DSMN 500 Week 6 The Connection Between Disciple and Leader PDF

Title DSMN 500 Week 6 The Connection Between Disciple and Leader
Course Discipleship Ministries
Institution Liberty University
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Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary

The Connection between Disciple and Leader

A Paper Submitted to Dr. Michael Pardue In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Course DSMN 500 – Discipleship Ministries

Submitted by

Julius K. Magee II L23443744 September 29, 2019 Table of Contents 1

Introduction…………………………..…………………..………………………………………..3 Great Commission of disciples and leaders……...……...………………………………………...4 Leadership Comparison and Contrast………….……….…............................................................5 Healthy Church is the Goal for Discipleship………………….………………………..…………6 The Kingdom Leadership Principles……………...…………….………………….....…………..7 Conclusion…………………………………...……………….………………………………..….8 Bibliography………………………………...………………….………………..………………10



Jesus said, “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18, KJV. This author will show the criticalness of a sound church, and how one can choose whether a gathering is strong with the connection between disciple and leader. A significantly stable church is an appreciating fortified system of followers, which is the indicated body of the show Christ. The intensity of significant commitment among the people from this assembly is evident in the relationship that are displayed inside and outside of the gathering. It is an announcement of Jesus Christ that interfaces with unbelievers and conveys Christ to the world according to John 13:35. People and new followers are taught, through the method of apprenticeship, how to know, to create in, to serve and to share Jesus. Moreover, what will be analyzed are the three areas to be directed to make an increasingly favorable gathering of Christ. Finally, steps to improve the church that is unwanted, will be shown as the last conflict of the paper of which are the principles. A sound church deliberately hopes to shape each Christian into the comparability of Christ. This doesn’t happen autonomous from any other person, it must be energized by a significantly strong pioneer whose vision is interior and outward evangelism. “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” John 14:12. This announcement will be clarified further in this section and the following part. The way to understanding this announcement is the guarantee that when Christ leaves the earth, the Holy Spirit will at that point come to earth, according to John 16:7. It is the Holy Spirit Who will enable the devotees to do these extraordinary works. Acts demonstrates when Christ rose and the Holy Spirit came, the pupils started to act in extraordinary power, Acts 4:31-33. Great Commission of disciples and leaders


Christ calls us to blessedness, credible sacredness. A Christian head is an individual of impact. The person in question pursues God’s vision for one’s life, and impacts others to pursue God’s arrangement for their lives.1 Christian pioneers supervise the improvement of pupils. From a developing number of pupils, Great Commission pioneers will rise. Christian teaching and Christian authority are inflexibly connected.2 It doesn’t make a difference whether you are giving fundamental guidance to another new believer, offering a supplemental class for a built-up devotee, or demonstrating how to cover the nuts and bolts of Christian living so a rising head has a structure for teaching another person. The point of the material is to get the other individual to take a gander at scriptural writings that address what every single developing Christian need. The reiteration of “learning” underscores that a follower is a student, an understudy, maybe, somebody who learns by doing. Without an effective discipleship system, you will not have leaders for the mission, and if you do not have Christian leaders, you will not have reproducing discipleship. Christian leaders help people come to know Christ, grow in Christ, and develop to their full potential for Christ and His mission. That is what Christian leaders do. When this intentional and individual pursuit is occurring in sufficient quality and quantity, the natural by-product is emerging harvest leaders.3 Requiring inner transformation, a step of faith, a change in the way you see yourself and your relationship to others. It begins by allowing Christ to change you from the inside out. A pastor must be immersed in the Word, yielded to the Holy Spirit, and in relationship with others.4 Leadership Comparison and Contrast

1 Rod Demsey & Dave Earley, Disciple Making Is…. How to Live the Great Commission with Passion and Confidence, (Nashville, Tennessee, B&H Publishing Group, 2013), 198. 2Ibid., 203 3 Ibid. 4 Putman, Jim, and Harrington, Bobby, Discipleshift, Five Steps That Help Your Church to Make Disciples Who Make Disciples, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2013), 98.


