Educational Journey Map PDF

Title Educational Journey Map
Author kelsey rosado
Course Introduction to Communication
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 6
File Size 625.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 98
Total Views 143


Journey map...


Filling out your Educational Journey Map To make your life easier, follow these steps to fill out and save your Educational Journey Map as you work through it during the course: 1. Make sure you are opening the Educational Journey Map in Adobe. The Journey Map will not save or function properly without Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. If you haven’t already downloaded this free software here is the link 2. After you’ve entered anything into the PDF, always remember to save it to your device!

My Educational Journey Map ABOUT ME

Respond to the questions in the spaces provided. You will present this document in your final video assignment. This page should be completed right away, but you’ll fill out the rest as you work through the course.

Why are you at Academy and why now? I'm at WGU because I want t o help my husband wit h his new business and also make new opport unit ies for myself .

When do you plan to graduate from Academy? I plan on graduat ing from t he academy right af t er PACA is f inished.

What/Who is your motivation? M y kids and my husband give me mot ivat ion.

MY SUPPORT SYSTEM My support system includes: M y husband and my f riends are my support syst em.

Type your favorite inspirational or motivational quote here: Don't let yest erday t ake up t oo much of t oday.


Topic 2:

Understanding and Managing Emotions

First, write your self-discovery assessment score in the box provided and then write 2-3 sentences about what your score means to you. Next, write a 2-3 sentence summary describing an example of how you managed your emotions in the past and an example of how you might use what you’ve learned in this course to manage your emotions in the present. Score M y score has given me posit ive reinf orcement . I have always seen myself as an emot ionally int ellect ual person.



In t he past I have dealt wit h emot ionally dist ressed pat ient s working at a podiat rist of f ice. I always use empat hy and do no t ake t he pat ient s at t it ude personally. It had made my work days bet t er as well as t he pat ient s.

Thinking bef ore you act and really t rying t o put yourself in t he ot her person's shoes can really change t he out come of a

Present conf lict . On a scale of 1-5, how important is it to you to improve your ability to manage your emotions? Not Important

Very Important




On a scale of 1-5, how confident are you in your ability to improve the skill of managing your emotions? Not Confident

Very Confident


Topic 3:




First, write your self-discovery assessment score in the box provided and then write 2-3 sentences about what your score means to you. Next, write a 2-3 sentence summary describing an example that represents your self-efficacy in the past and an example of how you might use what you learned in this course to improve your self-efficacy in the present. Score I f eel I have a good underst anding of t his concept but as most people do, I have self doubt at t imes.



In t he past I have dealt wit h depression and it can be a hard place t o get out of . Negat ive t hinking has never helped me in t he past and I regret not being able t o pull myself out of t hat st at e sooner.

I f eel t hat t his class has helped me t o reinf orce posit ive t hinking and hopef ully t his will help me t hrough out t he rest of my

Present classes. On a scale of 1-5, how important is it to you to improve your self-efficacy? Not Important

Very Important




On a scale of 1-5, how confident are you in your ability to improve your self-efficacy? Not Confident

Very Confident





Topic 4:

IMPACT OF BIAS Describe a time when you experienced bias directed towards you: I have experienced bias f or being a woman in t he past , it has never f elt good t o be t reat ed dif f erent ly

Describe two strategies you will use to decrease bias toward others: We are all people and I don't t hink our appearances make us who we are. I also will t hink how being judged by my appearance has made me f eel, t heref ore I will t hink bef ore doing t hat t o someone else.

How will these two strategies, used to decrease your bias, impact your communication skills? I f eel like t his will make people more comf ort able opening up t o me in cert ain sit uat ions.


Topic 5:

Communication Skills

First, write your self-discovery assessment score in the box provided and then write 2-3 sentences about what your score means to you. Next, write a 2-3 sentence summary describing an example of how you’ve communicated in the past and how you might use what you’ve learned in this course to improve your communication skills in the present. Score

M y score represent s how I f eel I am at communicat ing.



In t he past I have always been a good list ener. At t imes I shut down inst ead of voicing my opinions, but I realize t hat t his isn't t he healt hiest t hing t o do f or my personal relat ionships.

I f eel t hat I am more aware of t he way I communicat e. I plan on communicat ing my f eelings more of t en and doing so in a

Present nvc way. On a scale of 1-5, how important is it to you to improve your ability to communicate? Not Important

Very Important




On a scale of 1-5, how confident are you in your ability to improve your communication skills? Not Confident

Very Confident


Topic 6:



Interpersonal Skills

First, write your self-discovery assessment score in the box provided and then write 2-3 sentences about what your score means to you. Next, write a 2-3 sentence summary describing an example of your conflict management skills in the past and how you might use what you’ve learned in this course to improve your conflict management skills in the present. Score



The score means t hat I am pret t y aware of what conf lict management skills are right . Though I do need t o work on some o t hose st rat egies.

In t he past I've shut down or exploded when I should of react ed dif f erent ly. It can be harder for me t o cont rol my emot ion when I'm having a conf lict wit h a loved one.

Now I plan t o express myself in a less aggressive way and t o t ry t o use more I st at ement s I inst ead of you st at ement s.

Present On a scale of 1-5, how important is it to you to improve your interpersonal skills? Not Important

Very Important




On a scale of 1-5, how confident are you in your ability to improve your interpersonal skills? Not Confident

Very Confident





Setting Goals

6. My Ultimate Goal M y ult imat e goal is t o graduat e f rom WGU and st art my new career.

5. Two Strategies to Bounce Back from Challenges/Failure M y support group will be cheering my on t o push f orward. The self -ef f icacy st rat egies I've learned will help me t o keep pushing f orward.

4. Resources I Need & Who Can Help Me I need t he int ernet and t ime wit hout dist ract ion. My husband can help by wat ching t he kids at t imes.

3. Adding Evaluation & Reward I will evaluat e my progress wit h every class I complet e and I will reward myself wit h shopping every t ime I complet e a class.

2. SMART Goal Graduat ing WGU wit h a business management degree

1. Why Statement I want t o bet t er myself and t o give my family a bet t er lif e.


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