ECON 101 Syllabus 2021 Professor Robert Gateman PDF

Title ECON 101 Syllabus 2021 Professor Robert Gateman
Author Varsha
Course Principles Of Microeconomics
Institution The University of British Columbia
Pages 20
File Size 644.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 18
Total Views 153


ECON 101 Robert Gateman University of British Columbia syllabus 2021 Winter Term 1...




Introductory Microeconomics


Economics 101 Sections 006, 017




Robert Gateman

INSTRUCTOR CONTACT INFORMATION: Room 255 Iona Course Canvas Inbox ACADEMIC CALENDAR COURSE DESCRIPTION: Elements of theory and of Canadian policy and institutions concerning the economics of markets and market behaviour, prices and costs, exchange and trade, competition and monopoly, distribution of income. PREREQUISITES/CO-REQUISITES: Enthusiasm and some interest. CONTACT HOURS: 1. Lectures (150 minutes asynchronous); 2. Plenary Lecture (50 minutes synchronous); 3. Tutorial (50 minutes synchronous). LOCATION OF CLASSES/TUTORIALS: 1. Lectures (online) 2. Plenary Lecture (F2F in classroom) 3. Tutorials (Zoom or F2F in classroom at TAs option)

© 2021 Robert G. Gateman All Rights Reserved


DETAILED COURSE DESCRIPTION LEARNING OUTCOMES: Objective of this Course In this course you will investigate economic thinking applied to the basic market mechanism. Fundamentally, you will learn how the behaviour of the consumer and the firm establish the demand for and the supply of goods and services at the market level. The theory of the consumer, the theory of the firm, and the theory of exchange will form the core of your study. This analysis will be applied to the operation of the firm under different market structures. Your investigation into microeconomics will conclude with a look into why markets often fail, and current public policy issues. The objective of the course is to familiarize you with these topics, develop your analysis, synthesis and evaluation skills, and to encourage the use of economic thinking to everyday choices. To such ends, emphasis will be placed on current applications, economic reality, and seemingly non-economic issues. Goal of this Course I hope that you will kindle your joy of learning, questioning and challenging. You may need to discard your preconceptions, wipe your slate clean, and develop a heightened sense of confident doubting. I expect that you will develop skills for reading unfamiliar material, then analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating what you have read in an effective and creative manner. I will steer you in the right direction; but, the driving is up to you. You can only learn these skills with practice. Economics is a springboard to critical thinking. You may find this learning process foreign and a bit unsettling at first, but education is a journey. I expect you to learn how to learn. “Question everything; Learn something; answer nothing.” UNIVERSITY CLOSURES: There are statutory holidays that may affect our lectures or tutorials: • Thanksgiving 11 October Monday • Remembrance Day 11 November Thursday • Study Break 10 and 12 November

© 2021 Robert G. Gateman All Rights Reserved


COURSE MATERIALS: 1. MyLab (also referred to as MyEconLab and MEL). (Ragan 16ed) MyLab is required to take the course. You may purchase MyLab from the Pearson (publisher) website directly. See below for details. Purchasing MyLab directly from Pearson online avoids delays. MyLab will be the source for your eText and the required Quizzes that will be marked and compose 10% of your course grade. MyLab is an online learning package which includes: • Ragan eText 16ed (the textbook for our course) • Graded assignments (i.e. Quizzes) • Practices exercises • Learning Tools like flashcards, etc. You may also purchase a Print Copy of the Ragan eText. Go to the link on the left side that says “Print Offer”. I do not recommend that you do this, as the eText is identical, and the Print Offer is expensive, but I leave this decision to you. 2. My Lecture Notes (gBook) There are three sources for the gBook (my Lecture notes) One source will be my actual online asynchronous “Lectures” in Canvas/Modules. These Lectures will follow closely the content in the Ragan eText. These Lectures are a video version of my notes, with a talk-over by me. The Lectures are free online inside Canvas/Modules. The second source will be the online asynchronous “Lectures Clean” in Canvas/Modules. These Lectures Clean are the same video version of my notes, without any talk-over. The Lectures Clean are also free online inside Canvas/Modules. I hope that this clean gBook can be used by you to prepare your own study notes. Finally, if you also wish a “hardcopy” of my notes (the gBook), you may purchase it from the UBC Bookstore. You may find it helpful to know that the gBook is being sold at cost, and will be cost effective and much easier for you than attempting to print out the material with your personal printer. This is the intent of providing the hardcopy notes at the UBC Bookstore. If you are out of the city, I believe you can request the UBC Bookstore to ship it to you. Alert: The current version of the “hardcopy” gBook is September 2021. This 2021 version has been updated approximately 20% from older versions. Note: I will not be providing a pdf version of the gBook.

