EAT237 Microprocessor and PLC Coursework SJ moderated v2 PDF

Title EAT237 Microprocessor and PLC Coursework SJ moderated v2
Institution University of Sunderland
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Microprocessor and PLC Coursework ...


University of Sunderland Faculty of Engineering

EAT237 Microprocessor and PLC COURSEWORK (50%) SEPTEMBER – DECEMBER 2017



Instructions to Candidates:

See instructions attached inside.

DUE DATE: xxxxx before xxx pm via email (mailto: XXXX) and a hardcopy to Faculty of Engineering.

Instructions: 1. Handing in an assignment that does not compile and run on the ASM68k and EMU68k compiler and emulator (refer to software/programming notes #6) will result in an immediate zero. 2. SUBMISSION is through a) e-mail and b) hardcopy. Both submissions are compulsory. a) EMAIL: A single working xxxx.asm file must be attached and e-mailed to the lecturer where xxxx is your name in short. For example: mike.asm The title of the e-mail should contain the title and also your ID and name as shown in the example below: EAT 237 Assignment 1 Note that the time of submission is based on when the e-mail is received (determined by the server time clock). Students are held responsible for any unforeseen down time of the mail server. (Hence, hand in your program early!). On the due date itself, for every hour the assignment is send in late, 10% will be counted off from the total score. After 12 pm, a zero grade will be awarded. b) HARDCOPY: see instruction attached 3. The source code must be clearly documented as comments in the source file carry marks. 4.

Below is the format of how your source file should start and end: ; Name: John Doe ; ID#: 12345678


ORG … …


; variable/storage initialization starts ; at address $8000 ;…





; program starts at address $8200 ; program starts here ;… ;… ; returns to control to the emulator





; subroutines start at address $8500 ;… ;…

Student will be assessed on 2 assignments: 1) Part A: Individual Assignment 2) Part B: Group Assignment (3 to 4 in a group) A. Famous Landmark Display (10 marks) i.

Write a program that will display a famous landmark (monuments/city icon) in the world with the real picture attached in the report.Name the landmark under the display with your name and ID number.


The creativity will be counted; on how attractive the display will look like.


You are FREE to use ANY styles of 68k programming writing.


Write the name of the landmark on the display.

Assignment 1 Report Outline: 1. Title: Famous Landmark Display 2. Objective: To construct a design using

the low level programming of microprocessor

68k based system. 3. Procedures: (refer to lecture notes; written in passive voice) 4. Output Display: Example:

5) Discussion 6) Conclusion 7) Assignment 1 Marking Scheme * Report MUST be written using theme font: Times New Roman ; size: 12.

B. GROUP ASSIGNMENT Students in a group of 3 to 4 (maximum) will have to submit only ONE (1) report. All students in the group will be getting equal marks for this group assignment. Any incoorperation among group members will effect the marks given.

Instructions to Candidates: 1. A hard copy formal report should be submitted on XX XX XX. Your work should be submitted to the lecturer in the class. 2. You will receive no marks for the work that is not your own. Your work may be subject to checks for originality. 3. Student should produce a formal referenced report with a word count of approximately 3000 words, excluding a title page and page containing your references. Use a top left corner staple to fix them together. Do NOT use a plastic folder to present your work. Case Study: Design of PLC-Based Security System. 1. You and your team are tasked to design automated operation engaging logic control where inputs and outputs responses were run by PLC-based programming, whilst integrating input/output in such way to allow execution of targeted functions in chronological steps, using virtual counter, timer and relay. Featuring easy-to-use and real-time monitoring functionality of the system, the use of PLC wins agility/flexibility, because it can be changed/improved as needed on the spot. PLC is widely used in industries and generally cheap and robust, troubleshooting time can be saved, risk of mistakes reduced and complexity can be minimised. Also, errors can be tracked/located online at instant, reduced installation cost, and increased safety of users. You are to document detailed work design of automated system controlled by PLC and to include the following. a. Purpose of your design, objectives, outcomes, advantage/disadvantages of PLC applications. (20 marks) b. Process/operation of PLC system. (i.e. internal architecture of PLC system, PLC hardware integration, sensor & transducer, amplification & signal conditioning, D/A converter, ladder programming). (30 marks) c. The basic of PLC programming. (i.e. program organisation, scan cycles, languages, logic elements). (10 marks) d. The operation/sequences of automated control. (i.e. methodically verify that the program satisfies the needs of the automated system, reaching the outcomes). (40 marks)

Assignment 2 Report Outline: 1. Title: PLC Programming for practicle application 2. Objectives: 3. Procedures: 4. Flowchart 5. Discussion - Explain on the algorithm and flowchart. You may quote the algorithm/coding and explain the

instruction used to meet certain criteria 6. Conclusion - The learning outcome achievement 7. Assignment 2 Marking Scheme

* Report MUST be written using theme font: Times New Roman ; size: 12.