The biblical model for church community is an authentic and healthy transparency that repeatedly points people back to the gospel. It is never healthy to try covering sin or hiding it away. Even God, who is sinless and perfect, makes no attempt to conceal the reality of sin.5 Leaders need to model for their churches what it means to stumble, James 3:2, yet remain faithful to the path. When we fall down, we get right back up on the road with Jesus’ help. We model for the church that we do not “claim to be without sin” and that we do not “deceive ourselves” – 1 John 1:5–10. Instead we confess sin appropriately and point people to the forgiveness and faithful path in the ways of Jesus. Christ calls us to holiness, authentic holiness.6 Having insisted that doctrine, character, and abilities must go together in the lives of older folks, we have to comprehend that seniors must be unquestionably sound. Individuals both inside and outside the congregation ought to have the option to confirm that older folks are unquestionably sound. In any case, among these character attributes, is the fitness to educate. It is recorded not as a discretionary extra yet a need. “A bishop then must be blameless,…….. of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;” 1 Tim. 3:2, KJV.7 That is the reason Paul admonishes Timothy to watch his life and precept, 1 Tim. 4:16. Elders need to watch both, and we can’t watch our showing except if we “practice these things (and drench ourselves) in them” 1 Tim 4:15. That is likewise why Paul needed to portray the sufferings to the Colossian Christians - Col. 1:24-2:5. Without noticeable changed life proof, his audience members would not have the entire message.8 Healthy Church is the Goal for Discipleship

5 Putman, Jim, and Harrington, Bobby, Discipleshift, Five Steps That Help Your Church to Make Disciples Who Make Disciples, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2013), 104. 6 Ibid., 105. 7 Greg R. Scharf & Arthur Kok, The New Elder’s Handbook, A Biblical Guide to Developing Faithful Leaders (Baker Books, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2018), 28-29. 8 Ibid., 29.


The strength of the association is the most significant standard. As a bona fide pupil, ministers must figure out how to stroll with God on a daily basis. This is the reason church pioneers are men of supplication, Bible examination, and the internal existence of the soul. When we walk really with God, it offers authenticity to our educating and authority. It is particularly imperative to experience the life of a genuine pupil with our families. Too many church pioneers disregard the most significant mission field of all, their very own homes. When we stroll with God together with our families, this turns into the day by day proving ground that confirms the instructing and driving we do in the congregation.9 “And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers,…………, Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.”, Acts 2:42-47, KJV Men are the essential hireling pioneers in the congregation, the family, and the marriage, as God structured, be that as it may, as coheirs in Christ, moms, spouses, and single ladies too, are serving close by to help, give input, educate, counsel, explain, clarify, and help settle on vital choices. This is the reason it is imperative to select all pioneers in the congregation who are mirroring the product of the Holy Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23. Married couples, moms and fathers, older folks, supervisors and their spouses, just as single people, are to reflect Jesus Christ in their way of life or they can’t lead adequately as God planned, either in their families or in the congregation.10 The Kingdom Leadership Principles

9 Putman, Jim, and Harrington, Bobby, Discipleshift, Five Steps That Help Your Church to Make Disciples Who Make Disciples, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2013), 119-120. 10 Gene A. Getz, Elders and Leaders, A Biblical, Historical, and Cultural Perspective, (Moody Publishers, Chicago, Illinois, 2003), 128.


As I look at the lecture notes outlined in the “10 Kingdom Leadership/ Followership Principles,” a portion of it sticks right out and states in its Kingdom Perspectives that there is only one King and you are not Him, you are not a leader, you are a follower of a leader, and none of “it” is yours of which is the church, offerings, gifts, buildings, people, and vision. A portion of the extraordinary superb standards which Christ educated are given in container structure. If you were to get these certain ties right, your life will be in line with paradise. Not trying to be negative, with the two locations I service, these passages come to mind. Mark 8:34-35 says, “And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.” Breaking down the passages a little: “Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself” and “Take up his cross”, Mark 8:34, to pursue and along these lines, serving Christ requires magnanimity. A narrow minded individual will never serve or pursue Christ well in light of the fact that a childish individual won’t deny self. And while the cross discusses enduring in administration, in the event that you will perform your responsibility for God, you will at some point or another get together with the cross of affliction. In any case, a great hireling won’t quit serving since languishing over God is a piece of that administration. “Whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it”, Mark 8:35, is discussing penance. Anything we provide for the Lord from our assets includes penance. To retain our assets or our life from the Lord is to lose them. We may see gain on the planet. It won’t last. Only misfortune for common addition. Conclusion