© 2021 Robert G. Gateman All Rights Reserved


3. Power Point Slides These PPT slides follow closely the Lectures and Lectures Clean; you may find them useful. 4. 14-Day Trial MyLab (optional) You may use MyLab (eText etc) on a trial basis for 14 days. This is useful if you are having technical issues. However, you must purchase MyLab before the expiration of 14 days to save you work. Be Careful! If your Quizzes are lost, they are not retrievable. I do not recommend the use of this trial basis. 5 UBC Bookstore (optional) You may be able to purchase MyLab from the UBC bookstore; however, I do not recommend this. The UBC Bookstore is often slow. Given the circumstances at the moment, the safest way to purchase MyLab is from MASKS: Provincial Health Orders and UBC policy now mandate masks in all indoor public spaces on campus. These spaces include classrooms, residence halls, libraries, and common areas. Students who wish to request an exemption to the indoor mask mandate must do so based on one of the grounds for exemption detailed in the PHO Order on Face Coverings (COVID-19). Such requests must be made through the Center for Accessibility (Vancouver campus). After review, students that are approved for this accommodation will be provided with a letter of accommodation to share with faculty members teaching courses in which they are registered. In the intervening time, these students are welcome in the class. Mask wearing protects you as well as others in your environment. Let’s do everything we can as a community to stop the spread of this virus.

© 2021 Robert G. Gateman All Rights Reserved


HOW TO PURCHASE MYLAB: ECON101-006 Microeconomics MWF 1600

| MyLab | Econ Student Registration Instructions 1


1. Go to 2. Under Register, select Student. 3. Confirm you have the information needed, then select OK! Register now. 4. Enter your instructor’s course ID: gateman42001 and Continue. 5. Enter your existing Pearson account username and password to Sign In. You have an account if you have ever used a MyLab or Mastering product. » If you don’t have an account, select Create and complete the required fields.

6. Select an access option. » Enter the access code that came with your textbook or that you purchased separately from the bookstore. » If available for your course, • Buy access using a credit card or PayPal. • Get temporary access. If you're taking another semester of a course, you skip this step.

7. From the You're Done! page, select Go To My Courses. 8. On the My Courses page, select the course name Econ 101 to start your work. 2


1. Go to 2. Select Sign In. 3. Enter your Pearson account username and password, and Sign In. 4. Select the course name Econ 101 to start your work. 3


1. Go to 2. Select Sign In. 3. Enter your Pearson account username and password, and Sign In. 4. Select Upgrade access for Econ 101 5. Enter an access code or buy access with a credit card or PayPal. NOTE: CERTAIN ASSIGNMENTS ARE OPTIONAL AND WILL BE NOTED AS SUCH. OPTIONAL ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT INCLUDED IN THE FINAL GRADE.

© 2021 Robert G. Gateman All Rights Reserved


Dynamic Study Modules – learn faster: Dynamic Study Modules (DSM) are online learning tools that help students acquire course content more quickly and retain the information longer. Thirty minutes before a test, five minutes between classes, or an hour in the evening– Dynamic Study Modules can help you learn anytime, anywhere. For more information on how you can use DSM to improve your 1.

Available inside MyLabEconomics, click on the Dynamic Study Modules link on the navigational panel.


Click on the chapter you’d like to learn and then click ‘begin learning.’

© 2021 Robert G. Gateman All Rights Reserved



After opening Dynamic Study Modules in your MyLab, download the free app “MyLab / Mastering Dynamic Study Modules” to continue working on your phone or tablet.

© 2021 Robert G. Gateman All Rights Reserved


HOW TO PURCHASE MYLAB: ECON101-017 Microecnomics MWF 1100

| MyLab | Econ Student Registration Instructions 1.