SEGi College Subang Jaya In Collaboration with University of Sunderland, UK B.ENG (HONS) ELECTRONIC & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EAT237 Microprocessor and PLC ASSIGNMENT 1 (15%) - Individual TITLE : Famous Landmark Display

Name: UOS ID :

SCM ID: Lecturer:

Submission Form

Hardcopy: Yes/ No

Softcopy: Yes/No

Declaration : I declare that this material, which I now submit for assessment, is entirely my own work and has not been taken from the work of others, save and to the extent that such work has been cited and acknowledged within the text of my work. I understand that plagiarism, collusion, and copying are serious in the university and accept the penalties that would be imposed should I engage in plagiarism, collusion or copying.

Signature :

EAT237 Assignment Moderated September 2016

Date :

SEGi College Subang Jaya In Collaboration with University of Sunderland, UK B.ENG (HONS) ELECTRONIC & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EAT237 Microprocessor and PLC ASSIGNMENT 2 (35%) - Group TITLE : PLC Programming for practicle application

Group Leader: Team Members: 1) 2) 3) Lecturer: Submission Form Hardcopy: Yes/ No Softcopy: Yes/No Declaration : We declare that this material, which we now submit for assessment, is entirely our own work and has not been taken from the work of others, save and to the extent that such work has been cited and acknowledged within the text of our work. We understand that plagiarism, collusion, and copying are serious in the university and accept the penalties that would be imposed should we engage in plagiarism, collusion or copying.

Signature of Group Leader :

EAT237 Assignment Moderated September 2016

Date :

EAT237 Assignment Moderated September 2016

University of Sunderland | SEGi College Subang Jaya EAT237 Microprocessor and PLC |September 2016 | MARKING CRITERIA of ASSIGNMENT 1 | CRITERIA

1 Beginning or incomplete

Experimental procedure

Missing several important experimental details or not written in numbering format.

Results: Output Display

Display contain errors or are poorly constructed.



Spelling, grammar, sentence structure Appearance and formatting

2 Developing Written in numbering format, still missing some important experimental details.

Result is displayed, some still missing some important or required features. Very incomplete or incorrect The result has been correctly interpreted and discussed; partial interpretation of knowledge and but incomplete understanding of comparison of data indicating a results is still evident. lack of understanding of result. Conclusions missing or missing Conclusions regarding major the important points. points are drawn, but many are misstated, indicating a lack of understanding. Occasional grammar/spelling Frequent grammar and/or errors, generally readable with spelling errors, writing style is some rough spots in writing style rough and immature Sections in order, contains little Sections out of order, do not adhered to the format given, poor requirement of the formatting , rough structure but readable formatting.

3 Accomplished

4 Exemplary

Written in numbering format, important experimental details are covered, some minor details missing. Display is correctly designed, no errors, but could still be mproved. The result has been correctly interpreted and discussed, only minor improvements are needed.

Well-written in numbering format, all experimental details are covered Display is creatively designed, well structured.

All important conclusions have been drawn, could be better stated.

Result has been interpreted correctly and discussed, good understanding of results is conveyed. All important conclusions have been clearly made, student shows good understanding

Less than 3 grammar/spelling errors, mature, readable style

All grammar/spelling correct and very well-written

All sections in order, formatting generally good but could still be improved

All sections in order, wellformatted, very readable

REMARK (if any):

TOTAL (max 24 marks)

University of Sunderland | SEGi College Subang Jaya EAT237 Microprocessor and PLC | September 2016 | MARKING CRITERIA of ASSIGNMENT 2 |

Description Key purpose of project, background, feasibility study, work breakdown are properly managed and documented. Student is innovative and shows high initiative in finding and implemention of challenging plan & control. Good process, systematic illustration of operation of PLC system, critical exploration, scopes are written & managed carefully (i.e. internal architecture of PLC system, PLC hardware integration, sensor & transducer, amplification & signal conditioning, Digital/Analogue converter). Effective exploration of PLC ladder diagram programming, program organisation, scan cycles, languages, detailed illustration of logic elements. Able to develop comperehensive sequences of automated control, layout of ladder diagram with hardware connectivity diagram, proper discussion to verify methodically that the program satisfies the needs of the automated system, reaching the outcomes. Group Total Score

EAT237 Assignment Moderated September 2016







Score (1-10)



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