E-waste Management Final report group 1 PDF

Title E-waste Management Final report group 1
Author Sukhman Sindhi
Course Energy and Environment
Institution Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology
Pages 25
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E- Waste Managementjewishallianceri/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/ewaste.jpg####### GROUP MEMBERS: Shivam Jindal -101903539- J Kartik Srivastav- 101903466- J Kashin Gupta -101903542- J Lovish Jindal- 101915171- J Deepansh Arora -101903588- J Kunwar Pratap Singh- 401903023- J Onkarjot Singh- 101903564- ...


E- Waste Management


GROUP MEMBERS: 1. Shivam Jindal -101903539- J4 2. Kartik Srivastav- 101903466- J1 3. Kashin Gupta -101903542- J4 4. Lovish Jindal- 101915171- J4 5. Deepansh Arora -101903588- J7 6. Kunwar Pratap Singh- 401903023- J6 7. Onkarjot Singh- 101903564- J6 8. Sukhman Singh- 101903565- J6 9. SanyamSethi- 101915173 -J4

INTRODUCTION Electronic Waste, or most usually known as E-waste is a creating issue all over the world. There comes a time when an electronic is no more of productive use to it’s owner, and it is disposed off, but not at the right place always. Electronic items can be classified as Desktops, PDAs, consoles, TVs,Mobile phones and many more. Majority of the people own desktops or PCs and almost 3 of 10 people supersede them in a year or two.It is a hazardous fact that about 50 million tonne of Ewaste was generated in the year 2018, largerportion of which included personal devices such as smart phones and PCs while rest consisted ofheavy household appliances and other equipments. Another aspect of this to look at is that only 20%of this waste is recycled each year and the rest is either dumped in a landfill, burned or illegallytraded.It is essential for people to look upon the consequences of E-waste being produced on a large scaleand should try to act upon ways of recycle and reuse of Electronic equipments.Therefore, basic objective of this project is to discuss about effective E-waste management such asrecycling and reusing of Electronics, creating awareness among people regarding proper disposal of E-Waste. The quick pace of mechanical change in the field of equipment has made devices for homes and office outfit both sensible and comprehensively used. Electronics waste, commonly known as escrap or e-waste, is the trash we generate from surplus, broken, and obsolete electronic devices. A powerful overhead magnet separates iron and steel from the waste stream on the conveyor and then prepares it for sale as recycled steel. Further mechanical processing separates aluminum, copper, and circuit boards from the material stream—which now is mostly plastic. Water separation technology is then used to separate glass from plastics. Although the volume of e-waste is increasing rapidly, the quality of e-waste is decreasing.The Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs area has dispatched the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research EMPA to diagram and realize the overall program "Learning Partnerships in e-Waste Recycling". With respect to the Swiss e-Waste Program this e-Waste Guide is made and kept up by the Emma e-Waste Team. Emma is the multidisciplinary research sort out for material science and development of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) space. The Technology and Society Lab inside EMPA examinations the impacts of mechanical upgrades on society and the earth and is driving EMPA's e-misuse works out. It is a pioneer is checking and control for e-misuse organization structures as the specific control body for setting reusing and exchange measures and exploring material travels through the Swiss system. Emma is furthermore driving a couple of exercises in making and rising economies in Asia, Africa and Latin America to develop limits with respect to e-misuse organization in scopes of system and establishment, business and financing and advancement and capacities. It has been instrumental in setting up the progression Initiative to develop an overall picking up sharing stage on e-misuse.

Source : shorturl.at/fkwT3

Source : shorturl.at/gwF34

THE CURRENT SCENARIO OF ELECTRONICS USE  THE LOVE OF E-USERS TOWARDS MOBILE It’s the gadget that many of us would feel lost without. Study reveals that people nowadays are so much addicted that they check it every six-and-a-half minutes. According to the report, 63 percent of the survey respondents said they are product-specific when shopping and searching online.

In between, phones are used to check the internet and read emails, as well as to make calls and send texts Problematic behaviour is observed among people due to over use of mobile phones. The symptoms include always being preoccupied with mobile phones, excessive money or time spent on mobile phones, using mobile phones in socially or physically inappropriate conditions such as driving a vehicle.The mobiles, being a very new invention of humanity, became an inherent part of human’s life. The smartphone combines different sophisticated features. It allows users to keep pictures, memories, personal info, correspondence, health and financial data in one place. Mobiles also became an integral part of modern telecommunications facilities. Smartphones and handheld devices (HHD) combine advanced computing capability, such as internet communication, information retrieval, video, e-commerce and other features, that makes the device is one of the necessities for many people. “Mass cell phone mobilization” covered humanity probably ten or fifteen years ago.