Individuals are frantic for pioneers who can roll out positive improvements in their lives! Society everywhere is showing across the board and developing enthusiasm for profound issues. Incredibly, during an era of reestablished cultural enthusiasm for profound things, numerous chapels and categories are declining. As indicated by George Barna, he says “that we are losing one percent of our houses of worship in America consistently. As shepherds leave, sheep leave. Half of the ministers who enter the service will be out of the service inside five years. One of the and all the more exasperating certainties is that 70% of our ministers today don’t have a solitary dear companion.”11 They are walking away and want out. Though church used to create the best psychological wellness and life span insights of some other calling, this is not true anymore. Cardiovascular issue, malignancy, joint inflammation, gastrointestinal issue, respiratory issues, and such, at one time uncommon among pastorate, are currently normal. In one twenty-six-year study, ministers moved from the almost zero section nearer to the social normal in five distinct zones: burnout and weariness, separate, substance reliance, mental issue, and good misbehavior.12 Majority due to stress. One thing appears to be sure: while numerous religious theological colleges are getting a charge out of solid enlistments, denominational pioneers are wailing over the way that their schools are graduating so couple of pioneers. The fact that administration lack is all around recognized, there is little accord on the best way to find and create pioneers. Theological college educators are puzzled that so couple of effective pioneers are rising up out of graduating classes. My question is simple: Are we in it for the money or for Christ? We preach/teach Christ crucified, but how is it spreading? As the economy is changing drastically and forcing us into an era of technology, and the politicians are pushing their own agenda causing this nation alone to 11 John I Snyder. “These Sheep Bite: A Fearless Guide To Church Leadership.” Theologymix.com. https://theologymix.com/healthy-leaders-healthy-churches/these-sheep-bite/ (accessed February 22, 2017). 12 Ibid.


be weakened by the lies and deceit they continue to uphold, we continue to lose the battle for fear of retribution. What was right is now wrong and what is wrong has become right. Maybe on the off chance that national atonement happened, at that point God would save an advanced country as He saved Nineveh at the proclaiming of Jonah yet that is an alternate issue. It is never off-base to admit our transgressions and ask, in certainty it is our obligation as devotees to constantly admit and neglect our wrongdoings with the goal that they won’t impede us as in Hebrews 12:1, and to appeal to God for our country and those in power like 1 Timothy 2:1–2. It might be that God in His effortlessness will favor our country, however there is no assurance of national liberation. Regardless of whether God used our endeavors to realize national contrition and restoration, there is no assurance that the country would be politically or financially spared. As devotees, we are ensured individual salvation in Christ like in Romans 8:1, and we are likewise ensured that God will utilize us to achieve His motivations, whatever they might be. It is our obligation as devotees to live heavenly lives, look for God, ask, and share the gospel realizing that all who accept will be spared, yet the Bible doesn’t ensure the political, social, or financial salvation of our country. But “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Phil 1:21!

Bibliography Dempsey, Rod and Earley, Dave, Disciple Making Is…: How to Live the Great Commission with Passion and Confidence, B&H Publishing Group, Nashville Tennessee, 2013. 9

Getz, Gene A., Elders and Leaders, A Biblical, Historical, and Cultural Perspective, Moody Publishers, Chicago, Illinois, 2003. Putman, Jim, and Harrington, Bobby, Discipleshift, Five Steps That Help Your Church to Make Disciples Who Make Disciples, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2013. Scharf, Greg R., & Kok, Arthur, The New Elder’s Handbook, A Biblical Guide to Developing Faithful Leaders, Baker Books, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2018. Snyder, John I. “These Sheep Bite: A Fearless Guide To Church Leadership.” Theologymix.com. https://theologymix.com/healthy-leaders-healthy-churches/these-sheep-bite/ (accessed February 22, 2017).


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