EC Group Assignment A201 PDF

Title EC Group Assignment A201
Author Mohd Isaham
Course E-commerce
Institution Universiti Utara Malaysia
Pages 4
File Size 190.6 KB
File Type PDF
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UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIAFIRST SEMESTER SESSION 2020/BPMEELECTRONIC COMMERCE(Covid19)GROUP PROJECTB2B ELECTRONIC MARKETPLACEThe project assignment is a COMPULSORY part of the course and will contribute 20% ofthe final course score. It will, therefore, require considerable efforts in time, input as w...




The project assignment is a COMPULSORY part of the course and will contribute 20% of the final course score. It will, therefore, require considerable efforts in time, input as well as critical thinking from each student. It is required that every group will work independently throughout the project work including information searching, data treatment /analysis, material compiling and the final reporting. Each student within the group must work actively and contribute to the project work and report writing. Specific guidelines are listed below: 1. Students are to form groups with 4 – 5 members to start a new B2B ECOMMERCE business model using one of the biggest Internet platforms such as, Tencent and so on. 2. Using all the information you have gathered from above; every group are required to develop a MARKET ANALYSIS on the choice of product/service. This will help the company to understand the needs of existing and the target customers and why they chose your product/service over your competitors.

3. The MARKET ANALYSIS must include the following information: a. About your company and product b. Industry description and outlook c. Market need d. Unique Selling Proposition e. Competitive analysis f. Target customers (customer analysis) g. Pricing & positioning strategy h. Promotions strategy i. Online marketing strategy (Social commerce, mobile commerce, app commerce and so on) j. Demographics and segmentation k. Target market (Location, region and so on) l. Competition m. Barriers to entry n. Other related contents

A. The report should contain the following features: (a) Assignment must be written in ENGLISH. (b) Maximum 20 pages, minimum 15 pages excluding references and appendix (c) Margin (left 1.5, right, top and bottom 1) (d) Font Arial Size 12 (e) One and half spacing (f) Paragraphs (g) Justification (h) Page number (i) Table / Chart (j) Citation (k) Reference/bibliography (l) Appendix .

B. Late Submission Penalty Clause

Day of submission: Week 10 Deadline for submission of the assessment item(s) is to be strictly adhered to. No extension of time will be allowed except in extenuating circumstances, e.g. medical reasons. Students who wish to apply for an extension of time for submission of the assessment item(s) after the due date shall put in writing the request together with validated documentary evidence to support the application to his or her class lecturer. The lecturer may consider and grant such extension of due date for the assessment item(s) based on the reason(s) provided. Any assessment item required by the Coursework Assessment which is submitted after the due date, without an approved extension, will be penalized. Assessment item(s) submitted more than seven (7) days after the due date will be awarded zero (0) marks. C. Plagiarism Plagiarism is defined as the submission or presentation of work, in any form, which is not one's own, without acknowledgement of the sources. If a student obtains information or ideas from an outside source, that source must be acknowledged. Another rule to follow is that any direct quotation must be placed in quotation marks and the source immediately cited. Plagiarism is also defined as a copy of all or part of the work of another student(s) of current or previous batch of this University or another higher learning institution. The University's degree and other academic awards are given in recognition of the candidate's personal achievement. Plagiarism is therefore considered as an act of academic fraudulence and as an offence against University discipline. F. Mode of Referencing Students are advised to incorporate proper academic modes of reference. The normally acceptable mode of academic referencing is the American Psychological Association (APA) system.

 Allocation of marks: 20/50 Coursework  Note: You may find some additional information and examples at : plan....

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