 GROWING DEMANDS OF ELECTRONIC GOODS According to the investigation, the Indian electronic items industry is relied upon to develop at a CAGR of 10.1 percent to reach $75 billion by 2017 from $ 61.8 billion of every 2015 with expanding entrance crosswise over purchaser items particularly in semi-urban and country markets, alongside government push for foundation advancement, train and vitality, there exists a critical open door for quick extension of this industry. The electronic segments

industry in India was esteemed at $ 13.5 billion of every 2015, developing from $10.8 billion in 2013 at a CAGR of 11 percent. The market is commanded by electromechanical parts, (for example, PCB and connectors) which shape 30 percent of the aggregate request, trailed by detached segments, (for example, resistors and capacitors) at 27 percent, said the Assoc ham-EY ponder. In any case, India's allure for producers is becoming because of accessibility of ease work. Rising assembling costs in China and Taiwan are convincing producers to move their assembling base to interchange markets. In 2014, the normal assembling work cost every hour in India was $0.92 as contrasted with $ 3.52 of China.

 INCREASE E - WASTE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES The two major types of e-waste recycling methods that are used throughout the world are formal and informal e-waste recycling. Formal recycling primarily occurs in more developed countries due to the increase in the costs necessary to use this method. It costs more money to recycle the e-waste properly in a formal facility than to recycle the e-waste informally. Informal recycling facilities are primarily used in developing nations.

A recent study showed that Au, Pb, Ag, and Sb were found in the soil at an informal e-waste recycling site. One study done on the impact of hazardous e-waste in India has estimated that over 30,000 computers have become decomissioned each year in Bangalore alone. The high disposal of computers has cultivated more than 1,000 tons of plastics, 300 tons of lead, 0.23 tons of mercury, 43 tons of nickel, and 350 tons of copper in Bangalore. In Bangladesh, at a shipyard in Chittagong, contamination plagued the nearby soil from chemicals that are commonly found in electronic waste.

PROS OF E-WASTE MANAGEMENT The increasing rate of environmental problems that origin because of millions of tons of E-Waste that ends up being filled up in the landfills is enough to wake us all out of the slumber. It is the time that we all take action in this direction as E-WASTE MANAGEMENT can really help to reduce these problems caused by deadly non-biodegradable substances to a great extent. E-waste mangement is one of the most smart and effective ways to eradicate the problem of disposal of harmful and dangeruos e-waste into the environment. E-Squander contains a number of significant materials that can be recouped, be them be metals, be it be plastic, be it be glass and many more ferrous and non ferrous materials, for example: aluminium, copper, gold, silver etc. So as to monitor characteristic assets, elecronic gear can be renovated, reused and reused as opposed to be land filled. A few sections of PC can be reused in amassing new PC items.Alternate parts can be lessened to metals that can be reused in applications, for example, development, flatware, and adornments. Substances found in substantial amounts incorporate epoxy pitches, fiberglass, PCBs, PVC (polyvinyl chlorides) tin, copper, silicon, beryllium, carbon, iron and aluminum. ADVANTAGES OF RECYCLING E WASTE: There are a few focal points of reusing e-squander. Reusing recoups significant materials from disposed of electronic merchandise that can be reused to make new items. Along these lines , we spare vitality, diminish contamination by decreasing ozone depleting substance emanations, and spare assets as we are extracting less crude materials from the earth. Reusing e-products additionally incorporate giving your utilized electronic merchandise to others. This advantages the Group by passing on prepared to-utilize or repaired gear to the individuals who require it. Esquander contains important metals like copper, gold, aluminum that can be separated and reused. Reusing makes employments for proficient recyclers and consequently making new markets for the significant segments that are disposed offand also spares landfill space. E-squander is a developing waste stream. By reusing these things, landfill space is preserved. Apart from this proper E-waste management can also help conserve energy to a great extent as when recycled products come into place, the manufacturing of the new products would definitely be cut down and hence reducing the usage of energy and raw material. Not just this, it also helps in reducing the emissions of the harmful toxic gasses into the atmosphere again because of reduced demand and manufacturing. Substances made of mercury, lead, barium and arsenic instead of seeping into the soil and contaminating it can be reused and recycled. E COMMERCE Electronic trade and its related exercises over the web can be the ways that enhance residential monetary prosperity through unwinding of household administrations, more fast

