EAS545 Syllabus PDF

Title EAS545 Syllabus
Author Prima Pisuttisarun
Course Engineering Entrepreneurship I
Institution University of Pennsylvania
Pages 2
File Size 106.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 42
Total Views 152




University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science

EAS 545 – ENGINEERING ENTREPRENEURSHIP I Professor Tom Cassel Room 306 Towne Building [email protected] Office hours by appointment

Administrative Coordinator: Nora Powell [email protected]

Course Description: Engineers and scientists create and lead great companies, hiring managers when and where needed to help execute their vision. Designed expressly for students having a keen interest in technological innovation, this course investigates the roles of inventors and founders in successful technology ventures. Through case studies and guest speakers, we introduce the knowledge and skills needed to recognize and seize a high-tech entrepreneurial opportunity - be it a product or service - and then successfully launch a startup or spin-off company. The course studies key areas of intellectual property, its protection and strategic value; opportunity analysis and concept testing; shaping technology-driven inventions into market-driven products; constructing defensible competitive strategies; acquiring resources in the form of capital, people and strategic partners; and the founder's leadership role in an emerging high-tech company. Throughout the course emphasis is placed on decisions faced by founders, and on the sequential risks and determinants of success in the early growth phase of a technology venture. Prerequisite(s) Junior, Senior or Graduate standing is required. The course is designed for, but not restricted to, students of engineering and applied science and assumes no prior business education. Course Materials: There is no textbook for this course. Required readings (i.e., case studies and articles) will be provided electronically via links on the course website. There is no additional fee for these materials. Additional readings and notes are handed out in class or posted from time to time on the course website. Canvas Course Website: The Canvas course website may be accessed at http://canvas.upenn.edu. All course announcements and assignments are posted on this site, which students are advised to check regularly. Supplementary readings may also be posted on this site from time to time. Grading: Course grades are determined approximately as follows: Class attendance and participation: Assignments and in-class quizzes: Final Exam:

30% 55% 15% 100%

Excessive unexcused absences are penalized. Extra credit opportunities, which may enhance a course grade, may be provided from time to time during the semester. Attendance and Participation: Attendance at all class sessions is presumed. An unexcused absence results in an “F” participation grade for the missed class. Excessive unexcused absences result in additional grade penalties and possible failure of the course. Late arrival for class may also result in a grade penalty. Requests for excused absence approval must be emailed to the instructor otherwise any absence will be deemed unexcused.

In-class discussion is an important element of the course pedagogy. Substantive classroom participation, which enhances the intellectual level of discussion, results in an “A+” participation grade for that class. Thoughtful classroom participation, not simply “air time,” results in an “A” participation grade for that class. Students who attend class and are attentive but do not participate in discussions receive a “B” for that class. Inattentiveness results in a participation grade of “C” or lower. As a common courtesy to other students and the instructor, use of cell phones and other distracting devices or activities are not permitted in the classroom. With the instructor’s permission, laptops may be used in the classroom but only for course-related activity. Assignments: Written homework assignments are generally submitted online prior to the beginning of class on the due date. Some problem sets will be submitted in hard copy. Late submittals are generally not accepted. If accepted (e.g. because of extenuating circumstances), they may be subject to a late penalty. All individual assignments and quizzes must be the product of a student’s own effort, consistent with the University’s Code of Academic Integrity at https://provost.upenn.edu/policies/pennbook/2013/02/13/code-ofacademic-integrity. Violation of University Code of Academic Integrity may result in failure of course. Quizzes: In-class quizzes are given weekly during the semester. These are brief closed-book tests covering material assigned for that class session. If you miss a quiz, you may make up for the missed quiz by submitting written answers to the study questions that are provided in the assignment posted for that day. Answers should be in concise essay format unless the question explicitly calls for a list in which case a bullet point response would be acceptable. Submit your answers either in hard copy or by email attachment to the instructor within one week after the missed class. Re-Grading Policy: All re-grade requests must be made in writing within one week of the day the assignment, quiz or essay is returned. The request must be specific and identify a substantive reason for the re-grade. If part of a multi-part assignment is submitted for re-grading, the entire assignment may be re-graded at the instructor’s discretion. Re-grades may result in a grade reduction. University Policies and Resources To ensure a comfortable and supportive learning environment in EAS545, there are several policies we will abide by and resources that are available to you. Please reach out to Dr. Cassel with any questions or concerns you may have and note the following: Sexual Harassment and Related Policies. At Penn, all forms of sexual violence, relationship violence and stalking and attempts to commit such acts are considered to be serious misconduct and may result in disciplinary action. In addition, such acts may violate federal, state and local laws and perpetrators of such acts may be subject to criminal prosecution. For more information, please refer to Penn’ Sexual Harassment Policy, http://provost.upenn.edu/policies/pennbook/2013/02/15/sexual-harassment-policy, as well as the other related policies available at this link. Students with Disabilities and Learning Differences. Students with disabilities and learning differences are encouraged to contact Weingarten Learning Resource Center’s Office for Student Disabilities Services for information and assistance with the process of accessing reasonable accommodations. For more information visit http://www.vpul.upenn.edu/lrc/sds/. Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). CAPS is the counseling center for the University of Pennsylvania. CAPS offers free and confidential services to all Penn undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. For more information, visit http://www.vpul.upenn.edu/caps/....

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