9. Go to 10.Under Register, select Student. 11.Confirm you have the information needed, then select OK! Register now. 12.Enter your instructor’s course ID: gateman92486 and Continue. 13.Enter your existing Pearson account username and password to Sign In. You have an account if you have ever used a MyLab or Mastering product. » If you don’t have an account, select Create and complete the required fields.

14.Select an access option. » Enter the access code that came with your textbook or that you purchased separately from the bookstore. » If available for your course, • Buy access using a credit card or PayPal. • Get temporary access. If you're taking another semester of a course, you skip this step.

15.From the You're Done! page, select Go To My Courses. 16.On the My Courses page, select the course name Econ 101 to start your work. 2.


5. Go to 6. Select Sign In. 7. Enter your Pearson account username and password, and Sign In. 8. Select the course name Econ 101 to start your work. 3.


6. Go to 7. Select Sign In. 8. Enter your Pearson account username and password, and Sign In. 9. Select Upgrade access for Econ 101 10.Enter an access code or buy access with a credit card or PayPal.


© 2021 Robert G. Gateman All Rights Reserved


Dynamic Study Modules – learn faster: Dynamic Study Modules (DSM) are online learning tools that help students acquire course content more quickly and retain the information longer. Thirty minutes before a test, five minutes between classes, or an hour in the evening– Dynamic Study Modules can help you learn anytime, anywhere. For more information on how you can use DSM to improve your 1.

Available inside MyLabEconomics, click on the Dynamic Study Modules link on the navigational panel.


Click on the chapter you’d like to learn and then click ‘begin learning.’

© 2021 Robert G. Gateman All Rights Reserved



After opening Dynamic Study Modules in your MyLab, download the free app “MyLab / Mastering Dynamic Study Modules” to continue working on your phone or tablet.

© 2021 Robert G. Gateman All Rights Reserved


COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS: 1. You shall be required to have two devices, usually a laptop and smart phone/iPad. 2. You must test your equipment to ensure they are compatible by completing the Arts ISIT: Exam Practice Run. This is a practice “course” where you will find the Student Guide for invigilation, as well as a practice test (no marks obviously), just in case we have to move our exams online. ASSESSMENT METHODS: The final course grade will be determined according to the following weighting: Quizzes Mid-term Examination I Mid-term Examination II Final Examination TOTAL

10% (online in MyLab) 20% (F2F in a classroom) 30% (F2F in a classroom) 40% (F2F in a classroom) 100%

Midterms: are scheduled F2F, two Friday evenings, 1900 – 2000, rooms TBA. The midterms are scheduled to be hardcopy exams, in a classroom, on two Friday evenings. Midterm One: 8 October 1900-2000 Midterm Two: 5 November 1900-2000 You are required to ensure that, before 20 September, you do not have any conflict with these dates and that you are available to sit the exams as scheduled. Examples of conflicts include, but are not limited to, other courses, athletics, personal commitments and outside extra-curricular activities. If you have a known conflict, then you cannot register for this course. Final Exams and Standing Deferred Exams: finals will be cumulative, covering all the material studied in the course. The final exam for our course will be set sometime during the 11 – 22 December final exam period. The final exam will be scheduled by Enrolment Services and you will be notified by them of the date and time sometime mid term. As with midterms, the final exam will be conducted in a classroom with hardcopy exam papers. Please keep this time available until the Final Exam Schedule is posted. Exam Format: The format of the exams will be provided to you in due course. VSE Grading Practices: “In accordance with the VSE grading policy for 100-level courses, the average grade for this course will be between 67% and 71%. Grades may be curved upwards or downwards in order to ensure compliance with the policy.”