incorporation into globalization of creation. Web based business unites the residential and worldwide market . Advancement here will bounce back to more noteworthy financial prosperity than tantamount progression in more barely engaged divisions. E GOVERNMENT E government is utilization of electronic specialized gadgets to give administrations to nationals and other individuals in the nation. Data is a vital asset that guarantees the obligation of government, empowers governments to deal with its activities, and enables the general population to take part in the administration of their nation. ICTS are brining numerous progressions that assistance Governments everywhere throughout the world to create in better ways like digitalization of its routine and practices. Over the world, 173 of 190 nations utilize the Internet to convey government administrations. E-Government focuses on the use of data and correspondence. Innovations (ICT) to convey taxpayer driven organizations. The term e-administration lays endeavors to utilize ICTs for political purposes and the association of political action in a nation. This report looks at e-Government, albeit a few cases could be viewed as e-administration activities. The difficulties and issues of executing e-Government frameworks will likewise be important to executing ICTs to manufacture frameworks to help eadministration.

Safety issue on E-waste and It’s Scenario in India THE EFFECTS OF THROWING OUR GARBAGE REACH FARBEYONDOURGARBAGEBINS: In 2012 the planet produced about 49 million and just 10 percent reused every year of e squander in 2020 the figure is relied upon to ascend to 65 million tones E-squander is a developing issue. The worldwide dumping of e squander in the nations like of Africa and south east Asia has regularly cleared out the kids and laborers in risky condition and graduallybalancingthem.

GraphshowingcountrywisedumpingofE-waste Atthesiteofdumpingandtreatingtheewaste.

The smoke is significant issue at where the overwhelming metal is dumped. The dirt itself can have a genuine repercussion for those in closeness to places where e squander is reused orconsumedisenormouslydebased. Ewastecanadverselyaffecthumanwellbeingadomainifnotarrangedoffpains takingly. At these locales the level of cadmium is more than 30 times progressively that can cause malignancy ,kidney disappointment and bone illness and level at in excess of 100 times which can cause apprehensive infection barrenness weakness unsuccessful labor hypertensionstillbirthpassing.

Sulfur found in the e squander has been discovered in charge of well being impacts incorporate liver harm, kidney harm, heart harm, eye and throat bothering. Whenever discharged Intonature,itcanmakesulphuriccorrosivethroughsulfurdioxide. Larger part of the worldwide e squander is delivered by thecreated countries. Reusing of the e squander in the created nations is to a great degree high when contrasted with that in the creatingcountries.

EWASTESCENERIOININDIA India accounts 4% ofglobal e waste and 2.5 ofthe global. GDP (according to 2014) so India hasmoreshareinproducingewastethanshareofGDPgloballywithinIndia. MumbaiisthelargestproduceroftheewastefollowedbyDelhiandBengluru. As India is moving through the digital age, the rising e-waste management is necessary for thesustainablegrowth. On the other side400-500thousands of the children in the age of 10-15 are observed to be engaged in the various. E-waste activities without acquisitive protection and safeguard increased usage of gadget telecom, information and technology and appliance is collectively creatingnearly130thousandtonnesofewaste in India according to august20.

A report also highlights that Delhi – NCR, Mumbai, and it capital of India ,Bengluru collectivelyproduceover2lakhtonnesofewasteperyearanotherreportofJanu ary 2016saysthatewastemarketwillgrowby26.22%during2015-2019. When it comes to e waste management in India , India is relying heavily on the unorganised sectorwhichaccountstoover90%ofthetotalewasterecyclingindustry. Workingconditionoftheseescarp processingindustry isgrievous hazardous.Recyclingofe wasteininformalsectorusingcrudeandprimitivemethodwithbarehand no face mask, like acid stripping and open air inhalation releases numerous lethal components like poly vinyl chloride, chlorofluorocarbons arsenic nickel and barium and otherintoenvironmentcausingtheconditionlikecancer asthma bonedisease andbraindisease. It is 10 times cheaper to export the e waste into Asian countries than treating the e waste in USA.USA(42%)topsthelistofthenationsfromwhichtheIndiaimports theewastefollowedbychina(30%)andEuropeanunion(18%).

