EDUC 6733 Discussion on an overview of action research PDF

Title EDUC 6733 Discussion on an overview of action research
Course  Action Research for Educators
Institution Walden University
Pages 3
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Overview of action research and the role of action research in educational reform



Discussion Week 1 Action Research – A Different Kind of Research Q1 How do you currently involve traditional educational research in your work as an educator? According to Mertler (2017), Educational Research involves the application of the scientific method of research to find solutions to educational problems. When using traditional educational research, sources used to find answers include tradition, authority and common sense (Mertler, 2017). As an educator, I involve traditional educational research in my work by using grades from formative assessment tests, attendance records, notes and journalizing about student performance and behavior, classroom discussions, collaboration with colleagues and national examination test scores (Laureate, 2015). I have been operating a one-on-one tutoring center for the past seven years. So far I have been achieving very good results using the pre-assessment test as a form of educational research. As students are enrolled in the center by their parents, the first step in the process is for me to assess the student’s level of academic performance mainly in the areas of Oral Reading, Reading Comprehension, Writing Skills, Number Concept as well as Math Computation and Application. The results of the assessment give me an idea of where I need to begin my instructional focus with the student to bring him/her from the known to the unknown. This process, as I mentioned before, has proven so far to be effective as I have a high rate of students experiencing improvement in academic performance over a period of 3 months to a year as a result of the appropriate level of instruction being administered based on the pre-test results. Q2 – How might engagement in collaborative teacher inquiry/action research become a part of your current work as an educator? Collaborative teacher inquiry/action research involves gathering information on how schools operate, how teachers teach and how students learn (Mertler, 2017). One way in which engagement in collaborative teacher inquiry/action research has and will continue to become a part of my current work as an educator is when I make a greater effort to become involved in professional collaborative groups with a view of gaining insight from other colleagues that would help to inform my teaching. An example of this is when I was invited very recently to join a group of educators who were responsible for marking the English Language BGCSE national examination for 2018, in particular the essay question. The collaborative effort was called a coordination session where we discussed and agreed on the standards that would be used to grade essay papers to determine what was expected of an A, B, C, D, E, F or G paper. My reason for accepting this invitation and sitting in on this meeting was to understand what is expected at the national

examination level in order for students to be successful in achieving a high test score. My main intention is to use the data collected along with other research methods to help to inform my teaching in the subject area for the new school year. Q3 – What did you notice about the research methods used in the examples you read? In the action research examples I read, I noticed that a wide variety of research methods were used depending on the purpose of the study and the focus of the research question to be answered (Action Research Comparison Chart). Research methods included general and special enrollment records, G.P.A. and standardized test data, using student watching notes and clipboard, watching a 4 hour documentary, notes from communication with parents and discussion with students (Action Research Comparison Chart). Q4 – What role does research play in educational reform? Does that role shift or change base on the use of traditional research versus action research? Research plays a very important role in educational reform. Evidence based findings learnt through action research can lead to improvement in schools (Mertler, 2017). In action research study number 1, the teacher inquirer was able to use her findings to make significant strides as it relates to understanding what factors support black male students’ achievement in MMSD and what negatively impact their achievement. The teacher researcher was able to present her findings to various colleagues in the profession both inside and outside of the school district, have the voices of the students heard by sharing their responses from the interviews and lead school staff equity training so teachers are better able to serve more students in the school. The results of this research lead to the experience of positive outcomes in school achievement and climate interaction (Nguyen, 2007). While traditional research can be effective and lead to positive results, Action Research tend to involve a more systemic inquiry that has proven to be more beneficial and more effective in helping teacher practitioners to improve in the delivery of sound instruction as well as lead to overall school improvement (Mertler, 2017). Q5 – To what degree does promoting positive social change play a role in educational research? Educational Research can bring to light evidence-based information to inform about pressing concerns in the school, about teacher instructional methods and about student performance. Therefore, promoting positive social change play a role in educational research to a large degree. The findings of an educational research project can lead to the promotion of positive social change as was seen in Action Research Study 1. The findings of the study, once shared in various forums led not only to improved school achievement but also to a more positive school climate to the extent that student forums were initiated and motivated to address diversity issues (Nguyen, 2007).

References Action Research Comparison Chart Laureate, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2015c). Pick-a-researcher, Week 1-introduction [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Mertler, C. A. (2017). Action research: Improving schools and empowering educators (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Nguyen, Q.T. (2007). Understanding high school black male students’ achievement and school experiences. In C. Caro-Bruce, R. Flessner, M. Klehr, & K. Zeichner (Eds), Creating equitable classrooms through action research (pp. 100-124). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press....

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