Ecosystems - Grade: A PDF

Title Ecosystems - Grade: A
Course Biology 2 for Health Studies Majors
Institution University of the People
Pages 2
File Size 70.9 KB
File Type PDF
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According to Khan Academy (n.d.), ecosystems comprise a group of species and their physical surroundings, and they can be marine, aquatic, or terrestrial. Ecosystems with more biodiversity are more stable and have a greater tolerance and resilience to disruptions and destructive events. The National Geographic Society (2012) postulated that an ecosystem's components are interconnected, and when there is change, the organisms will either have to adapt or migrate to new habitats. The authors noted that there were numerous ecosystems in the tropical rain forest ecosystems surrounding the Amazon River in South America, including canopies, understories, and forest floors. The canopies are habitats where tall trees grow in search of sunlight, while other plants such as epiphytes grow directly on branches. Under the canopy lies the understory ecosystems that are humid and darker, where animals like monkeys live and consume fruits from trees; insects such as butterflies feed on the flowers that grow on the forest floor habitats and provide food for animals on the forest floor, such as spiders. The National Geographic Society (2012) posited that poor farmers in countries like Brazil, Venezuela, and Ecuador benefit from tree cutting to make room for agriculture to provide a stable income source. The authors noted scientists use the rain forest plants to make medicines, such as curare, a muscle relaxant, and quinine, a malaria medication, noting that the degradation will impede medicinal development. It is evident that regardless of your geographical location, rainforests are vital to the survival of all living things as they provide medicine, food, air, water, and shelter. If people continue to destroy the rainforests, the global climate crisis will leave the planet uninhabitable, as we need trees to absorb carbon from the atmosphere. We could protect the

ecological system by preserving the trees in our environment and lobbying for the protection of forests worldwide. According to WWF International (2019), the wood needed by the growing population can be satisfied if we farm trees, like any other crops, on cleared lands, especially where mining has taken place, as this would benefit local communities and economies. We also need to ensure that we consume responsibly by only purchasing sustainable products.

References Khan Academy. (n.d.). What is an ecosystem? Khan Academy. National Geographic Society. (2012). Ecosystem. National Geographic Society.

WWF International. (2019). How to preserve the tropical Forest? WWF International [Video]. YouTube..

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