink = temp; temp->rlink = postptr;

temp->llink = ptr; printf("\n%d successfully inserted at position %d.",temp->data,pos); nodes ++; display(); } } void deleteAtHead() // Function for deleting element at the head node. { ptr = head; head = head->rlink; end->rlink = head; head->llink = end; printf("\nThe element at head (%d) was successfully deleted.\nNow %d is the new head element.",ptr->data,head->data); free(ptr); nodes --; display(); } void deleteBefore()// Function for deleting before a particular value. { struct node *preptr, *postptr; int x; display(); printf("\nEnter the element whose preceding value you want to delete: "); scanf("%d",&x); if (x == head->data) { printf("\nAs the list is circular the node before the head node is the end node.\nAs a result the end node will be deleted."); deleteAtEnd();

} else if (x == head->rlink->data) { deleteAtHead(); } else { ptr = head; while (ptr->data != x) { ptr = ptr->rlink; } ptr = ptr->llink; preptr = ptr->llink; postptr = ptr->rlink; printf("\nThe element before %d (%d) was successfully deleted.",x,ptr->data); free(ptr); preptr->rlink = postptr; postptr->llink = preptr; nodes --; display(); } } void deleteAfter()// Function for deleting after a particular value. { struct node *preptr, *postptr; int x; display(); printf("\nEnter the element whose succeeding value you want to delete: ");

scanf("%d",&x); if (x == end->data) { printf("\nAs the list is circular the node after the end node is the head node.\nAs a result the head node will be deleted."); deleteAtHead(); } else if (x == end->llink->data) { deleteAtEnd(); } else { ptr = head; while (ptr->data != x) { ptr = ptr->rlink; } ptr = ptr->rlink; preptr = ptr->llink; postptr = ptr->rlink; printf("\nThe element after %d (%d) was successfully deleted.",x,ptr->data); free(ptr); preptr->rlink = postptr; postptr->llink = preptr; nodes --; display(); } } void deleteAtEnd()// Function for deleting at the end of the linked list.

{ ptr = end; end = end->llink; head->llink = end; end->rlink = head; printf("\nThe element at the end (%d) was successfully removed.\nNow %d is the new end node.",ptr->data,end->data); free(ptr); nodes --; display(); } void deleteByPosition()// Function for deleting at a particular Position. { int pos; display(); countNodes(); printf("\nEnter the position of that element which you want to delete: "); scanf("%d",&pos); if(pos < 1) { printf("\nPlease enter a position between 1 and %d",nodes -1); } else if (pos > nodes -1) { printf("\nPlease enter a position between 1 and %d",nodes -1); } else if (pos == 1) { deleteAtHead(); }

else if (pos == nodes -1) { deleteAtEnd(); } else { struct node *preptr, *postptr; ptr = head; int w = 1; while (w != pos) { ptr = ptr->rlink; w ++; } preptr = ptr->llink; postptr = ptr->rlink; printf("\nThe element at position %d (%d) was successfully deleted.",pos,ptr->data); free (ptr); preptr->rlink = postptr; postptr->llink = preptr; nodes --; display(); } } void deleteByValue()// Function for deleting a particular Value. { int x; display(); printf("\nEnter the value that you want to delete: ");

scanf("%d",&x); if (x == head->data) { deleteAtHead(); } else { ptr = head; while (ptr->data != x) { ptr = ptr->rlink; } if (ptr->rlink == NULL) { deleteAtEnd(); return; } else { struct node *preptr, *postptr; preptr = ptr->llink; postptr = ptr->rlink; printf("\n%d was successfully deleted.",ptr->data); free (ptr); preptr->rlink = postptr; postptr->llink = preptr; nodes --; display(); }

} } void updateAtHead()// Function for updating the head node. { int x; printf("\nEnter the new value for the head node: "); scanf("%d",&x); head->data = x; printf("\nHead node successfully updated."); display(); } void updateAtEnd()// Function for updating the end node. { int x; printf("\nEnter the new value for the end node: "); scanf("%d",&x); end->data = x; printf("\nEnd node successfully updated."); display(); } void updateAtPosition()// Function for updating a value at a particular position. { int pos; display(); countNodes(); printf("\nEnter the element's position which you want to update: "); scanf("%d",&pos); if(pos < 1) {

printf("\nPlease enter a position between 1 and %d",nodes -1); } else if (pos > nodes -1) { printf("\nPlease enter a position between 1 and %d",nodes -1); } else if (pos == 1) { updateAtHead(); } else if (pos == nodes -1) { updateAtEnd(); } else { int x; printf("\nEnter the new value for position %d: ",pos); scanf("%d",&x); ptr = head; int w = 1; while (w != pos) { ptr = ptr->rlink; w ++; } ptr->data = x; printf("\nNode at position %d successfully updated.",pos); display();

