E-B CT-1 - ghccghh h dfd thxrth PDF

Title E-B CT-1 - ghccghh h dfd thxrth
Author Vimalraj r (RA1951001040060)
Course cine y television
Institution V. A. Graiciuno aukštoji vadybos mokykla
Pages 5
File Size 52.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 91
Total Views 117


ghccghh h dfd thxrth...


1.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngdescr i bese‐commer ce?* 1poi nt

a. Doing business electronically b. Doing business c. Sale of goods d. All of the above

2.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi spar toft hef ourmai nt ypesf ore‐commer ce?* 1poi nt

a. B2B b. B2C c. C2B d. All of the above

3.Whati si nt er net ?* 1poi nt

A single network A vast collection of different networks Interconnection of local area networks Interconnection of wide area networks

4.Auni tofdat amadei nt oasi ngl epackaget hatt r av el sal ongagi v ennet wor kpat h i scal l ed________* 1poi nt

Data packet Modem Internet Data Transmitter

5.Whati st het r adi t i onalt echnol ogyusedf orconnect i ngdev i cesi naWAN,LAN andMAN,enabl i ngt hem t ocommuni cat ewi t heac hot hervi aapr ot ocol ?* 1poi nt


6.Whati st hef ul lf or m ofWi fi?* 1poi nt

Wireless Field Wireless Facility Wireless Fidelity Wirefree Field

7.Whati st hef ul lf or m ofHTML?*

1poi nt

Hypertext Markup Language HyperText Marketing Hyp Links HyperText Management List

8.Whi chwast hefir sthost t ohostnet wor kconnect i on?* 1poi nt

Internet Arpanet Ethernet None of the above

9.HTMLi sa______* 1poi nt

Website Scripting Langauage Web Browser Search Engine

10. Whati st hef ul lf or mf orFTP?* 1poi nt

Fast Transferring Portal File Transfer Protocol File Text Processor Fast Text Processor

11._____i st hecomput erpr ot ocol usedbyt heI nt er net .* 1poi nt


12.Thefir stpaget haty ounor mal l yvi ewatawebs i t ei s ?* 1poi nt

Home Page Master Page First Page None of the Above

13.Voi c emai l ,Emai l ,onl i neser vi ce,t hei nt er netandWWW ar eal lexampl esof ?* 1poi nt

Computer category Connectivity Telecommuting

All of the above

14.Websi t ei sac ol l ect i onof ?* 1poi nt

HTML documents Graphic files Audio & video files All of the above

15.I nMODEMS-* 1poi nt

Digital signal is amplified Several digital signals are multiplexed A digital signal changes some characteristic of a carrier wave None of these

16. “ DOMAI NNAMESYSTEM i sacol l ect i onoft hedat abasest hatc ont ai n i nf or mat i onaboutdomai nnamesandt hei rcor r espondi ngI Paddr ess ” .St at eTr ue orFal se* 1poi nt


17.Whi c hs egmentdoeBay ,Amaz on. com bel ong?* 1poi nt

B2Bs B2Cs C2Bs C2Cs

18. Whi cht y peofe‐commer cef ocusesonconsumer sdeal i ngwi t heachot her ?* 1poi nt


19.Whi c hs egmenti seBayanexampl e* 1poi nt


20.Whi c hpr oduct sar epeopl emos tl i k el yt obecomf or t abl ebuy i ngont he I nt er net ?* 1poi nt

Books PCs CDs All of the above

21.Thedi mensi onofecommer cet hatenabl esc ommer ceacr ossnat i onal boundar i esi scal l ed* 1poi nt

interactivity global reach richness ubiquity

22.ThecomponentofTCP/ I Pt hatpr ov i dest heI nt er net ' saddr essi ngschemeand i sr espons i bl ef ort heact ualdel i v er yofpack et si s______________* 1poi nt

TCP IP the Network Layer the Application Layer

23.TheEcommer cedomai nt hati nvol v esbus i nessact i vi t yi ni t i at edbyt he consumerandt ar get edt obusi nessesi sknownas______________. 1poi nt

Business to Business (B2B) Consumer to Consumer (C2C) Consumer to Business (C2B) Business to Consumer (B2C) Clear selection

24.Thefir stEmai lwassentony ear* 1poi nt

1969 1971 1997 1968

25.Thegener i cdomai nname. govi sdenot es* 1poi nt

.com for commercial organization. .gov for government organization

.edu for educational organization .mil for military organization...

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