EAQ 3 DM - HESI prep PDF

Title EAQ 3 DM - HESI prep
Course Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing
Institution San Bernardino Valley College
Pages 1
File Size 48.1 KB
File Type PDF
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HESI prep...


EAQ#3 Diabetes es c entwi t ht y pe1di abet esmel l i t usi sadmi t t edt ot hei nt ens i v ec ar euni ti n 1. Anadol k et oac i dosi swi t habl oodgl ucos el ev elof170mg/ dL( 9. 4mmol / L) .Ac ont i nuousi ns ul i n i nf us i oni ss t ar t ed.Whi c hadv er ser eac t i ont ot hei nf us i oni smosti mpor t antf ort henur s et o moni t or ? a. Hypokal emi a 2. Acl i enti snewl ydi agnos edwi t hdi abet es .Thenur s ewoul di ns t r uctt hecl i entt omoni t orf or whi c hi ndi c at i onofhy pogl y c emi a? a. Conf us i on 3. Acl i enti spr es c r i bedmet f or mi nex t endedr el eas et ocont r olt ype2di abet esmel l i t us .Whi c h s t at ementmadebyt hi sc l i enti ndi c at est heneedf orf ur t hereduc at i on? a. " Iwi l lst opt ak i ngmet f or mi nf or24hour sbef or eandaf t erhavi ngat es ti nv ol vi ngdye. " 4. Acl i entwi t ht y pe1di abet esmel l i t ushasafi nger s t i ckgl uc os el ev elof258mg/ dL( 14. 3 mmol / L)atbedt i me.Apr es cr i pt i onf ors l i di ngs cal er egul ari nsul i nex i s t s .Whi c hwoul dt he nur sedo? a. Administer the insulin as prescribed 5. Acl i entwi t hdi abet espr es ent st ot heemer genc ydepar t mentwi t ha3hourhi s t or yof pr of oundweak nes sandner v ousnes s .Ac cor di ngt ot hes pouse,t hec l i entbecamec onf us ed s hor t l yaf t ersel f admi ni s t er i ngt hemor ni ngdos eof10uni t sofr egul ari ns ul i nand25uni t sof NPHi ns ul i n.Thec l i enthadal i ghtbr eakf as tandnoaddi t i onali nt ak es i ncet hatt i me.Whi c h c ondi t i onwoul dt henur s ei dent i f yast hel i k el yc aus eoft hec l i ent ’ ss i gnsands y mpt oms ? a. Hypogl y c emi a 6. Acl i entwi t hdi abet esas k showex er c i s ewi l laffec ti ns ul i nanddi et ar yneeds .Whi c heffec t s ofex er c i s ewoul dt henur s es har e ? a. Decr eas est heamountofi nsul i nneededandi ncr eas est heneedf orcar bohydr at es

7. The nurse provides education about signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia to a client with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes. The nurse concludes that the teaching was effective when the client acknowledges the need to drink orange juice when experiencing which symptoms? a. Nervous and weak 8. Whi c hac t i onwoul dt henur s et ak ewhenac l i entwi t ht y pe1di abet esr epor t shunger ,t hi r s t , t i r ednes s ,andf r equentur i nat i on? a. Det er mi net hec l i ent ’ sbl oodgl uc os el ev el 9. Whi c hi nf or mat i onwoul dt henur s epr ovi deac l i entwi t hdi abet esmel l i t us( DM)r egar di ng al coholc ons umpt i on? a. With or shortly after meals i entwi t ht y pe2di abet est ak esonegl y bur i det abl etdai l y .Thecl i entas k swhet heran 10. Acl ex t r at abl ets houl dbet ak enbef or eex er c i s e.Whi c hr es ponsewi l lt henur s epr ov i de ? a. " Donott ak eanext r api l lbecausey oumaybecomehypogl y cemi cwhenex er ci si ng. "...

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