The main issues posed by e-waste are as follows ●High volumes – High volumes are generatedduetothe rapid obsolescence of gadgets combined with the high demand for new technology (Basel Action Network [BAN], 2011).

●Tox i c d e s i g n – E-waste is classified as hazardous waste (Tsydenova& Bengtsson, 2011) having adverse health and environmental implications. Approximately 40 per cent of the heavy metals found in landfills comes from electronic waste (Montrose, 2011). ●Poor design and complexity – E-waste imposes many challenges on the recycling industry (Smith, Sonnenfeld & Naguib Pellow, 2006) as it contains many different materials that are mixed, bolted, screwed, snapped, glued or soldered together. Toxic materials are attached to nontoxic ma-terials, which makes separation of materials for reclamation difficult. Hence, responsible recy-cling requires intensive labour and/or sophisti-cated and costly technologies that safely separate materials (BAN, 2011). ●Labour issues – Theseinclude occupational exposures, informal sector domination causing health and environmental problems, lack of labour standards and rights. ●Financial incentives – In general, there is not enough value in most ewaste to cover the costs of managing it in a responsible way. However, in line with EPR policies, new opportunities can be realized with the rise in the price of many of the materials in electronics, such as gold and copper (Widmer, Oswald-Krapf, Sinha-Khetriwal, Sch-nellmann&Böni, 2005). Furthermore, with rising e-waste quantities, formal recyclers are increasingly entering the e-waste recycling sector (Raghupathy, Krüger, Chaturvedi, Arora, Hen-zler, 2010). ●Lack of regulation – Many nations either lack adequate regulations applying to this relatively new waste stream, or lack effective enforcement of new e-waste regulations (BAN, 2011).

DO’s and Donts for safety of ewaste Do’s: 

All electrical and electronic products are required to be handed over only to the Authorized recycler.

The product should be handed over only to authorized recycler for disposal.

Keep the product in isolated area, after it becomes non-functional /un- repairable so as to prevent its accidental

breakage. Don’ts: 

The product should not be opened by the User himself / herself, but only by authorised service personnel.

The product is not meant for re-sale any unauthorised agencies/scrap dealer/kabariwalahs.

The product is not meant for mixing into household waste stream.

Do not keep any replaced spare part(s) from the pro duct in exposed area.

Do Not Dispose OffThe E-WASTE In Landfills

What can we do for the cause: We have the three R’s measure i.e reduce, reuse and recycle, but is that sufficient? What if general public is not aware of the hazardous effects of E-squander and takes it lightly? So it is important that these aspects of e-waste reach out to public and they can be aware how to properly dump the e-waste or whether to reuse it or to give it to the approved reusing sellers for transfer.

E-waste legislation in India: Prior to the enactment of the E-waste Rules,2011; E-waste was taken under the Hazardous Waste Management(HWM) rules. Under the Environmental Protection Act 1986, the E-waste rules came into effect from 1st May,2012.These Rules were brought into action to enable recovery of useful material from e-waste, thus reducing the harmful wastes which were meant to disposed, to ensure the environmentally sound management of all types of E-waste and to address the safe and environment friendly handling, transporting, storing and recycling e-waste. India produces 17 lakhs of E-squander per year. In the meantime, its age increments by around 5foreach pennyeveryyear. In the lightofthis,theMinistryofcondition,Forest and Climate Change has turned out with more productive guidelines this time around. As indicated by theMinister ofState(Independent Charge) ofEnvironment, Forests and Climate Change, Shri Prakash Javadekar, the new Rules mirror the Government's sense of duty regarding environmental governance. Out of the blue, makers (of electrical/electronic merchandise) have been made in charge of accumulation of e-waste and its trade through the Extended Producer Responsibility(EPR).Thereareextranewpartnersin theRulestoo.

Distribution of responsibilities: Responsibilities of Manufacturer: 1. Collect the e-waste which is produced while manufacturing any electronic good and segregate it for recycling or disposal. 2. To ensure no harm is done to environment while transporting or storing E-waste. 3. Maintain records of thee-waste generated, handled and disposed in Form-2and make those recordsavailableforscrutinybytheconcernedStatePollutionControlBoard. 4. file annual returns in Form-3, to the concerned StatePollution ControlBoard on or before the30th dayofJunefollowingthefinancialyeartowhichthatreturnrelates.

Responsibilities of Producer: Themakerofelectricalandelectronic hardware listedshallbeinchargeof:

1.Executing the Extend...

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