} } void updateByValue()// Function for updating a particular value. { int x, y; display(); printf("\nEnter the value which you want to update: "); scanf("%d",&x); if (x == head->data) { updateAtHead(); } else { ptr = head; while(ptr->data != x) { ptr = ptr->rlink; } if (ptr->rlink == head) { updateAtEnd(); } else { printf("\nEnter the new value for the node: "); scanf("%d",&y); ptr->data = y; printf("\nNode successfully updated.");

display(); } } } void search() // Function for searching for a particular value in the list. { int x, pos = 0; printf("\nEnter the value you want to search for in the list: "); scanf("%d",&x); ptr = head; do { if (ptr->data == x) { pos ++; printf("\nValue (%d) found at position %d.",x,pos); return; } else { pos ++; printf("\nValue (%d) not found at position %d.",x,pos); } ptr = ptr->rlink; }while(ptr->rlink != head); if (ptr->data == x ) { pos ++; printf("\nValue (%d) found at position %d.",x,pos);

return; } else { pos ++; printf("\nValue (%d) not found at position %d.",x,pos); } } void countNodes()//Function for displaying the number of nodes in the list. { printf("\nThe total no of nodes in the list are : %d",nodes -1); } void display()//Function for displaying the elements in the list. { if(head == NULL) { printf("\nList is Empty!"); } else { ptr=head; printf("\nElements in the List are : "); printf("\nEnd node"); while(ptr->rlink != head) { printf("",ptr->data); ptr=ptr->rlink; } printf("Head node\n",end->data);

} } void main() { int ch; create(); do { printf("\n***MENU***\n1.Insertion\n2.Deletion\n3.Update\n4.Search\n5.Count Nodes\n6.Display\nEnter 0 to Exit\nEnter your choice : "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: { printf("\nInsertion\n1.Insert at head\n2.Insert before\n3.Insert after\n4.Insert at end\n5.Insert at position\nEnter your choice : "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: { printf("Insert at head"); insertAtHead(); break; } case 2: { printf("Insert before"); insertBefore();

break; } case 3: { printf("Insert after"); insertAfter(); break; } case 4: { printf("Insert at end"); insertAtEnd(); break; } case 5: { printf("Insert at position"); insertByPosition(); break; } default: { printf("Invalid Input!"); break; } } break; } case 2:

{ printf("\nDeletion\n1.Delete at head\n2.Delete before\n3.Delete after\n4.Delete at end\n5.Delete at Position\n6.Delete by value\nEnter your choice : "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: { printf("Delete at head"); deleteAtHead(); break; } case 2: { printf("Delete before"); deleteBefore(); break; } case 3: { printf("Delete after"); deleteAfter(); break; } case 4: { printf("Delete at end"); deleteAtEnd(); break; }

case 5: { printf("Delete at position"); deleteByPosition(); break; } case 6: { printf("Delete by value"); deleteByValue(); break; } default: { printf("Invalid Input!"); break; } } break; } case 3: { printf("\nUpdate\n1.Update the head node\n2.Update the end node\n3.Update at position\n4.Update by value\nEnter your choice : "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: { printf("Update the head node");

updateAtHead(); break; } case 2: { printf("Update the end node"); updateAtEnd(); break; } case 3: { printf("Update at position"); updateAtPosition(); break; } case 4: { printf("Update by value"); updateByValue(); break; } default: { printf("Invalid Input!"); break; } } break; }

case 4: { printf("\nSearch"); search(); break; } case 5: { printf("\nCount Nodes"); countNodes(); break; } case 6: { printf("\nDisplay"); display(); break; } case 0: { printf("Exiting the MENU..."); break; } default: { printf("Invalid Input!"); break; } }

}while(ch!=0); }


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