© 2021 Robert G. Gateman All Rights Reserved


LECTURES: The Canvas Lecture Series will be broadcast from the Queen Charlotte Studios, online in Canvas/Modules. The lectures will be organized by text chapter. Generally, we will cover one chapter per calendar week. The opening dates for the lectures will be staggered; each week the next chapter Lecture will be available. They will be available from the opening date until the end of the course. You can watch them anytime; this is a bonus in the sense that you have tremendous flexibility. The intent of this approach is to create an incentive for you to watch the lectures, read the material, and then do the quizzes. In short, keep up with the course. PLENARY LECTURES: Each Wednesday (except during the Study Break) I will hold an IN CLASS F2F Plenary Lecture in the regularly scheduled classroom. Attendance at these Plenary Lectures is expected. As a general format, I shall use this time to lecture on difficult or important topics, and discuss how to apply your new knowledge to a recent newspaper article. To accommodate startup issues, late arrivals and Covid19 concerns, I will stream and record these Plenary Lectures up to the Add/Drop Date of 20 September. PRACTICE EXERCISES: You will be expected, without notice, to complete the corresponding practice questions in MyLab after each chapter in the text is completed in the Canvas Lectures. You do not have to hand in the practice questions - i.e. no marks. ONLINE ASSIGNMENTS (i.e. QUIZZES): You will be expected, without notice, to complete the online Quiz after each chapter in the text is completed in the Canvas Lectures. The due dates are posted on MyLab and form part of this syllabus. These quizzes are worth 10% of your course grade and are found in MyLab. You will have two attempts; each attempt will be different randomized questions; the computer will save the highest score. Note that the two attempts are granted to allow you one free “crash”. If you have technical difficulties with the first attempt, please fix things before you try a second time. No further concessions are available.

© 2021 Robert G. Gateman All Rights Reserved


TUTORIALS (i.e. DISCUSSION GROUPS OR LABS): Before the first lecture, you will register in a tutorial which will be held for 50 minutes per week. If you have been unable to register for a tutorial through Student Services Centre (SSC) please keep trying. Switching Tutorials:

If you wish to switch tutorial groups, you must do it online before the “add/drop date”.

Rescheduled Tutorials: If a tutorial needs to be rescheduled, your TA will notify you on Canvas. Start Date for Tutorials: The second week of the course. Format:

The format will depend somewhat on the discretion of your TA, either F2F in a classroom, or via Zoom.


Your TA will assist you with your practice questions, Quizzes, administrative issues, and review concepts with which you are having difficulty


NEED HELP: Note: For security reasons, I do not communicate via ordinary email. Canvas/Inbox only. You are encouraged to consult with the professor/TA in any of the following manners: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

"Almost Live” Office Hours: Inbox and Discussions Tutorial/discussion hour: Teaching Assistant office hour: Teaching Assistant Inbox:

Zoom, TBA on Canvas in which you have registered announced by TA in first tutorial announced by TA in first tutorial

CONTACTING PROFESSOR: I communicate with all through Canvas/Inbox only. BASIC STEPS FOR SUCCESS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 4.

Watch the Canvas Lectures, then Read the eText, then Make notes, then Do some practice exercises, then Do the assignments/quizzes.

© 2021 Robert G. Gateman All Rights Reserved


COURSE OUTLINE: Every effort will be made to present the course in a manner that follows as closely as possible the structure established in the text. Of course, class needs and preferences as well as the uncertainties of Covid19 may dictate amendments to the following course outline; consequently, the professor reserves the right to alter this outline. STUDENT GUIDEBOOK AND EXPECTATIONS GUIDEBOOK: As well as this Syllabus, there is a Student Guidebook, an Expectations Guidebook and Announcements that are incorporated by reference into this syllabus. In other words, you are deemed to know and accept the information contained in these documents. CALENDAR OVERRIDE: If this syllabus is in conflict with the UBC calendar, the UBC calendar takes precedence. TIMES: All dates and times refer to Vancouver BC date and time. ALSO INCLUDED IN THIS SYLLABUS: Incorporated by reference in this syllabus are the following documents on Canvas: • • • • •

Student Guidebook Expectation Guidebook Instruction Modules on Canvas Quiz due dates on MyLab Announcements

COPYRIGHT: All rights are reserved to all material contained on the Canvas page and in the Plenary Lectures for this course, including but not limited to the Plenary Lectures, Lectures, Lectures Clean, Powerpoint Slides, Syllabus, Guides, Announcements, Discussions etc. No part of the material covered by the copyright for this course may be reproduced, transmitted, stored or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical – without the prior written permission of Pro...

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