EE362K Su20 Exam3 - just some docs for the course not very helpful but might as well upload PDF

Title EE362K Su20 Exam3 - just some docs for the course not very helpful but might as well upload
Course Latino/a Literature
Institution Texas A&M University
Pages 11
File Size 602.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 84
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just some docs for the course not very helpful but might as well upload...


Exam 3  This is a preview of the draft version of the quiz Started: Jul 26 at 7:09pm

Quiz Instructions Question 1

0 pts

This Exam requires 20 answers, each worth 5 points. Several of the questions are asking you to submit a numerical answer. If not otherwise specified, provide your decimal answer to 3 decimal places (i.e., No class notes, books, homework assignments, or other materials are allowed. A TI-30 type calculator may be used. You MAY use a TI-83, TI-84, TI NSpire programmable calculator as long as the programming memory is cleared. You CANNOT use MATLAB or similar type application. You have 70 minutes to complete the exam. Maximum score is 100 points. You can use the formula sheet provided on Canvas: EE362k_Formula_Sheet.pdf As always, try to MAXIMIZE your points by answering the easy questions first. After you have submitted your exam, photo/scan your scratch work and submit to Canvas in the Exam 3 Scratch Work assignment. Below, acknowledge that you understand these instructions.

I understand these instructions

Question 2 A system is described by the ODE:

What is the gain (not the DC gain) of this system?

5 pts

Question 3

5 pts

A system is described by the ODE:

If the system's input is a unit-step,

If the value is positive infinity, enter

, what will be the final value of

That is, what is


If the value is negative infinity, enter


Question 4

5 pts

A system is described by the transfer function

By partial fraction expansion, it can be expressed as

If the system's input is an impulse,

If the value is positive infinity, enter If the value is negative infinity, enter

Question 5 The plant transfer function

is used in the unity-feedback topology:

, what will be the final value of

That is, what is

. .

5 pts

Find the system transfer function,


, the poles have moved to a new location in the s-plane.

Provide the value for the more positive pole


Hint, the pole is real-valued.

Question 6

5 pts

Given the transfer function

If each eigenvalue is generally expressed as

What is the value of the damping ratio (zeta)

Question 7 Given the transfer function

If each eigenvalue is generally expressed as

What is the value of the undamped natural frequency,

5 pts

Question 8

5 pts

Given the transfer function

If each eigenvalue is generally expressed as

What is the value of the damped natural frequency,

Question 9

5 pts

Given the 2nd-order plant transfer function

If the plant is used in a unity-feedback topology

Using Routh's Stability Criterion, what positive value of neutrally-stable? If there is not a positive value of

will result in the overall system being

that can be found, enter


Question 10 Your control system exhibits the following output response due to a unit-step input:

5 pts

What can be said about the system type?

The system type is 0 The system type is 1 The system type is 2 The system type is greater than 2 Cannot determine the system type from the information given

Question 11

5 pts

Continuing with the above problem, your control system exhibits the following output response due to a unit-step input:

The data shows that the steady-state output is exactly


What is the position error constant,

Question 12

5 pts

A different control system now exhibits the following output response due to a unit-ramp input:

You note that the output amplitude at 10 seconds is exactly


Based on this information, what is the steady-state error due to a unit-step input?

Question 13

5 pts

Continuing with the above problem, the control system exhibits the following output response due to a unit-ramp input:

You note that the output amplitude at 10 seconds is exactly


Based on this information, what is the velocity error constant,

Question 14

5 pts

Continuing with the above problem, the control system exhibits the following output response due to a unit-ramp input:

If the input is changed to an acceleration input (

), what is the minimum number of additional

integrators needed such that the resulting steady-state error is zero?

Question 15

5 pts

Given the plant transfer function

If using a P-controller,

, what positive value of

Hint: use the root-locus rules to help you determine If there is not a positive value of

will stabilize the system?


that can be found, enter


Question 16

5 pts

Given the plant transfer function

If using a P-controller,

, what positive value of

will move one of those poles to

Hint: use the root-locus rules to help you determine If there is not a positive value of


that can be found, enter


Question 17

5 pts

Given the plant transfer function

If using a P-controller, , what positive value of will move both original poles back onto the real axis resulting in a double-pole at that location? This is the point where the loci "rejoins" the real axis. If there is not a positive value of

that can be found, enter


Question 18

5 pts

Given the plant transfer function

If using a P-controller,

, what positive value of

Hint: use the root-locus rules to help you determine If there is not a positive value of

Question 19 Given the plant transfer function

will move one of those poles to


that can be found, enter


5 pts

If using a P-controller, frequency,

, what positive value of

is needed such that the undamped natural

Hint: use the canonical form of the 2nd-order ODE to help you. If there is not a positive value of

that can be found, enter


Question 20

5 pts

Given the plant transfer function

If using a P-controller,

, what positive value of

will make the system neutrally-stable?

Hint: use the root-locus rules and Routh's to help you determine If there is not a positive value of

that can be found, enter

. .

Question 21

5 pts

Given the plant transfer function

If using a P-controller,

, what positive value of

will make the system neutrally-stable?

Hint: use the root-locus rules and Routh's to help you determine If there is not a positive value of

Question 22

that can be found, enter

. .

0 pts

Before submitting Go back and double-check your results. DO NOT share your answers with other students... that is a violation of Academic Integrity... see the syllabus page 4 for the Policy on Academic Integrity. Per department rules, I must report violations to the University's Dean of Students. There may be other students still taking the exam after you nished. You can discuss the exam with others once the exam results get published, but not before.

Don't forget to push the SUBMIT QUIZ button.

I understand NOT to discuss this exam -- AND -- I will UPLOAD my scratch work to Canvas shortly I DO NOT want to comply and I will accept a 0 for this exam

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